Questions For Alura.

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As Kara looked over her daughter's work, trying to understand why she couldn't understand what she was not getting understanding, the basics. Kara sighed and waiting for Mon-el to get home to ask him if he knew anything.

"Ok, how about this it was your first day, so if you don't understand it by the end of the week, and. You actually really try and aren't trying to get out of it, then I will see what I can do" Kara told Lexie, she nodded and whizzed around the kitchen making dinner for her new parents.

Mon-el arrived home to see Lexie and Kara on the couch watching a musical, Kara was teaching her more then she needed to know about musicals.

"Lexie, off to bed. You have school tomorrow" Mon-el said to the two girls on the couch.

"Mon, dad we have half an hour left" she wined

"Lexie, bed, now," he said sternly. She got up from the couch as her mother paused the movie and watched her daughter move to her bedroom. Patting a spot for Mon-el to sit.

"You ok?" Kara and Mon-el

"Yeah, just tired, who knew having a kid would be harder than being a superhero" Mon-el spoke with a small laugh "How are you going?" He asked her

"Good," Kara replied as she rubbed her stomach, with Mon-el placing his hand over hers.

"Good" he replied giving, her a kiss. Kara pulled away "hey, did Lexie have any difficulties, with school On Daxam." Mon-el sighed, when I was only with her, I used to teach her a few things, the basics, but she didn't get much schooling" Mon-el said in a depressed manner.

"You really cared for her, didn't you," Kara asked. Mon-el nodded "I took care of her like a sister when my parents weren't looking over me" Mon-el explained.

"Well, that's what I love about you. And you know why I love that, you going to be able to help with, her is that's ok?" Kara asked.

"Of course, and I will do as much as I can to help and protect this one" Mon-el said. Giving her a kiss, soon turning into a make-out session, which Kara pulled away from. "We have a teenage girl living with us, we can't do anything too loud," Kara said with a chuckle. "Good thing that, we have learned to quiet down," Mon-el said and continued to kiss her.

The next morning thankfully Kara wasn't feeling disgusting as she had been, she was able to get up, have a shower and have breakfast with her daughter and soon to be husband.

As they were about to go out the door, Kara gave her daughter her fully charged phone back.

"You stay at school today, understand. If Something like this happens again J'hon can shapeshift and will make sure that you don't get into any more trouble" Kara told Lexie. Lexie nodded and was about to take her phone when Kara when pulled it away. "I mean With school work too, no messing around," She said sternly "Ok," Lexie said walking out the door, as Kara gave Mon-el a kiss, "I will see you at the DEO late" Kara and Lexie checked into the DEO before they headed off to school.

Kara dropped Lexie off at school, raced to CATCO, then came back to the DEO where she met Mon-el, but went into the training room before anyone else could see her. Mon-el did though, he followed his Fiancé, opening the door to see her laying down one of the side benches, which he raced over to her.

"You ok?" He asked her in a panic

"I'm so tired, I don't. know how we going to do this, keep up with everything" Kara asked Mon-el

"Hey, you will be fine, when it come's to it, we will make arrangements," Mon-el said kissing her forehead.

Alex walked in, "Woh Kara you ok?" Alex asked worriedly

"I'm just tired Alex, whats wrong?" Kara asked getting up.

"Um I don't think we should train today," Alex said, "no I need to know how to fight when I'm tired" Kara replied

"No, you will not be fighting, I can take care of things, everyone knows and Trust Valor. you work at CatCO" Mon-el said kissing her on the lips, helping her up "Can you fly me to CatCo I have no energy" Kara said almost collapsing

"No were are taking you to the med bay, something is wrong" Alex ordered.

Mon-el carried her to the med bay, laying her down on the bed where she closed her eyes with the comfort of the bed.

Alex did all the test she could to see what was going on, and when she couldn't figure out what was going on, she went into where Kara's biological mother was located where she could ask impossible questions about Krypton and other questions related to aliens.

"Alura, I would like to ask you something," Alex said

"Sorry, I only answer to Kara" Alura's figure

"Alura, Kara isn't well, she's Pregnant and she exhausted. She never gets exhausted" Alex spoke. Alura didn't respond. Alex sighed

Alex walked out, bumping into Mon-el "Kara's woken up" He said as he walked along with her to the med bay.

"Good, because Alura only answers to her now apparently" Alex stated and continued to walk quickly to Kara.

"Kara," Alex said walking up hugging her sister. "Um we couldn't find anything, but I tried to ask Alura but she wouldn't talk to me" Alex explained to Kara.

"Kara, we should go ask your mum she might know something," Mon-el said Kara nodded getting up the bed walking to her mother's room together.

"Mother please answer Alex's questions," Kara said standing with her sister and Mon-el

"As you wish my daughter," Alura said

"Kara isn't well, she's Pregnant and she exhausted. She never gets exhausted" Alex said

"Sometime's Kryptonian pregnancy can be tiring, but they also take less time, the baby is growing at a rapid pace, you are one month and by next month you will be four months, your pregnancy will only take 6-7 months, I hope this helps my child" Alura spoke

Kara wasn't shocked because of she knew that something would be different with her pregnancy, but she didn't know how to deal with it, this was all new to her. "Can you please leave me and Mon-el alone?" Kara asked Alex and the rest of the team. They all nodded and walked out.

"Mother, how do I deal with this, please help me," Kara said almost sobbing.

"Kara my darling, you are strong, you will be a great mother, I can not give you any advice as all pregnancy's are different" Alura spoke. Kara nodded and leaned into Mon-el's embrace.

"Come on let's get you back to CatCo," Mon-el said as they both walked out, bumping into J'hon.

"We need to talk," J'hon said quietly, as they walked to their meeting room where the couldn't be distracted.

"Kara and Mon-el I am happy for you, as a father figure I couldn't be happier, but as an employee, we need to figure something out so that national city knows that Supergirl has gone rogue."While we figure it out, be Kara enjoy your life before you child comes along" J'hon continued knowing that he wasn't going to win with Kara, he gave them a smile, giving them both a hug.

"Thank you J'hon," Kara said "Yes thank you" Mon-el continued.

 Mon-el flew Kara back to Cat Co. "I'll see you at home ok" Mon-el said 

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