Not The Life I Intended/I Love The Life I Am Living.

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Hey, Supervalorina's this is the Final chapter to this book. I hope you enjoyed reading it and the ending to, I think it wraps the book off. I have a new book called My simple life, it's a Melwood story, and am starting the preparation on writing a Karmel book - mini-series I will let you know when it's coming out. 


I never intended to have the life I do now, I was so set on saving the National City, I did think about having person in my life but when I came out as Supergirl everything seemed to stop, I thought I could have to all but things stopped me, Mon-el came along and we had something doing, I loved him, but then I had to send him away but he came back, and we created a life together.

Mon-el and I were laying in our bed having a cuddle. "I love this," I say

"Want to have morning sex?" He asked I chuckled and gently rubbed my fingers across his chest. The two stated to passionately kiss and take what they had on from the night before and lay there feeling each other.

"Yeah, and our lives, I'm glad I didn't tell National City," I Told him rubbing circles around his bare.

"Yeah" he replied giving me a kiss turning passionate, which was broken and we jolted away when we heard voices, and giggling outside our door.

"Um I don't remember having kids, I hope these little giggling trolls and lost," Mon-el says, I giggle.

I hear the door creak open, it's too late now, we can't do anything we are both completely naked.

"Kids don't come in" Mon-el demands the door stays creaked open, Mon-el uses his super speed to get changed and through me my Pj's we walk out to see no kids around. We both shrugged. "Looks like Adeline won't going to get their favorite breakfast,"I replied knowing that she will be the first one to crack, Brianna would normally be the first one, but she has become much stronger, and doesn't give in to the temptation that easily. "Looks like the kids aren't going to have a flying lesson in the open out in the sky" I speak again,

"We want our favorite breakfast" Adeline spoke

"And we want to fly in the open" the boys said, as they all came out of their hiding spot which wasn't the usual hiding spot. They ran towards us and I picked up Brianna giving her a cuddle as we both bent down giving the other kids a Hug.

"Well ok, then we will have to fill up and go beg J'hon to allow you to go out and fly," Mon-el said.


The kids ran into the main frame of the DEO asking where J'hon wants.

"My children, what do you want?" He asked turning to them in his Martin form, which still scared Brianna a little, but was still tough and asked him."Can we go flying in the sky today PLEASEEEEE !" Brianna said with everyone else joining in at the end.

"Kara, Mon-el are you ready for the consequences?" J'hon asked us. We both nodded I think the kids are now all old enough to go out into public with us, even though this morning I said that I was glad that we didn't tell National City, about our family.

We both decided to call Lexie to see if she wanted to join us on our first official family outing flying our the city. We were all together as a family, and wyn being wyn made costumes or outfits like their parents but without the symbols. Kara couldn't believe it their children looked so much like them, in their suites.

I lined up the family from oldest to youngest. "Are we ready to show off our family, are you ready to be heroes?" I asked the kids "Yes Supergirl" they all said I smiled. "Right let's go, Bri you stay with mummy and Adeline, ok," I tell her.

We all walk up to the balcony and Alex wanted to take a photo of us, we did a few poses one of the photos that I love most is the one where we are turned away from the camera and looking up into the sky, which was just as we were about to take off.

We fly around the city as a family, many people pointing up at us, I see a family with two small girls and signal to Mon-el and the boys to come down. We all flew down to the family and more families started to the area. When we all are down back on the ground everyone comes running up to us, and I did the unthinkable. Even though Mon-el and I decided that it would be for the best, and having that 'i'm glad we didn't tell everyone' conversation this morning.

"Hi," I say to all the citizens, Mon-el comes up beside me.

"Supergirl are these your Kids?" A young girl asks.

"Yes for the time that I have been off in the past years, they are the reason why and I wouldn't change it" I started "My life here on earth was a journey to learn about your customs, I, wanted to fit in, but my mother didn't send me to earth to live as a normal citizen, she sent me here to be a hero, to protect you. I did not intend this life that I lead to come to earth meet my partner and have children but I'm glad I lead the life that I have and I will continue to protect you all" I told them. They all cheered.

A young girl came up to Supergirl, and she bent down to her level. "Hi," I said holding out her hand, the young girl took it. "Thank you," she said, it made my heart melt, that young girl looked up to me. "No worries," I said smiling. Bri and Adeline came up to me and the young girl. "These are my daughters do you want to help come up with names for them," I asked her. "They should already have names?" He said laughing. "They do, but they need superhero names," I said whispering. "Umm," the girl said thing with her fingers on her chin, but she shrugged her shoulders. Making us laugh, "Its ok, when we come up with names we will say that it was your choice in names," I told her, she smiled happily.


From that day forward we still had our secret identities with the kids going to school, and Mon-el and I working our jobs, but on the weekend we would always go out for a fly around the city and say hello to our people. From the way our children came along with us on some missions on the weekend when they weren't at friends houses, I knew they would grow up and be heroes because they were so generous, and selfless to everyone the city and at school.

The family loved being a superhero family as well as been a regular American family, and they were going to keep it like that. The kid's lode going out with friends, going to school, and been heroes, even though Kara and Mon-el didn't want that at first but they saw how good they were with the amazing training they were given by there amazing parents. Brianna was particularly persistent always wanting to help on missions out in their field by being so young her parents knew they had to say no, Adeline loved going out in the field but she also likes to work in the DEO mainframe with her aunt Alex and brothers who were very much into technology. Lexie was helping in the field when they really needed her but lived her life as a citizen in National City with Jack.

For the rest of the years, the DEO was no run by the Danvers/Mathews/Zor-el clan saving the city from whatever crime came there way.  

From the time I left Krypton when I was 12, to now my mother never sent me here to earth, to have this life but to be a hero, and I sure didn't intend to have this life, no one does, it just happens and I love the fact that I am living the life I am.

Thank you all so much for reading this book, I hope that you loved reading as much as I loved writing it. this was my first book, and I can't believe that it got up there so quickly. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I hope that you can support me with my Future stories and Instagram page :)  

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