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Kara came back into the DEO after a fly around the city to clear her mind, she walked into where Mon-el and Lexie were talking, at one point she saw Lexie laugh for the first time. Alex walks up beside Kara.

"See I don't know why J'hon is so worried, Mon-el is so good with her, plus he knows her personally," Kara told Alex

"I think he is more worried about you, your growing up moving on, he might see this as his time is up as a father figure to us" Alex suggested

"Yeah, maybe, can we just see how we go?" Kara asked

"I mean I would be fine with it, but you have to go through J'hon" Alex said rubbing Kara's shoulders Kara sighed and smiled at the sight in front of her walking in sitting down next to Mon-el

"Am in really going to have to stay here?" Lexie asked Mon-el and Kara

"No, we will make sure that you come home with us," Kara said hugging Her, with a motherly smile on her face, making Lexie feel better.

"Lexie do you mind giving me, Mon-el and Kara a minute, Alex is just outside," J'hon asks Lexie. She didn't really want to go but Kara and Mon-el encouraged her, leaving the three of them to talk.

"Jhon, you can't stop us from taking her," Kara told

"I know, so I will let you take her out under your supervision, I will want updates morning and night, you will need to get her into school, make sure that she" J'hon started and Kara finished

"She is fed, clothes and bring her so she can train and gain strength with her abilities" Kara finished

"Well it sounds like figured out," J'hon said

"We do," Mon-el said

"Mon-el could you please give me and Kara a moment please," J'hon asked Mon-el. Mon-el walked out leaving Kara and Mon-el in the training room

"Kara I'm sorry, I didn't know," J'hon said apologetically.

"It's ok, I want you to know that Mon-el and I are fully committed to saving the city, but we want you to know that we want to live somewhat a normal life," Kara told J'hon

"I know Kara I want you and Mon-el to have a normal life, the thing is is that you two are not normal," Jhon said

"Thank you J'hon, we will come back this afternoon," Kara said walking out of the room, walking into the center of the DEO where Mon-el was sitting with Alex and Lexie.

"Lexie, how would you like to go out and buy some new clothes?" Kara asked Lexie as she walked over to her and Mon-el. "See you later," Kara said giving her fiancé a kiss, walking out of the DEO together.

The two walked into the first shop, Lexie looks around looking through all the racks of clothes.

"So if you don't like anything in here we can go to a few more stores because you do need clothes," Kara told Lexie. She nodded as she chooses out a few outfits out and headed to the change rooms with Kara close behind. Kara walked in with Lexie sitting outside of her dressing room.

"How are you going, Lexie?" Kara asked her.

"Um yeah, can I show you?" Lexie asked Kara.

"Sure let me peek my head through," Kara asked her

"Ok," She replied.

Kara peeked her head in "That looks good, do you like it?" Kara asked

"I guess I just haven't warned anything like this" Lexie told Kara

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