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⚠️ Alert!!!⚠️
This note addresses the old readers... Some of you probably noticed that I changed my story title 3 times... At first it was called x reader, then became x oc/reader and its current name is the 3rd one... I kept on changing the title because a lot of you have been complaining that it actually isn't an x reader (which I know is true) and that's why I decided to change the title... I thought that the way I made Y/N Kurone was unique since she had the reader's name but had other characteristics which I already chose but I saw that a lot of you didn't like that and I apologize for it because you're all right... I can't really change the character's name now so I hope y'all understand and again, I deeply apologize for the misunderstanding...

~Now back to the introduction~

Name: Y/N Kurone

Age: 17

Magic: She knows all magic (including Elemental Dragon/God/Demon Slaying and lost magic)

Looks: Natural Purple Hair, Purple Eyes, Fair Skin, 5'6 ft./168 cm Height, 48 kg Weight, Wears Blue Tank Top, Purple Knee-sized Skirt with white stripes and Black Winter Boots

Personalities: Funny, Kind, smart, Forgiving, Sometimes ill-tempered, cute, pretty (I know that those arent personalities), Rude to her enemies, doesn't hesitate to kill people who hurts Fairy Tail or her close friends

Likes: Pizza, Noodles, Fairy Tail, Orange Juice, Purple, Blue, Learning more magic, Dresses, Flowers, Sports, Punishing Natsu and Gray, Books, Eating (never gets fat though) and Being with team Natsu

Dislikes: Raven Tail, Losing, Being Lonely, Jiemma, Minerva, Make-up, Heels, Being Scolded, Being bossed around, Pink, Noise, Fights, Bad People and Dark Guilds

Parents: Elementia (Dragon), Viranus (God), Dantus (Demon)

Partner: Rose (Exceed)

Rose' Magic: Aerial Magic, Teleportation, Wields two swords that can appear anytime

Rose' Looks: Yellow Fur, Black Eyes, Has a Pink Ribbon on Her Tail, Has a white crescent on the left paw and white sun in the right, gray boots and diamond earrings on each ear

Rose' Personalities: Scared of losing
Y/N, overprotective of Y/N, kind, smart, can be rude to everyone except Y/N, and Funny

Rose' Likes: Lector, Y/N, Fish, Burger, Black, Gray (color), Earrings and Cakes

Rose' Dislikes: Carla, Rude People, Y/N leaving her alone, losing Y/N, People hurting Y/N, Horror stuffs and the sun


When Y/N was a baby, she was found by Elementia on the woods. Y/N was taught Dragon Slayer Magic when she was just 2 and Elementia left her when she was 6. But before Elementia left her, Y/N found an egg and showed it to Elementia and decided to call her Rose then that's when Elementia left her after a few days Rose hatched. Dantus then found her crying and took her in and then taught her Elemental Demon Slayer Magic and other magics like Aerial magic, teleportation, summoning things and many more. At the age of 8, people found out about Y/N and she became the 6th Wizard Saint. At the age of 9, Dantus left Y/N and Rose and they traveled across some towns for 3 weeks and then Viranus found her walking in the woods at night. He took Y/N and Rose in and asked them why they were walking in the woods. Y/N told Viranus about herself from when she was a baby until when he found
Y/N. The next week, Y/N started training and mastered Elemental God Slaying after 3 years. After mastering God Slaying Magic, Viranus taught her all kinds of magic and that's when Viranus left her after taking her in for 5 years. Y/N was now known the 1st Wizard Saint and decided to use her magic to fight bad people and protect her friends and every good people.

Edit: You guys can change what you look like, the things you like and dislike and if you don't like being op, then you can choose what magics and skills you don't want.

~The End~

Author's Note:

In this story, Sabertooth existed before the Tenrou Island incident. Y/N is also the 1st wizard saint, the strongest wizard in the world. And also, the Edolas scene will not be included which means Lisanna was always with Fairy Tail.

The Saint Maiden's Love (Fairy Tail Various x OC With Your First Name) Where stories live. Discover now