Broken Promises [EXO Suho]

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Broken Promises

Characters: Annie and EXO's Suho

Genre: Sad

Author: Audrey ^^

P/S: Sorry if it doesn't meet up to your expectations!!

Annie's POV

I stretched my legs out and stifled a yawn. I sat up and started tidying up my messy bed, still with half-asleep eyes. By the time I finished making my bed, my eyes are already awake, ready to face the normal and boring routines in the morning.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I stood in front of the full body length mirror and studied my appearance. My hair unbrushed, curly like wild flowers. I changed into a more colourful wardrobe and brushed my hair before examining myself on the mirror one last time and smiled to myself in satisfaction.

As soon as I got to my class, I sat on my usual spot by the window. Even though we don't have assigned seats the students still have their own little spot. Immediately I felt bored when I stared at the dull colours of the classroom, this classroom needs to be more bright in colour or maybe this class needs more enthusiastic people, like Kai. If only Kai was here, I wouldn't be so alone.

When the bell rang indicating that the period is over, I packed up all my stuff and immediately walked out of the classroom. As I approach the gates, a sudden tap on my shoulder was felt and I turned around finding a guy smiling sheepishly at me. "May I help you, Kris?" I asked sarcastically, I already knew what he wanted from the beginning.

"Uh... Haha... Hey Annie," he waved awkwardly and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Tell me which set of notes do you want," I said, feeling unimpressed at his efforts in studying.

"Ahaha! I need the notes from the last lesson," he said and I searched in my bag before handing it to him.

"Thank you Annie! I promise you I won't borrow your notes tomorrow!" he said and walked away.

"Don't promise if you can't keep it!" I don't like people who break their promises. It's just low.

I sat on the carpeted floor, tucking my legs under the living room table. I'm living alone in a small apartment.

I was in the middle of focusing on my homework when I heard a gentle yet clear knock on the door. I quickly stood up, hitting my knee on the edge of the table during the process and winced in pain. I opened the door to find the person I've been wishing all day for. The sunshine in my rainy days, Suho.

Suho trudged inside my house with a smile decorating his lips. He rummaged through my pantry and took out packets of chips and bottles of soda. I heaved a sigh at his actions and he looked at me with questioning eyes.

"You came here only to empty my pantry?" I asked and he just smiled sweetly.

"That's what best friends are for right?" he asked back and I walked away from him. Best friends? Just best friends?

"Yeah sure Suho. Whatever floats your boat," I shouted a reply and continued on with my homework, with him sitting opposite me. Staring at me every now and then.

Soon after we decided that we should go buy some dinner. We came back with endless amount of plastic bags in our hands. Suho slammed the door with his foot and we placed all the food on the kitchen counter.

"If I'm not here, what would you eat for dinner?" he asked suddenly and I turned to him with suspicion in my eyes.

"I won't eat. I refuse to eat dinner alone," I answered and he slapped my army lightly.

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