The Night it All Started

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Aleks' P.o.V.


I zipped up my thick winter jacket, trying to block out the cold wind. I let out a sigh, my breath escaping my lips in a large fog. I shivered, leaning up against the side of a brick building. I watched as people walked past... Business men yelling into their cellphones, ladies of the night hooting at cars and exposing their cleavage in their tight, little dresses... How can they even stand this cold, wearing those skanky outfits? I hugged myself, rubbing at my sleeves to try and heat up my body. I looked down at my watch, and clenched my jaw. It was 1am and Dan still wasn't here to pick me up. I looked down at the snow under my feet, anger boiling in my system. I should've never trusted him to be here on time... I angrily kicked some snow away, and trudged through the sidewalk, not bothering to wait any longer. The icy breeze stung my nose, and my fingertips grew pink from the cold. The girls waved at me, whistling for me to come to them. "Oh, Aleks~! C'mere, pumpkin, we want to talk t' you!" I scoffed, flashing a smile at the girls, and continued walking through the cold streets. Where am I going to sleep tonight? I can't stay out here in the cold... 

"Fucking Dan..." I grit my teeth, and shook my head. The fucker was probably sitting at home, drinking himself to sleep. He probably fucking forgot about me the minute I hung up the phone. I took a right turn at the end of the road, walking further from the dirty city. I didn't feel safe. Hell, nobody should've felt safe in that shit town. I buried my hands into my pockets, trying to think of a place to stay for the night. It's not like Jordan would let me into his house... Besides, he had a family to take care of, and his wife probably doesn't know about me. We shouldn't even be friends, let alone be acquainted with each other. I reached into the pocket of my jeans, grabbing the handful of change that I had. I dug through the small pile in my hands. I had 7 more quarters, and a bunch of dimes and pennies. I had to make this last call count. I looked around for a payphone, and let out a sigh of relief when I saw one far down an abandoned street, under a streetlamp. I stomped through the heavy snow, slowly making my way to the payphone. I heard a large dog barking somewhere in the distance. I suddenly felt very uneasy... More uneasy than I usually felt. I bit my lip, and looked around me. I was alone on the dark street. I shook off the feeling, and looked down at my feet. The snow was bleeding through my Vans and chilling my toes. I finally made it to the phone booth, and closed the glass door behind me, kicking the excess snow off of my shoes. I lifted my hand that held the coins, and picked out 4 quarters. I shoved them into the machine one by one, and stuck the rest of the coins into my pocket. I hesitated before punching Dex's number into the payphone. I lifted the speaker to my ear, keeping the microphone down by my chin while I waited for the call to go through. It rang twice, then hung up. I let out a short shout of frustration, and slammed the phone back on its hook. I stood in the phone booth for a second, trying to keep my cool. I set my forehead on the freezing cold metal of the phone, and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes, and stood up straighter, leaning against the glass. "Fuck." I stayed like that a long time. I tried not to cry. Why did I want to cry so badly? Maybe it was the fact that I didn't have a place to call home. Maybe it was the fact that I could barely afford a call on a payphone. Maybe it was the fact that I was a piece of shit. I took a deep breath, and rubbed at  my eyes, clearing my vision. As I blinked, I felt as though someone was staring at me. I turned around again, peering around me. This was definitely not the place I wanted to be. I swallowed, and turned back towards the phone. Maybe there were some quarters dropped at the bottom of the box, or maybe I could try my other coins out. I searched through the small box frantically, trying to find more change. Of course, there wasn't any. I groaned, and kicked at the glass. It made a small crackling sound under the pressure of my foot. I removed my hood, and ran my hand through my short, brown hair. 

"Run out of change?" I jumped at the sound of another voice, and flipped around to see a bearded man standing there behind me, wearing a thin, black sweatshirt. I didn't reply. His eyes were brown, and he had his black hair up in a small fohawk. He was handsome, and he gave me a sweet smile. His skin crinkled up around his eyes when he smiled. Of course I didn't trust him. I couldn't trust anyone in the city. But I was desperate. I swallowed, and nodded, taking a step back so my back was pressed against the glass. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a few more quarters. "Here. Take it." He held out his hand, offering the money to me. I nervously reached out, and picked up the handful of quarters. Before I could pull my hand away, he snatched my wrist and turned me around, pulling my back into his chest. I let out a cry of pain as he twisted my wrist, and he shoved me against the cold glass. I shut my eyes tight, and loosened my grip on the coins, making them fall out of my hand down onto the cold ground. He pressed his hips against mine, and leaned in so his mouth was centimeters away from my ear. "You're so stupid. Shouldn't you know that you shouldn't talk to strangers?" I let out a small breath, and tried to wriggle away, but he tugged on my wrist, making me cry out again. My other arm was pinned between his chest and my back, jerking painfully on my shoulder. I let out a small whimper as he reached with his free hand and yanked down my pants. 

"Please, d-don't..." I gasped for air, trying to pull myself away from him. He ignored me. I heard him wriggling down his own pants. "N-no... Please!! I won't tell anybody!! Just let me go!!" He was inside me. "St-stop!!" I screamed in agony. It started to snow again. 


I sat on the edge of the street, holding my throbbing head in my hands. I tasted blood in my mouth, and spat out onto the street. My jacket was ripped, my cheek was cut, and my ass was on fire. I wiped some of the blood off of my face onto my jacket sleeve. I looked down at my feet. I let out a small hiccup, and began to cry. My tears and blood dripped out onto the pure snow by my feet, staining it. I gripped my hair, and shivered, my body heaving with each new tear. The snow was really coming down now... The cold air nipped at my nose and the tips of my ears.

"Don't forget about me, kid," The man whispered into my ear. "Don't you dare forget the name Max." 

I slammed my hand into the thick snow, covering my eyes with my forearm. "M-max..." I croaked, "M-max... What a fucking disgusting name." I spat more blood out on the street, and sniffled, trying to stop myself from crying anymore. I took a deep breath, and gulped down more bloody spit. The metallic taste stung the back of my throat. I closed my eyes, and hugged myself. This is all my fucking fault. I shouldv'e called Dan again, or asked one of the girls if I could stay at their place. Now I've been beaten, violated, and I don't have anywhere to go. I opened my eyes, and looked down at my feet, which had gone numb from the cold. I gently got on my feet, gritting my teeth to bare through the pain that shot through my back and butt. I slowly started making my way back towards where I began, clenching my jaw. It felt like an eternity before I made it to the brick building. Most of the girls were gone from their posts, so I was practically alone. I lightly leaned against the wall, and slid down to the cold, wet cement. My body was sore. My mouth was dry. My mind was racing. And I just wanted to fucking die. 


yeah, so I made GassyMexican a bad guy. I'm sorry. I love Gassy, so don't take it personally!


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