Sparks [Z.Tao]

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Characters: Kayla and Z.Tao

Genre: Romance

Author: Audrey :)

P/S: I'm sorry if it took ages and I hope you like it ^^


Z.Tao's POV

I held my sketch pad as I played around with my pencil.

"Draw something, something that you love, that sparks something inside of you, find it and draw it" Professor Go's words rang inside my head in repeat.

My eyes darted to the cherry blossoms, in hopes that it sparks something inside of me. My eyes darted to the sky, hoping the same thing. Well I could just make it up. I raked my hair, that would be the last thing I want to do.

I closed my eyes and sighed, and sighed again. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me open my eyes and turn.

"Are you okay? You look like you're troubled," I looked into the warmest pair of chocolate eyes.

And something sparked inside of me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just-in lack of inspiration," and then she noticed my sketch pad and pencil.

"You're from the art department!" She said happily and I nodded, her beam brightened up even more.

"What are you supposed to draw?" She asked as she took a seat next to me on the bench.

"I'm supposed to draw-" I paused, she looked at me in anticipation, "actually, can I draw you?"

"Me?" She asked and pointed to herself.

"Yes, you," I smiled and she smiled back.

"Sure, where do you want me?" She stood up and I grabbed her wrist to make her sit back down.

"Don't you want to get the pretty cherry blossoms?" She questioned and I chuckled.

"What for? The beauty I need is right here," I smiled and she turned away from me, I could see the tinge of rose pink tinting her cheeks.

"Thank you," she said shyly before I started drawing.


And until today she still sparks something inside of me.

As we walk down the sidewalk, we held hands. Our fingers interlaced with each other and she swung our hands back and forth.

"Tao do you want to get some ice cream?" She asked and I turned to her smiling.

"Sure," I answered and her chocolate eyes lit up even brighter than before.

"Ice cream would help cool down my hotness," I added and she rolled her eyes, slapping my arm.

"Your self confidence is so high, I'm scared it will suddenly trip and fall on yourself," Kayla shook her head and my hands grabbed her waist, swinging her around and tickling her.

"You're savage!" She glared once we were back to walking.

"Am I? But you still love me anyway," I smirked as I held the door to the ice cream shop open for her.

"Let me try," I said and she turned away with the ice cream cone.

"Zitao, you know I don't share ice cream with anyone," she glanced at me with a smirk.

I chuckled and placed two fingers under her chin to turn her head my way and placed my lips on hers. I swiped my tongue across her lips and I knew she was shocked and I pulled away.

"Sweet, or maybe it's just your lips," I smiled and she pouted.

"Yah!" She smacked her ice cream on my nose. And I smacked mine on her nose she gasped dramatically before the two of us broke into laughter.


"Tao hurry!" She was literally bouncing on her spot as I took of my shirt and chucked it in the locker before closing it.

"Which water slide do you want to ride first?" She asked, our fingers interlaced.

"What about the black Abyss?" I suggested and she grinned.

"And after we go to the racing one?" Kayla said and I nodded, she grinned.

As I walked out of the men's toilet, I walked over to the row of lockers. She was there, looking into the locker, probably trying to find her purse in there. A few meters away from her, a few guys were standing around, eyeing her. I glared at them and when she moved up to turn to find me, I expected those guys to divert their gazes but their eyes only travelled even more.

"Tao-yah," she chirped and kissed my cheek. My anger melted, knowing that she displayed her affection towards me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pecked her, making sure those guys know that she is very much taken.

"What was that for?" She whispered, giggling cutely.

"So people know that you, sweetheart," I tapped her nose and she crinkled it cutely, "is off limits."


And even though we fight too.

"Oh you know what Jongdae! Maybe you should have drawn her instead of me that day we first met! Because she certainly made you feel something right?" She was angry. I could see imaginary fumes coming out of her ears.

"Kayla, please be rational here-"

"No I'm sick of it! How many more hours do you have to spend alone with those girls?! They're clearly drooling over you, you dumb ass!" She yelled and slammed the door shut.

"Please, babe, Kayla..." I said softly as I knocked on the door.

"Am I not enough for you?!" She yelled and I got the master key from the top of the door frame.

"Please, I'm sorry, I promise that I will take care of you and our baby! I hadn't realised-" I pleaded and she looked at me from the bed.

"Y-you k-know?" She stammered and I rushed up to her to take her into my arms.

"Yes, yes sweetheart I know," I stroked her hair with one hand, the other resting on her stomach where our baby is living.

"I-I'm just scared, I'm scared that you'll eventually realise that I'm not good enough for you and you'll leave me; and our child will grow up without-"

"Shh, that's not going to happen, I can assure you that, you're my wife remember?" I smiled at her and she sniffed.

"I will stop drawing other girls, no more drawing girls except for you or our baby," I kissed her forehead softly.

And even after everything we've been through, every time I look at her, it feels like it's the first time seeing her. The thumping heart and the sparks.

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