Valentine [EXO Chanyeol]

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Characters: You and EXO's Chanyeol

Genre: romance

Author Audrey ^^

P.s: sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy this! :)

Author's POV

You stared at the cold steak on your plate before drifting your eyes back to the watch around your wrist. It's been two hours and he's not here yet.

"I'm sorry miss, you have to go, we've got to close," the waitress said and you smiled at her, giving your credit card and paid for everything. Although it was not expensive.

"Thank you, I hope you'll come again," she said and opened the door of the private room for me. Yeah, we even reserved a private room.

You walked out, clutching on your coat. It was cold. A very cold Valentines day. He said he'll be late for a couple of minutes. I guess his couple of minutes means couple of hours. You slowly walked back to your apartment and stopped in your tracks when you saw who's standing just a few meters away from your feet, wearing a suit.

"Jagi, why-"

"Have you seen the time? They're closing," You answered hastily and he sighed before placing his hands on his knees.

"God I'm so sorry," he said as you walked past him, unfazed.

"There's no need to be sorry," you replied and turned your body in an angle to look at him.

"If, you don't love me anymore. Might as well break up with me," you said and sighed before giving him a half smile. Immediately when the words left your lips, you wanted to take it back.

"Good bye, Park Chanyeol. Thank you for giving me those wonderful three years," you said and he panicked.

"No, no! Please," he begged and held your shoulders before turning you around. You studied him, he looks different.

"I've had a bad enough day and I don't want to loose you too," he said softly and his breathing became short and sharp. You cupped his cheeks softly as his arms trailed down to wrap around your little waist. You haven't gotten a chance to see him this past week, and you certainly haven't seen him so close to yourself for a while. Even with the dim lighting, you can still see his usual rose coloured lips turning pale. His cheeks also turned pale, not to mention it was burning.

"Chanyeol, are you sick?" You asked in worry and he looked up to your eyes, shaking his head.

"Chanyeol don't lie to me," You said worriedly and he sighed.

"It's just a normal cold," he answered and your eyes widen in worry.

"What if you faint here?" you asked and he smiled.

"Then don't leave me," he said and you shook your head, dragging him back to our shared apartment.

His body was weak and limp, he had no energy to even close the door. He interlaced your fingers and you ordered him to sit on the couch.

"Have you been practicing until late?" You interrogated and he shrugged.

"Only on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday," he said and you gave him an unimpressed look.

"Yeol, what did I tell you about over working?" You said and he smiled.

"I know, but I had to perfect everything," he said before laying down on your lap.

"You're so stubborn," you sighed out and stroked his hair.

"Go and sleep Channie."

"I will," he said and looked up at your mesmerising eyes, you smiled before kissing his forehead.

"Good night," and he buried his face against your lap.

Chanyeol woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and definitely better than the other days. And he knew the reason why. By being able to fall asleep next to his girlfriend makes him happy. He opened his eyes and was met with his asleep girlfriend. He was still laying on your lap, he was shocked. He thought you would just go to the room and sleep, leaving him alone on the couch. You were still sitting, one of your hands in his messy hair and the other one was folded. You looked like an angel. He got up, letting your arm drop to your lap. He sat next to you and carefully put you across his lap. You were still wearing that beautiful dress. It was white and it falls up to your knees. It fitted perfectly to you, hugging every curve at the right places. He found himself mesmerised by your beauty once again. And then it hit him, yesterday was valentines day. He muttered a low curse before standing up slowly, placing a pillow in exchange of his lap. He took off his blazer and placed it over you. He grabbed his keys and wallet before running out of the apartment, still wearing his suit.

You woke up, laying on the couch. You furrowed your eyebrows, holding his blazer. He left, again. You sighed in disappointment before deciding to take a shower and change. After taking a shower and getting into a set of comfortable clothes, you looked at your reflection. You're not beautiful, nor are you hot. He has every reason to leave you.

"He really doesn't love you anymore," you said to yourself and sighed, you cried silently. If he wanted to break up at least don't do it after valentine. You don't know if he still cares for you or what. All you wanted right now is to be in his hug. Even so you walked out to the kitchen and started eating ice cream in this very depressing start of the day.

In the middle of enjoying the combination of depression and ice cream, the door clicked open. Footsteps was heard and you wondered. Is it Chanyeol? Soon enough Chanyeol turned to the kitchen and gasped in shock.

"Gah!" he half shouted and you jumped backwards, hitting you hip bone on the kitchen counter.

"Ow!!" you cringed and he turned worried.

"Aye, you. Why are you up so early?" he walked over to you, rubbing circles on your hip bone.

"Why did you shout!" you complained, hitting his chest. You then realised that he was still wearing his suit without his blazer. Because he left it earlier.

"I-I thought you left," you turned around and started eating again casually. Even though your heart is calling you a moron right now.

"Why would I leave?" he asked in confusion. He's so dumbfounded. Not that he always have a clue every time, but he's just clueless of your words and behaviour right now.

"Nevermind," you were about to walk away when he grabbed your wrist, turned you around and immediately pinned you against the cupboards.

"I woke up, and I went to buy you flowers," he said and your eyes widened.

"W-why would you do that?"

"Yesterday was valentines day remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"So... Happy valentines day," he said and reached for the flower on the table, giving it to you.

"Yeol, you don't have to. You're still sick," you said caringly and cupped his cheek before leaning in to brush your noses together.

"I'm sorry I got you worried," he muttered guiltily and you just smiled. He does care about you and that's enough.

"Oh and, this is your real valentines day present," he said as he took out a small box with a silver bracelet in it.

"Chanyeol," you sighed in admiration and he wrapped the bracelet around your wrist. You pulled him into a hug and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, smelling the scent of your sweet perfume.

"I don't get a kiss?" he pouted when you pulled away. You laughed and shook your head.

"Because you're sick, that's why you don't overwork yourself, understand?" you said and he pouted even more.

"Aw, kkaebsong..." and leaned in to kiss your nose.

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