Who said girls can't get down and dirty with boys 23: Part 2

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Chapter 23 (continued)

"I told you not to overdo it." Dev mumbled, as he walked behind Cal. As we got closer to Coach, I noticed that Cal kept on holding me higher and higher, until my head was level with his own. When we reached Coach she motioned for him to lay me on a bench. He picked a bench and handed me to Dev, before taking off his shirt and making a little cushion with it. He took me back from Dev and gently laid me on the bench, so that my head was on his shirt.

I looked up to thank him, and was once again stunned by his shirtlessness. I could see the light T of blond hair over his chest and down past the waist of his pants.

Coach gave me a knowing look when Cal kneeled next to me, obviously worried. Then she pushed him out of the way and took his spot. She began to bend and rub it, testing the muscles, causing me to flinch every once I a while.

"Is this the first time you've had trouble with this leg?" She asked her voice professional.

"No, I've had 2 other problems with it today." I said nonchalantly, trying not to raise concern.

"2 other problems?" Dev asked dumbstruck as he came to kneel on the other side of the bench.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Cal asked, sounding hurt as he followed his brother.

"I didn't think it was important." I lied.

"Didn't think it was important" Cal repeated.

"That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard." Dev said. "Now tell us the truth."

"I didn't want you guys to worry." I whispered, so quietly I could barely hear myself, but somehow they heard me.

"Aww, Nicky." They said, as both of them reached up and wrapped me in a hug.

"Both of you. Get off." Coach said sternly, glaring at them until they backed down. "How severe were your other 2 attacks?

"Not too bad. My leg locks up and then starts shaking. I've just been rubbing them out like I would a normal cramp."

"Do you have any idea why this is happening? Like old or new injuries." She asked, looking me in the eye.

"No." I lied, fighting the urge to look away.

"Stop lying to her." Dev said, disapprovingly.

"She strained her right leg yesterday." Cal said to Coach.

"Wow, thanks Cal." I said my voice rich with sarcasm.

"I'm only doing this to help you." He said, in a small voice that immediately made me feel bad for being so harsh.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said, patting his head.

"Well, there's your problem; you're pushing your muscles too hard. You need to let the muscle heal, or the attacks will become more and more frequent." She said sternly, before looking back at the rest of the team. "Early practice. GO hit the showers." She shouted.

"Coach?" I asked, confusedly, as everybody left except for Dev and Cal.

"Why are you even here?" Coach asked.

"Because I want to be on the team." I gasped as she hit a particularly sensitive sport, sending pain streaking up my leg.

"That's pretty obvious." Coach said. "Try moving your leg."

I tried to move it, and was surprised when it complied. I turned on the bench so that I was in a sitting position, swinging my leg back and forth.

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