School Drama and Cat Grant

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Hey sweeties, can't wait for this weeks episode !! I hope there is more Karamel :) anyways I have almost finished the story writing it, of course, I hope you enjoy and let me know what kind of stories you would like to see next. 

Lexie POV

Today I told me best friend and boyfriend who I really am as well as my parents, I knew it was a big step, but from what happened at my birthday they had to figure out something was different about me and my family.

Mum and dad were out cooking dinner while I played on my bed with Jack, cuddled up to me.

"you ok?" Jack asked me

"Yeah" I replied with a smile looking up at him. "Hey, tell me," he asked me sitting up, making me fall on the bed. I sat up "Do you still like me?" I asked him

"I wouldn't be here on your bed if I didn't" He stated give me a kiss, he continued to kiss me, rolling on top of me. Kissing me down my neck, I chuckled, moving away.

"You ok?" He asked concerned, I nodded and sat up.

"I want to trust me, I just don't want to" I started

"You won't but if you don't want to now, we can wait, we can just do less," he asked I nodded as we continued to kiss, that was until dad knocked on our door, to come to get us for dinner. Thankfully we jumped apart before the door was fully open.

"Dinner is ready," he said with a smirk. I blushed, getting up Jack followed and we walked out to the table with Felix and Oliver sitting at the table, as well. I gave them each off a kiss and sat down next to Jack, with mum and dad on the other side.

I sat down at my seat and found a small bag by my plate, I looked up at my parents "It is your birthday present, since we couldn't give it to you yesterday we thought we would give it to you tonight" dad said, Lexie smiled and opened it, finding a small stone. "It was your mothers," dad said again, "My mum gave it to me the day I left Krypton, and then I gave it to your father when he had to leave from the led in the atmosphere. "And I asked j'hon and Wyn to make it into smaller stones for the family, so you have apart of us where ever you go" Dad continued. Mum got up and walked round to me and helped me put it on.

We ate dinner together, and when we finished Jack helped put Felix and Oliver to bed, which Mum and dad were so grateful for nice they were able to relax after they finished tidying up dinner.

Jack and I proceed back to my room where we sat on my bed. "So school tomorrow," Jack said I nodded "everyone is going to be asking, what happened," I said "And I won't say anything," Jack told me

"Thank you, i... I'm worried that people are going to find out, somehow" I said, "They won't trust me, I won't let it happen ok" Jack said giving me a kiss, continuing until Mum opened the door, on me and Jack "Um.... Your rides here Jack" She said walking out, as we did too, walking him out, giving him another sweet kiss before letting him go.

I walked back into the house to see m parents at the kitchen table smirking and looked at me as I tried to walk past, but I was to slow, 'I really should of use my super speed' I thought to my self "Lex come here" Mum said as I walked over to her and dad as I sat down.

"you two aren't?" Kara questioned I shook my head "Ok good" She replied in relief "If you to decided to, make sure you use protection" She asked "And she doesn't mean a sored" Dad joked in, making me laugh "Ok, um you mean a condom?" I questioned. Mum nodded "Ok, if we decide to but we don't want to yet" I told them "you to looked awful cosy" Mum said trying to hide her smile, I blushed "Um are we done?" I asked

"Um yes, I'll drop you off at school tomorrow and go see the principal, to explain what happened," Mum told me

"Ok, but what are you going to say, Scarlet and her mum forced their way into our home like psychopaths?" I asked her and mum nodded "something along the lines" she replied as I got up and went to m room and got ready for school and bed.


Authors POV

Kara and Lexie arrived at school the next day seeing Sky and Jack out the front, they all walked into the office to go see the principal to explain what happened, Kara made sure that Lexie didn't need any time off but would be very much appreciated that Scarlet would be expelled or get a restraining order.

The trio walked towards the locker, as they got closer to Lexie's locker she felt weak, Jack noticed and held on to her. "You ok?" He asked her Lexie just nodded her head, and continued to walk closer to her locker. As soon as she reacher her locker her pain got worse, and she immediately felt the ground, groaning in pain. Before Sky could get her things Scarlet came out of no wear. "Lexie Lexie Lexie," Scarlet said walking towards them, as students scurried away from her afraid that she would hurt them too. Jack immediately called Kara and Mon-el, alerting them to what was happening. "I thought I killed you, obviously, it wasn't enough" Scarlet spoke, getting ready to hurt Lexie on more time. Thankfully Mon-el arrived with other DEO agents containing her so she could be taken back to the DEO securing her, and her mother in one of the of the chart bases so they couldn't reach Lexie or her family.

The rest of the day at school was good, no one dared to ask what happened in the school hallway before homeroom started, and none of her group friends who now decided to sit outside asked her about the weekend and what the hell happened, it was only for Sky and Jack to know.


Though out the day nothing else surprising happened at Lexie's school nor at the DEO, however, today was Kara's first day back at work, and the first time she would have seen Lena and Jame's since the incident they had all their friends round, to meet Felix and Oliver.

Kara walked into work seeing a few colleagues, stopping her to see photo's of her babies but of course Mon-el and her decided to keep them quiet and not show them around like a lot of new mothers do, gushing over how cute they are and how fast they are growing.

"Kara" Eve called out as Kara walked through the office walking to her desk where the reporters are located.

"Hey Eve," Kara said giving her a hug.

"How are you, how are you, beautiful babies?" She asked

"Yeah we are all good" Kara respond

"That good, did you want to come with me, someone is waiting for you," Eve said as they walked towards Jame's and Lean's office. Where she saw Jame's talking to someone along with Lena. Kara walked closer and heard a familiar voice. "Mrs. Grant?" Kara said

"Keira as I live an breath, how are you?" Cat grant asked her former personal assistant.

"Um good, thank you" Kara respond

"No some birdies told me that you are a mum?" Cat questioned

"Um... Yes. Yes I am" Kara responded

"Well, come in and tell me, off you go, James and Lena, eve can you get us both our usual coffee's" cat said "Go. go," Cat said like she used to do to Kara.

"So.." She said asking Kara to continue.

"Oh yes," Kara said getting out her phone, she would show Cat grant a photo, of her children because she was such a great influence on her life and she was a mother to so she could empathize with Kara on what its like.

"So, this is Lexie we adopted her right before Mike and I found out we were about to become parents to our own children. "and this Felix and Oliver," she said showing her photo's of her two boys.

"Keira, they are beautiful" Cat said

"Thank you, now how long are you in town for?" Kara asked

"Um only today, I just wanted to see how this building was holding up, and I guess I missed you," Cat said

"Oh, well if you ever in town you have my number" Kara said as she got up and went off to work for the first time, in a while.

I hope you enjoyed see you Tuesday after the episode :) 

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