Admiration and Courage [Big Bang GD]

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Admiration and Courage

Characters: Eun Ri an Big Bang's G-Dragon

Genre: romance

Author: Audrey ^^

P.s: Sorry for the long wait, I hope you liked it! :)

Author's POV

Eunri sat silently on her desk as she continued writing the notes off the board. Chemistry was her least favourite subject, because it requires lots of writing and note taking. But she did it anyway with the hope of her high school crush to approach her and borrow her notes again, only to look for her and return it again the next morning. That's the routine. The only reason why she would write the notes down, otherwise she won't even bother. But to say that Kwon Ji Yong, otherwise known as G-dragon, is her high school crush is absolutely an understatement. It's gone past the crush state now, it's probably almost exceeding love too. The feelings that she's kept for him since years is just so unbearable. Sometimes she just felt like bursting out and shouting her feelings to him. But what if she just ends up being laughed on? Sure he was nice to her and not to mention, very caring. But what if it's just as a friendly gesture? She'll embarrass the hell out of herself that way. Nonetheless, she will keep trying. But now, she just has to write a bit more neatly so that he will be able to read her writing. Even she willed herself to change her handwriting to be more neater just for him. That's how much she loved him.

G-Dragon sighed and admired how her fingers gripped the pen, how her hand move flawlessly to form that beautiful cursive writing. He soon snapped out because his seat mate, Chanyeol nudged his arm, telling him to continue writing the notes on the board. Of course he writes the notes every time they're in chem. But he borrows the notes from Eunri anyway only to study, looking at her beautiful handwriting. Also another reason why he borrows it from Eunri is because he wanted to talk to her and had no other reasons, and so he reasoned to her, saying that he didn't get what the teacher was talking about so instead of taking notes, he spent time reading the text book.

When the bell rang and everyone scurried away, G-Dragon always got up his seat last and tapped the shoulder of the certain girl in front of him. Eunri turned around and smiled at him, knowing that he wants her notes once more.

"Um, Hi, Eunri," he stammered and mentally slapped himself because of that.

"Hi G-Dragon-ssi," she greeted back and his heart felt like it's about to jump out of his chest when she said his name. Her heart did the same, whenever he tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"Notes?" she asked and gave her notebook to him.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you," he chuckled nervously and her stomach did backflips. She wished that he meant it not in the friendly way. As in, he can't possibly live without her presence around him. But again, just imagination.

"Ahaha, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," she replied and smiled. He wished that she will never go away. But he knew it's not long until a guy eventually mans up and ask her out. She's beautiful. A beautiful girl like her has lots of admirers. They shared one last smile to each other and they bade goodbye before parting ways.

"Look at that guy," Tao gestured to GD who is violently stabbing his meat.

"Are you going to eat that or not?" Kai asked and nudged him.

"Look at that guy, who does he think he is? Talking to Eunri like they're close," GD said with grudge in his voice.

"That's why, you go get some man in you and ask her out right now," D.O said and they all rolled their eyes.

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