Yes To The Dress

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Hey Sweeties, what did you all think of the episode, me wasn't as good as I thought it would of being. but next weeks episode the FINAL should be good! 

I hope you like it.

1 year later

It has been a 1 year since the twins have come into the world, they were essentially crawling for about 4 months but then started to pick up walking quietly quickly. They also were talking, but not in full sentence. As Felix was starting to talk he wasn't  looking, at you, he was trying to talking but was point at things, when she took him to Dana she said that there is a possibility he could be autistic, but since he talks when he wants he is a very high functioning autistic child, which can be common but didn't want to fully diagnose him just yet, she told Kara to keep going and try to push him to speak instead of point. Throughout the year he started to talk more, and use his emotions and his very cute face to get what he wants something from his, parents.

Today Kara was going dress shopping with Alex, Eliza and Lexie, and of course her friend Wyn for her wedding which was 4 months away, she had gone dress shopping last year but didn't find anything that she wanted.

The four girls walked into the small bridal boutique.

"Hi ladies, you must be Kara?" The lady asked holding out her hand to Kara

"Yes" Kara replied with a smile.

"So who have you brought with you today?" The lady asked

"I brought my adoptive mum Eliza, my sister Alex, my daughter Lexie and my good friend Wyn," Kara said

"Ok lets get you guys seated and we can find some dresses" The lady said

Eliza, Alex, Lexie, and Wyn sat waiting, while Kara went into a separate room, where the lady sat and asked Kara a few more questions.

"So, what did you want to see in a dress?" She asked Kara,

"Well, I want something covering but still sexy, I would like to try a daring but I'm very conscious about what I like to wear," Kara said to the lady.

"Ok, and what would your fiancé like to see you in?" She asked Kara blushed

"He wants me in something that I feel comfortable in, yet sexy, he's made me and still makes me come out of my comfort zone, in so many ways," Kara said happily.

"Ok, well let's see what we can find and get you your dress," The lady said walking out of the room, and Kara nervous to see what she comes back with.

The lady comes back with a few dresses, a few that Kara would never try on, but she was willing to give it ago. The first dress was very daring, a long back, and was tight all the way down, showing her figure perfectly. Kara looked at her self in the mirror.

"Do you want to show them?" The lady asked,

"Yes, I guess so?" Kara said as she proceeded to walk out to her family and Wyn. Kara stood on the rise in front of the mirror looking at her self. "What do you think?" She asked again so she could tell her family what she was thinking. "I like it but not on me," she said, "Kara it's beautiful, why?" Wyn asked. "It's.., um I don't like how tight it is, I mean you can see I've had twins," Kara said

"Do you want to try on one of the other dresses?" The lady asked.

"Ok, so this one, it's not as tight," she told Kara, Kara nodded and tried on this other dress, it was a simple white dress that had a small corset the flowed from the abdomen down. Kara's face lit up, she smiled as she looked at her self. "Look at the back," the lady said as she turned Kara around, it was a daring back, that had a tanned mesh material, with buttons down the middle. "Wow" Kara said with a smile.

"You like it?" She asked Kara. Kara nodded

"I want to show them this, I really do," Kara said, as she walked out with a proud smiled on her face. When Kara walked out with a smile on her face, her Families and Wyn's lit up too.

"Mum that looks beautiful," Lexie said smiling. Kara looked in the mirror and turned around, so show her them the front of the dress. Eliza started to tear up, Mum why are you crying. "Because you look so beautiful" She spoke. Kara blushed, once again and turned around to look at her self in the mirror.

"Is it you Kara?" Alex spoke.

"It's simple, yet the back is going out of my comfort zone," Kara said

"I want to try on the other dress that is on in there so I know that I absolutely love this dress" Kara said to the Lady, she nodded and walked back with Kara.

"What wrong, you really liked this dress when you first put it on, what happened when you got out there?" The lady asked concerned.

"Um, Can Alex or Lexie come in," Kara asked the lady, Just as the lady was about to open the door, there was a knock.

"Can we come in?" A voice sounded, the lady opened the door to reveal Alex and Lexie.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked

"Do you think Mike will like me in this dress?" Kara asked

"I think dad. Would love you in any dress" Lexie said

"Lex is right, I had my eye on one, very similar to the one you have on one" Alex stated, Kara nodded, waiting for Alex to come back with the dress, giving Kara and Lexie a moment together.

"Mum, do you like this dress?" Lexie asked her mum, pointing at the dress that she had just had on, now on a hanger in front of her. Kara looked at her daughter. "I do, I just don't know if  dad will love it." Kara said "He likes you in anything, you PJ's I see him staring at you," Lexie said, with a small laugh from both of the girls "But do you love it?" Lexie asked 

"I don't know," Kara said feel overwhelmed "do want to try on the dress that Alex is going to bring in" Lexie spoke. Alex arrived back with the dress, Lexie gave her mum and her aunt some space to talk.

"So I know that you really like this dress" Alex spoke pointing to the dress on the hanger, "But can you try this strapless dress on? It doesn't have that daring back, but I think you would nice on you" Alex said. Kara nodded and tried the dress on. Kara walked out with Alex. Lexie knew that her mum wasn't the same. "So what do you think," the lady asked

Kara sighed "I'm sorry, but I don't get that feeling like I had in the other dress" Kara said "Do you think we can add something sparkly, to the other dress?" Kara asked. The lady nodded and walked back into the room, putting the other dress back on, Kara immediately smiled again. They walked out, and asked for a vale that had a small amount of sparkles, on it, perfect for Kara. At this moment, Kara looked her self in the mirror, all she was do was cry, she looked like an actual bride, she was very happy, she turned back around, everyone was smiling. "So is this a yes?" The lady asked. Kara smiled and nodded "Yes" Kara said happily.


Months and weeks before the wedding were crazy, Kara tried to hide her stressed out crazy, side but mon-el so sense that she was stressed, so he asked Eliza and Alex to look after Felix and Oliver, for a night, while Lexie spent it with Sky, now even though Jack and Lexie were still together, Jack's parents were still not fond of Lexie, but Jack didn't care, he would go over to Lexie house, if he wanted to see her.

Kara and Mon-el were alone, he made sure that tonight was relaxing and Kara wasn't thinking about her kids or the wedding only herself and him. And that's was she did, she felt so much better having a night to relax and not worry about anything other then herself.

Kara and Mon-el chose a venue which was similar to, Argo city where they went to find the rock of udical, to save Sam. It was close to their hearts, they wanted to make their ceremony as if it took place on Argo City.  

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