Hugs, Kisses and No Time [GOT7 Mark]

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Hugs, Kisses and No Time

Characters: Biyella and Got7's Mark
Genre: Sad/happy
Author: Audrey ^^

P.s: I'm sorry that it took so long! I hope you enjoy this! :)

Biyella's POV

I sat on a bench at Han River. Today was our anniversary and my boyfriend had told me to wait at Han River for him. I was extremely happy that he made time for this little meeting during our anniversary despite his busy schedule. Well I was happy until I realized I've been waiting for him in the cold for almost 4 hours. It was already 10 but maybe he's running late..? So I decided to wait for him.

It was well past 12 when I started walking back home. Am I the only one trying in this relationship? He's not even caring about me. Not a single call has been picked up and not a single text have been replied. Well I think he doesn't care about me anymore. But really? Why on our 3rd anniversary? I tried my best to hold the tears in but I just can't anymore to the point my vision got blurred by the amount of tears I'm holding in my eyes. So I just let it flow out carelessly down my cheeks and hitting the cold driveway as I walk towards our shared apartment.

I unlocked the door revealing the dark and empty apartment. I took off my shoes before walking past a table with our pictures on it.
"What an asshole," I said as I cover each and every one of them so that I don't cry more even though my storage of tears are already dried up. All dried up for a man that doesn't even care about me.

I walked towards the bedroom and changed to my pajamas before sitting on the bed, what should I do? He hasn't been home for ages and I'm more than sure that he's not going to come home today either. I can't live like this anymore. I moved to the living room and stared at it. Nobody was ever there for me only this small purple diary. I opened it slowly revealing our picture stuck to the first page. I ripped the page and scrunched it up before throwing it just outside the trash can. However I couldn't be bothered to pick it up and throw it away properly.

Mark's POV

"Manager hyung I need to go!" I said as he laughed out loud. He's totally wasted.
"Why? The party is still on, and we don't have schedules tomorrow," he said as he handed me a drink. I facepalmed myself and sighed. Our company held a party tonight. Out of all nights it just has to be tonight. I couldn't get out of the party. I need to go so badly.
"Hyung I need to sleep, I'll go, Annyeong," I said and bowed a little before leaving the place and running crazily to Han River. I glanced at the clock and my eyes nearly jump out of their sockets. It's 1am. I am so screwed. I ran faster and when I arrived there it was empty. I don't blame her for going home already. Then I sprinted all the way to our shared apartment.

I unlocked the door silently and walked in before taking my shoes off next to her shoes. I can tell that she's in her room, probably sleeping. I walked past a small table and frowned at the sight of our pictures all covered up. Then I spotted a sparkly purple book sitting silently on the table and a scrunched up piece of paper near my foot. I picked it up before straightening it and it revealed a picture of us making funny faces together. Did she throw it away? Then unconsciously I walked over to the table and started reading the pages of this book. Since when did she start having a Diary? Then I read the latest entry.

'Dear diary.
I think you're the only one that really listens to me every day huh. Wow it's funny because I'd expect Mark to be the first with my friends coming second. I never wanted to have a diary before and at the beginning I don't know if it was a right choice just writing out how you feel. But now I'm beginning to think that I should be going out with my own diary instead. Lol. Mark ditch me today in Han River. We were supposed to have a meeting together for our anniversary. 3rd year. But now it's well past midnight and I'm home. I've been waiting since 6 and now I feel like I'm more than starving. He said that he'll take me out to dinner but now I don't know if I can believe his words anymore. Tsc... Oh dear diary. I think I'm going to go crazy because of great depression and stress if you're not here for me right now. Maybe when I also go through my heartbreak. I don't think this relationship is working at all. I don't think I'll ever love anymore after that. I'm scared, so so scared of love. It's a powerful thing you know, it can change people. Well anyway... Good night.'

