She might be our miracle

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The next morning Kara and Mon-el woke up next to each other.

"Morning" Mon-el said as he moved closer to her "Are you feeling any better?" He asked her from all the events that happened yesterday.

"A little" Kara replied

"How about tonight we go to Noonans and have dinner, just the two of us," Mon-el asked

"Umm I'd like that" She replied

"Good" He replied with a smile

During the day Kara tried her hardest to work, but with the news she got yesterday she couldn't, she had to talk to someone before she had lunch with Lina at 1 pm.

"Alex, hey did u want to go out, I need to tell you something," Kara said though the phone.

"Is this why you weren't answering your phone yesterday afternoon?" Alex asked

"Yeah" Kara replied.

Kara and Alex met just outside of Cat Co and went for a casual stroll.

"So what is it that made you so upset that you didn't answer your phone," Alex asked

"You know how when Mon-el left how it broke my heart and that I had to be tough because of all of these people?" Kara asked

"Yeah?" Alex asked still not understanding.

"And how Mon-el and I  want to start a family one day' Kara said, which made Alex turn to her

"You not?" Alex asked

"No, um I can't," Kara said

"Can't what?" Alex asked

"Have kid's, I thought for a minute so I asked Eliza to do a test and she told me yesterday I couldn't have children" Kara replied

"That can't be right, your 'Supergirl" Alex whispered

"I know but there are some similarities, that we have on Krypton and apparently not being able to have kids is one of them" Kara replied

"Kara I'm sorry," Alex said

"It's ok, Mon-el and I want to get a second opinion though so I was wondering if we could get a fertility specialist into the DEO without them knowing that they are working with 'supergirl' and see what they have to say, just because of my DNA," Kara asked

"Kara, mum is working in the field of biology, and knows her stuff, I think that she might be right" Alex replied

"I know, just thought I'd ask," Kara said

"Hey, it's ok, there's always other options" Alex explained to Kara

"I know, I don't think surrogacy isn't an option with mine and Mon-el's DNA" Kara explained

"Kara, everything is going to be ok, just focus on getting married before having kids," Alex told her sister.

"So I have to go I'm meeting Maggie, but I will see you tonight?" Alex asked

"Um Mon-el and I are actually going out tonight" Kara replied

"Ok, we will figure out something ok I promise," Alex told her sister giving her a hug. walking away

Kara's lunch with Lina went well, she didn't tell Lina about her latest news since it was too hard to talk about.

That evening Kara and Mon-el walked into Noonan's hand in hand walking over to a table where Mon-el asked for in advance.

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