It's my fault, I need to tell him

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Hey sweeties, OMG !! the episode Karamel Feels,  and Karamel children feel's with Val, and Mon-el I just couldn't !!!! Ok on to the story! i hope you like it it's a short one, it's kinda part two of the previous chapter.   so you will understand the chapter name, once you have read the whole chapter !! 

Mon-el POV

I sat with by Kara's and Lexie's bed, with my head in-between my hand, and I then realised, where were Felix and Olli, I walked out to the main part of the DEO and asked Alex to watch her sister and niece, while I go to get Felix and Oliver, that was until, Alex said the Louis was looking after them and bringing them here as we speak, I sighed in relief, how could I forget about my baby boy's so innocent, they were in their room sleeping, while everything went on.

I walked back into the room that was again blocked off so I was allowed privacy with my fiancé and daughter. I kissed my daughter's forehead upset that her First birthday on earth was ruined. I sat next to Kara giving her a kiss on the forehead too, and holding her hand.

Louis and Clack walked in with Felix and Olli. I just sat there not knowing what he can do, to help his helpless girls.

"Mon-el, go get some rest, I'll stay with them," Clark told me, I shook my head.

"I will be here when they wake up, it's my fault they were in the position, I hate that I didn't tell anyone, or show anyone" I spoke, upset.

"What are you talking about," Clark asked I got up and raced to my locker getting the magazine the I asked I could take from Lexie's school reception and raced back to the room where Lex and Kara were in. I handed the open magazine, to the page the article was on.

"You mean that you knew and you let it happen," Clark asked raising his voice a little, making Kara stir, I looked back toes her self-pushing her self up.

"Woh, no laydown babe," I said

"Don't you babe," Mone-l said to racing to her side her, "he almost got you and Lexie killed," Clark said raising his voice not happy. Kara shushed him, trying to get hold of Olli who was in his arms, Louis, gave Felix to Mon-el.

"Clark, let him explain it to me, thank you for looking after Felix and Olli," Kara said basically telling him to leave. I know she loves his cousin, and he accepted me when we first me right before I had to leave earth, but I knew that she would let me explain. Clark just nodded and walked out of the room leaving me, Kara and our kids one of which who was still unconscious.

I sat there and explain everything to Kara, from when I found it too, why I didn't Bring it up, or show her.

"It's all my fault that Lexie is like this on her birthday," I said now sobbing into my hands, making sure that I still had hold of Felix.

"Mon, its ok, Alex managed to stable them and is now working on a cure to see if the mother-daughter due can be revitalized into the human beings they were," Kara said to me rubbing my back.

"I'm truly sorry that I left you so vulnerable," I said to her looking at her.

"Hey It's ok, I am going to put them back to bed," Kara told me giving me a kiss, as she took hold of Felix. I just nodded and looked over at Lexie, she was still pale and week, I would do anything to help her. I pushed my chair towards her bed and took hold of her hand. "I'm so proud of you Lex, I thought I lost you but I found you, you make me so happy and proud along with Felix and Olli to be the best dad I can be," I said to her kiss her on the forehead.

Kara and I stayed with Lexie for the night, we decided to bring the twin in the room so we didn't have to leave the room, during the night.

Kara's POV

Last night was hard, Mon-el and I sat there waiting for Lexie not to wake up. We sat there comforting each other, I didn't care that mon-el did this, I mean yes he should have said something but like him, I just want Lexie to wake up. Mon-el decided to go and take the twins out for a walk and grab some breakfast hoping that Lexie would wake up when he returns. I sat there thinking about the twins and how their emotions had come in, but being half Kryptonian and half Daxamities the should be growing quicker than an average child. I brushed it off when I heard sheets starting to ruffle. I turned my head to see Lexie starting to move. I rushed to her side.

"Hey, hey, hey, take it easy you're ok," I said to Lexie. Lexie rubbed her head unsure of her wear about's. Kara made sure that she was safe. Kara kissed her forehead. "You're Ok," Kara started "your at the DEO, I'll go get Alex," I said.

"What happened?" Lexie asked before Kara could leave. "I'll explain later," I said walked out.

"Alex, Lexie's awake," I said, Alex because More aware and walked in with Dana.

"Lex, good to see your awake" Alex said checking her vitals and writing down everything that was on the screen in front of her. While Dana helped Lexie sit up so she could do some extra test. While I stood at the end of the bed waiting to hear the results. Just as Alex was about to give results back to Lexie and Kara, Mon-el walked.

"Lex you're awake!" He said and stopped pushing the stroller, walking up to her to give her a hug.

"Yeah," Lexie said quietly.

Alex proceeded to give Lexie and her parents the results. "So Lexie is fine, no damage internally, or externally, just a small concussion. Mon-el and I sighed in relief, kissing our daughter.

"Can she go home?" Kara asked

"Yes, but Lexie, if any of your friends ask, what happened" Alex started

"We will talk to her, Alex, I think me and Mon-el have had our fair shares of identity scares," Kara said and Mon-el nodded. Alex walked out of the room, leaving Kara, Mon-el sitting at the end of Lexie's bed.

"I have to tell him, we promised each other not to hide any secrets from each other" Lexie told Mon-el and I 

"Why don't we talk about this when you get home" Mon-el suggested, Kara and Lexie both nodded. 

Thx for reading sweeties, vote, comment on what kind of story you want to see next, see you on Thursday or Friday. 

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