I was wrong and I knew that. I should've known better and be there for her more. She even said she's rather date the diary than me. I can hear my heart breaking into pieces and tears curtained my eyes. I've done so many things, but this is so far by the worst thing I've ever done to the person I love and care about the most. What am I? What kind of boyfriend am I?

Then I heard footsteps coming from the rooms and suddenly the kitchen light brightens. I turned to the direction of the kitchen and listened for any sounds.
"Crap, I'm starving," I heard a voice say. Biyella. She's still awake.
"Oh great and all I have is salad. Why is my life so shit?" She added before I hear clinking sounds. She only curses when she's really mad or frustrated. God I'm so guilty right now. Then I saw a figure standing just a couple meters in front of me. I blinked for a couple of seconds and then realized that she's walking towards the other sofa before sitting down and started eating her salad. Then her gaze darted towards what was in my hands. Her diary.
"Don't you know such thing called privacy?" She said coldly and snatched the diary from me before sitting back down and started eating the salad. All I did was stare at her. She never used that tone with me before. Never ever. She was always the sweet and cheerful girl. Innocent and angelic. Soft and beautiful.
"This is so shit," she muttered before stuffing another forkful of salad to her mouth.
"One more bad choice made," she added after before walking back towards the kitchen. I trailed behind her and stopped as I placed my hands on the kitchen counter. She started pulling out pots and poured water in it before placing it on the stove. She then turned to me and asked, "do you want anything?" I blinked for a few times. Even though she's unbelievably mad at me she still offered me food. She's such an angel. My heart filled with even more guilt. What kind of boyfriend am I? Really. I am just unacceptable.
"Oh right. You've eaten," she answered when I didn't mutter a word and turned back around. I can hear hurt and disappointment in her voice.
"Biyella," I called out and she didn't do anything.
"Jagi," I said louder and she quickly turned off the stove before running past me and into the bedroom. I managed to put my foot in between the door and slipped in. As she just take a few steps back and sat herself on the bed.
"I'm sorry. I can't, I don't want to do this anymore Mark," she sobbed out and hugged her knees and buried her face there. No. No. No. No.
"No, please don't break up with me, I promise I'll be there for you this time," I said and she just shook her head frantically. I felt knives stabbing in my heart.
"No Mark. I can't trust you anymore. I waited for you today and you never came. I was so determined that you won't break your promise and stayed there until half past midnight, Mark I waited for you for 6 and a half hours," she said and moved away when I tried to touch her shoulders. Her hurt face imprints itself in my mind, haunting me.
"I'm sorry. Manager hyung made me stay for the party, I'm so sorry. You know I still love you right?"
"I'm not sure about that either Mark..."
"What? You have to be sure. I love you to death. Please give me another chance," I said and grabbed her hand in mine. She struggled to get away but my grip just became stronger. I can't loose her. I simply can't see a future with her.
"No, no, don't. You're making it harder for both of us..."
"I love you," I said as I pulled her into my embrace she struggled for a while before she gave in and hugged my torso tightly. Her touch made me feel that everything was better. That everything was alright.
"Mark please don't make this harder for both of us," she said quietly.
"I don't want to let you go," I whispered and stroked her hair.
"Neither, but I can't live like this," she replied.
"I promise I'll be home more often and I'll call you more often. Just please give me another chance," I let go of the hug and lifted up her chin to make eye contact. She sighed before nodding lightly and hugged my torso.
"Why must two people that love each other separate? I love you, we're meant to be," I said before kissing her forehead and then her lips. I smiled in between the kiss, making her giggle in happiness.
"Can you make me food?" She asked and smiled that sweet smile once more.
"Of course, oh and," I paused before taking out a small box from my pocket, revealing a necklace.
"Happy anniversary," I said and she smiled before kissing my lips.
"I simply can't see a future without you Biyella, you're my whole world," I said and she hugged me tightly. Feeling her soft skin against mine makes me feel happy.
"I love you Mark, I do," she whispered and I kissed her lips again, this time longer and deeper.
"I love you even more."

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