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I opened up the chat the other three Try Guys and I had from the first day but hadn't really used much. I hadn't even really told anyone besides Ned that we were letting our walls down, and that was because he'd asked. 

Me: Eugene asked me on a date! Like a real date!

Keith H: Yaaaaaay! It's about time he got himself a stable girl.

Ned F: Maybe he'll stop giving me crap about talking about Ariel. 

Zach K: What are you guys gonna do?

Me: Guys, calm down, it's one date, we're not going to Vegas and getting married or anything. && We're going for drinks.

Ned F: Try not to call me with him in your bed the next morning, please?

Me: NED!!!!!!!!

Ned F: Kidding!!!!!! I'd want details :p

Me: Oml. I'm not gonna sleep with him on the first date. I'm most definitely going to be a responsible drinker tonight, and if we kiss, it'll be while we're both sober.
Me: Besides, my Knight in Shining Armor won't be there to drive me home :p

Ned F: Yeah, but you know I'm only a call away.

Zach K: We all are <3

Keith H: we gotchu, boo.

Zach K: Keith, it's only cool when Eugene says that. And even then it's not that cool.

Keith H: :( 

Me: Awwww Keith <3 the sentiment is there. You guys are the best. Xo.

I finished my work for the day, and headed home, grabbing food on the way so I didn't make the same mistake as last time. We said drinks, not dinner, so it was a safe assumption. I showered, and got dressed in something that would look nice, appropriate for a bar or club, but wasn't quite as sexual as the other times we went out. I put on dark high waisted jeans, with a black long sleeve shirt that would show some cleavage but not a crazy amount. Enough to tease, without looking like a ho. (Outfit:

I texted him my address when he asked, and put my hair up in a high ponytail, giving it some wild curls, putting most the focus on a dark eye, and light red lip. I accessorized and pulled on a pair of short boot heels when I heard the door.

Heading into the living room, I opened the door to find Eugene looking dapper as ever. He had on jeans with a white t-shirt but pulled a blazer over it so it looked dressy without being too much. I'd seen him wear suits to the office before, but I liked this. 

"Hey. You look beautiful,"  he complimented.

I flushed at that. "Thanks. You look pretty great yourself," I said, grabbing my bag and stepped outside, locking the door behind me.

We went over to his car and he opened the door for me, and I thanked him, getting inside.

It was a little weird at the idea we were actually on a date, but I was also excited. There had been different questions throughout the past few weeks, and now maybe there would be some real answers. 

I started to hear music coming from my purse and reached down to grab it, seeing Bossman flash over the screen and showed Eugene so he knew who it was before I answered. 

"Hey, Bossman," I greeted, something I called our boss to be cheeky. 

"Hey, Y/N. There's not an official word yet 'cause it has to go through a few more people, but from what I've seen, your video should be good to go. Great work," he told me.

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