Shopping And Real Friends

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Chapter 19.

While Kara and Lexie were at the shops, Mon-el decided to call a few of the places that might be able to help, but he knew that she had to call to get approval, so he asked his good friends Wyn to come over and help him so he could surprise her when she got home.

"Thx for coming,"Mon-el said as he let his friends in

"No worries," Wyn said as they walked into the living/kitchen area where there were papers scattered everywhere.

"Well I think we need the approval to extend our house, and I'm... not sure how to do that?" Mon-el said basically pleading for help.

"Why do you need approval if you're extending?" Wyn question "You should be able to build out there?" He asked on-el like it was obvious.

"Well we want our kids to have a backyard, to we want to build up" Mon-el explained.

"Right, well do you have any sites because they would know what to do," Wyn asked Mon-el nodded and showed the papers and brought them up on the computer screen.

The two men looked at all the designs and contacted a few people and asking for quotes, some of them saying they would have to come and have a look, he wanted to do it but wasn't sure so he asked if he could call them back after he talked to his fiancé, they respected there decision, and others really pushed.

Mon-el was happy, he had something lined up but he wanted to go past Kara first before making any plans.

Kara's Pov

After We finished buying a few items for the twins I asked Lexie if she wanted to get some morning tea or lunch and then get our nails done since I was hungrier then I usually am. Lexie was happy to do that, while we were getting out nails done, she was telling me about her sleepover and how she watched this youtube who she was going to show me later, and how Scarlet had said that I needed are up, but I wasn't buying it, not yet at least maybe next year, if she was so desperate, she would be able to use mine, but I was not allowing my 14 year daughter to wear makeup. When we finished getting our nails done we stopped in a few more stores to get something for Lexie so she didn't feel left out and more stuff for me since I would be going through clothes like a wildfire.

Authors POV

A few hours later wyn had left and Kara and Lexie had just arrived home.

"Hey Lex, how was the sleepover?' Mon-el asked her

"Good, can't wait to tell you about it at dinner," Lexie spoke as Kara walked in.

"That's great lex," Mon-el replied

Kara walked in with a few bag's struggling, Mon-el walked over to her and grabbed the bags off her as she walked over to the couch. He brought the backs over to her and then got her and himself a glass of water. He handed her the glass of water and sat down beside her. "You ok?" He asked "Yeah just really tired," Kara said, "Yeah, so what did you get?" Mon-el questioned trying to take her mind off her tiredness.

"Some, maternity pants and a few tops" Kara replied and laid on his chest. "What did you do while I was gone?" She asked him. "Well, I did some searching with wyn, toes if we extend, and I have two that were willing to wait so that I can talk to you," Mon-el told Kara

"Yeah" Kara replied

"So would it be ok if they come tomorrow total a look?" Mon-el question

"Who?" Kara asked getting up

"People to see if we can extend up or enough at least to have a backyard" Mon-el explained.

"Oh yeah sure," Kara said

"I'm going to take a nap," Kara said getting up from the couch walking towards their room.

While Kara took a nap, Mon-el walked into Lexie's room, to see her watching on her computer screen.

"Hey, Lex what ya doing?" He asked her

"Just watching a youtube called Emma Louise, she's amazing, I'm watching how she does her. Makeup, Oh can I get makeup?" She told me and asked him

"I think you are going to have to ask your mother. That question, but if it was me. No, because you have good alien skin as it is" Mon-el told his daughter. "I did ask, and she said the same thing," Lexie said upset "Well, I guess that you will have to wait till your that little bit older ok" Mon-el said 

"OK" Lexie replied said

"So what else happened?" Mon-el asked

"Well, we did get to sleep till 1 am, because the girls where talking, about things that. I had. No idea about" Lexie told her father

"Why didn't you ask them or Sky,?" Mon-el replied Lexie shrugged. Mon-el closed her laptop so that he had her attention. "Whats wrong?" Mon-el asked her

"How do you tell if someone is lying and wanting to be your friend for real, liking not doing it because they have to," Lexie asked, looking down

"Ok Lex something happened, what is it," Mon-el said sternly

"Scarlet said that her brother has autism, and she would help me with socializing,  but sky said that she doesn't have a brother and that Scarlet can be rude in a way that it makes other people look bad and make you out yourself. I don't know who to trust?" Lexie said with sadness in her eyes. "Come here, sometimes you fall, with friends, but Sky seems pretty good, see how it goes with her, and watch Scarlet's actions school and see what she does. Don't tell your mum this but use your super-hearing to see if she speaks about you." Mon-el said Lexie laughed at the last part

"My lips are sealed," Lexie responded.

"Good, now did you want to help me see what kind of extension we can have, I have three that I like but we can look at them all again to see what ones you like," Mon-el asked his daughter. Lexie nodded with a smile. 

THANK YOU !! OMG almost at 1K.  P.s tomorrow I may not be able to update just because I am going out, at night which is when I usually post, but if I get a chance during that day and I am ahead on the story which I usually like to do just so I can give you amazing chapters :) I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think, I am also running having some writers block so if the chapters seem a little empty sorry, also let me know what you want to see in that chapter :)  

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