Chapter 16

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"Wake up doofus!" I woke up glaring at a certain dragon slayer waking me up early in the morning. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm up." I said, still glaring at Gajeel. "Be ready Y/N. We only have 1 hour left before the game starts." Laxus said. "O-Ok."

'Since when was Laxus kind enough to say those words? O°O Nah, Laxus was always kind.'


"Hurry up dumbass! We're 5 minutes late!!!" "Shut Up Gajeel! I'm right behind you!" "Ok, you can stop fighting now Y/N and Gajeel. Were here now." Mira said.

"And to officially start the GMG, let's welcome the 8th placer! Fairy Tail!!!" The pumpkin man said. "Boo!" "You guys suck!" "Get out of here!" "Weaklings!" A bunch of these were heard. "Argh!" Natsu was about to breath fire when Erza stopped him.

"Calm down Natsu. We know how you feel. But let's prove to them how strong we are through the games." Erza said smiling with an irkmark in her forehead. (Btw guys, it's still Y/N's POV tho she can hear everything everyone says because of her super hearings.)

~blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 7th place blah blah blah blah blah 6th place blah blah blah blah 5th place blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 4th place blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 3rd place blah blah blah blah blah blah~

"Now let's welcome our 2nd placer who finished....... . ........ Well second! Let's give a round of applause for SABERTOOTH!!!!" The pumpkin man said. "Sabertooth is second?" "That's weird." "They're usually first." "If Sabertooth's 2nd, who's first then?" A bunch of questions were heard through the crowd.

"Hey! At least we're second!" Sting shouted as loud as he can. Everyone went silent then a loud of cheers were heard. "Sting-sama!" "Wooh!" "Go Sabertooth!" The crowd roared.

"And now, let's officially welcome our first placer, FAIRY TAIL TEAM B!!!" The pumpkin man said and right after that, a loud applause and loud cheering were heard, louder than when they cheered for Sabertooth.

Everyone, as in EVERYONE, were gaping their mouths at us because of our gorgeous outfit. Jellal, Gajeel and Laxus were wearing black outfits (like the outfit of Kirito from SAO) and Mira and I were wearing white outfits with red designs (again, like Asuna's clothes from SAO).

~timeskip of all the boring introduction~

Jellal's POV

"Now let's start with our first game. The game is called Hide&Seek. (Srry, I'm making some of the games, and I'm gonna copy some games too.)

"Players, please pick one member in your guild. Then we can continue the saying of rules." A man from the council said. "So who wants to go?" Y/N asked with her beautif- I mean stern voice. "I guess I'm going." I said trying to sound cute and just smiled at Y/N.

(Btw, Jellal isn't wearing a mask and let's just say that Erza knew about him. And the real Jellal Erza knows is in prison. So let's just say that he is Mystogon. And don't worry about Wendy. She kinda had amnesia? Srry about the spoiler. Hehehe, back to the story!)

And guess what? Foxy and Lightning *ehem* I mean Gajeel and Laxus knew what I was doing, but who cares bout' them?

"Ok, so the rules are simple. In this tiny transparent box are the names of the players. We will pick just one (day. BTS anyone? Just one day? Mk, bye) paper and whoever we picked has to find the rest of the players.

All you have to do is make sure that the seeker never finds you. If the seeker found you, attack him/her and run away then you'll be safe. But if the seeker is unconscious from the fight, the players that he/she didn't find/ran away will get 10 points.

However, for the hiders who got caught will lose and the first hider to lose will get 0 points. The 2nd hider to lose will get 2 points. However, if the seeker found everyone and won, he/she will get 10 points."

I was nervous becoz they were already picking the seeker. "OK, so the seeker for this game is none other than............................. JELLAL FERNANDEZ!!!!" The council man said.

"Players, please go down the stadium and we will start in 1 minute." Council man said. All the players got down, me aka Jellal, Gray from Fairy Tail A, Rufus from Sabertooth, Eve from Blue Pegasus and 4 other players.

"We will now start in:













~to be continued~

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment and follow me! Arigato! And again, sorry for taking a long time in updating. But now, it's my vacation! Yay!

Word Count: 783 words

Published: June 17, 2018

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