The Big Day

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Hey, supervaloians !!! so I am writing the epilogue and It is up to you my fellow readers to write it for me, let me know what you want to see happen. I WANT YOU to write it. haha Thank you so much for reading my other story, if you have you haven't, go ahead and have a read.  

On to the story ... 

Chapter 31 

October 19, 2018

Today was the day, Kara and Mon-el were finally going to tie the knot. But first in the time from June to now, October Felix and Oliver had grown so much again, they were going to be involved in the wedding, walking their mother down the aisle.

While Felix, Oliver, Wyn, and Mon-el were sitting down watching a football match. Kara, Lexie, Alex, and Eliza were sitting getting their nails done, as well as ask for their hair and makeup.

Kara's hair, makeup, and nails were all done.

It was 9 am The Wedding was an hour away the ladies helped put Kara in her wedding Dress on so they were able to get to the venue on time.

Meanwhile, the Men just started to get ready for the wedding. Mon-el went to wake up his son's so he could get them ready before he got ready himself.

Kara's POV

This was it, I was waiting in the Car that we had rented for the day with Alex and J'hon waiting with the boys out the front. J'hon opened the door and helped me out, as Alex helped with my dress, I made sure the Wyn told Mon-el not to look until I was ready and all set to walk down the aisle with our boys. When I was ready I gave Wyn a nod letting him know that Mon-el could turn round. I decided that I would get Alex to hold my bouquet of flowers as I would be holding our two boys' hands.

Mon-el turned round, and looked at me, he smiled in aw, I'm guessing on how beautiful I looked, I smiled and blushed a little I hung my head down a little, as I always do when he looks at me that way, I have no Idea why but when he looks at me in a way that is so pure, genuine, with that light grey eye's I just do.

The walk down the Isle was slow since the boys were still walking slowly. The two boys went and say with Eliza for the first part of the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are here to unite to people together, whom love and care for each other" the celebrant started. "These two people that stand before you clashed at first, but come to love each other by getting to know each other, and come to love each other," He said again.

"Before we begin is there anyone who objects to this marriage, or forever hold your peace." He spoke. It was dead quiet, everyone knew that was there that they belonged together, and that whoever tried to tear them apart would be stupid to, we would be knocked out by their friends.

"Right let's start with the vowels, Mon-el" he spoke.

"Kara you are my light. You believed in me, you are the one who made me into a better person, and I think you for that. You are the mother of our adorable children. You surprise me every day, I love your cheeky laugh, small laughed filled the air by their guest your adorable crinkle when you are obviously lying, they all laughed again I love your eye's they are like comets, every day I look into them, people. Smiled at his remark about their my eyes they are beautiful, you are amazingly beautiful. and I love the fact that you put up with me and my nonsense. I love you and will cherish you to death will us part" Mon-el said to me making me cry a little, he wiped away the small tear that shred on my face, Everyone clapped a little, smiling and wiping away their tears from their eye's

"Kara" The celebrate spoke and looked at me.

I took a deep breath, looking down at the floor.

"Mike, it was clear that we didn't get along at the begging every laughed but we grew fond of each other and learned to love each other. You make sure that I am always loved, I am always cared for. I love you deep grey-blue eyes, You make sure I am cared for before yourself. You are the man that I have wanted for so long, you are the father of our children, and I can't wait to continue our life together and continue to grow our family together. I am glad that you can put up with my wining because you will be putting up with it for a lot long my friend. Yet again everyone laughed I love you can't can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I said as she shreds a tear Mon-el smiled also shredding a tear.

"Thank you for those lovely words," the celebrant said. "Now let's get down to business" he said making everyone laughs, Kara and Mon-el smiled at each other Kara basically bouncing up and down on her tippy toes.

"Mike Mathews, do you take Kara Danvers, to be your wife, to have and to hold, through sickens and health, richer or poorer, till death to you part." He asked Mon-el

"I do" he responded looking at me with a huge smile

"Kara Danvers do you take Mike Mathews to be your husband, to have and to hold, through sickens and health, richer or poorer, till death to you part." He asked me

"I do" I responded looking at Mon-el with a huge smile on my face looking at him.

"Well then I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride," he said, Mon-el and I smiled at each other not wanting to wait any longer to kiss each other as husband and wife.

Mon-el cupped my face kissing me with force, and let me tell you, this kiss was totally different the just a kiss from my boyfriend and partner, it was because we were husband and wife. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening their kiss, they pulled apart and everyone clapped and applauded, at the newly married couple.

They looked at their family and friends, Lexie, Olli and Felix came walking towards their mum and dad, Mon-el picked up Felix, and Kara picked up Olli who were both clapping their hands together, with big wide smiles most probably not even knowing what was going on. We walked back down the aisle as a newly wed couple and family.

After the wedding and signed our marriage certificate, we went and took a few photos privately, with our children, and of course, Eliza and Alex. Which took about an hour, and I know what your thinking an hour to take marriage photo's, We have kids ok, so with them fussing, it was going to happen. We went back to the DEO and had a privet Kryptonian, Daxum ceremony so we were still in touch with our ancestors.  

Thx for reading I hope you enjoyed! remember your writing the Final chapter,  there are about 8 chapters left !!!! so start to think let me know, what you want to see, i have some ideas but I WANT YOURS !!! 

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