Big Day Part 2

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Hey, Supervalorians another update. I will definitely update after the season finale !!! Remeber you are writing the epilogue so get writing !!! or just give me ideas :) 

Author's POV

The reception was underway, Kara and Mon-el decided not to go with traditional especially because they had two little ones who still wanted their mummy and daddy. There was a dance floor that lit up changing colours which the twins loved as they bounced up and down it changed colours, which made everyone laugh. Before the two had their first dance they wanted to have a dance with Felix and Oliver.

There was a bar, for all the humans so they could get drunk, and even though Mon-el, Kara or J'hon couldn't acutely get drunk which was probably a good thing for Kara and Mon-el since they had little ones, on the other hand, J'hon brought his own alien alcohol so he could have a drink, and feel somewhat of an effect of alcohol. Since Oliver and Felix were going home with Eliza, as well as Lexie and Jack.

Kara and Mon-el were sitting with Felix and Oliver in their laps, bouncing them around to keep them occupied as they didn't being any toys with them at this point in time, as the speeches were about to start,

Wyn, Barry, Oliver and Alex, Felicity and Sara lance came to the microphone.

"It's time for speeches," Wyn said through the microphone, all the other guest laughed, as a half-drunk wyn spoke.

"Alright, wyn sisters first," Alex said stealing the microphone from Wyn, again everyone laughed at the fact that they were trying to be the first to speak to the newlywed couple.

thankfully Barry took to the microphone off both of them and started talking himself, to their friend and family and the newlywed couple.

"Kara and I go way back, we used to believe it or not to dancing and singing classed together when we were younger and thanks to social media we got in contact again and started talk and caught up and when I found out that she was getting married and had children I had to come to celebrate with her friends and family." Barry started, everyone smiled "I've known Mike for a year now, and I know he will take good care of Kara, and she will do the same with Mike l they are one of the best pairings I know and as the kids would say I do, to Ship Karamel. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers. "To Karamel,"  Barry said raising his glass, everyone copied, as Alex snatched the microphone from his hand before Wyn could.

"My sister, and new brother-in-law, who would have thought they would have had kids and gotten married before me. Kara, you came into our lives and it was hard but as we got older we grew closer and we needed each other we were best friends, but now you don't need me you have your best friend your husband, you have Mon-el the brother in law who stole my sister's heart." The crowed Awwed  "Kara and I have so many memories together growing up, high school, college and both moving to National City from Middle Vale, I hope to create and add more memories to what you two have already had many memories together that will last a lifetime. I love you two with my whole heart along with nice and nephews. I hope you to have an incredible life an journey together, DON'T HURT HER," Alex said and everyone repeated "Karamel" and applauded at the speech of Kara's sister.

Next was wyn he took the microphone out of her hands and started his speech, the crowd laughed, "Kara, we have known each other for almost four years now, and we have to be through a lot and when Mon-el came into your life I new you had found your new best friend, but we continued to be best friends, I am so happy for you Kara, and Mon-el I am so happy that you are apart of our family" Wyn said once again everyone applauded to the newly wed couple. And everyone started to yell SPEECH, SPEECH, SPEECH. Once the happy couple got up and walked to the front with the children, everyone started to settle down. The DJ passed two microphone's to the couple as the had a child each on their hip.

"Thank you all so much for coming and celebrating us coming together, as most of you know, Mike as Mon-el and some of you know Mike as Mike, hence why Barry started Karamel. Mon-el had to leave for a couple of months for work, and when he got back, we couldn't wait we knew we had to get married, be apart and being in a long distance relationship wasn't easy but we did it." Kara spoke "As I said in my vowels Kara is the most amazing person and I a proof to call her my wife, and I am so happy that I am welcomed into such a warm family, I hope you enjoy your night" Mon-el spoke

Kara and Mon-el handed Eliza and Lexie, Felix and Oliver so they could have their first dance together and they chose the perfect song, 'Everything she does is magic' The guest watched the two as they danced, looking each other and smiling, and laughing at something that on-el had said.

"Do you remember the first time we heard this song?" Mon-el asked Kara, she nodded his head.

"That why I love this song because it reminds me of it," Kara said

"Yeah, well tonight we will play that song and we can do it all over again," Mon-el said, Kara giggled

"Everyone is watching," Kara said

"Let them watch," He said and kissed her passionately

Eliza took both Olli and Felix and placed them in their chairs, so Lexie and Jack could have a dance together.

The night continued, and everyone was having fun, Lexie and Jack got Felix and Olli on the dance floor, All the guest thought it was so cute.

The night continued, Eliza took Felix and Oliver so Mon-el, Kara, and Lexie could all have a good time without having to think of the kids.

As the night came to a close everyone was leaving, only Barry, iris, Oliver, facility and the legends gain where still here as they needed to go back to their own earth and couldn't really do it when people were around.

Once they all left Mon-el and Kara walked up to a room they had booked prior to the wedding so they could have a night alone, for the first time in a while. They arrived in the room, walking in, dropping their things down.

"So we are alone at last" Mon-el said turning to Kara

"Yep," Kara said smiling at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"So Eliza has the twins, Lexie and Jack" Mon-el said again speaking softly

"Nothing's stopping us," Kara said softly like the first time she said that to him after they got rid of Myxipidlic. "Well I mean," Mon-el said as he tried to pull her closer but her dress got in the way. They both laughed Kara pushed off Mon-el "Right" she replied speeding into the bathroom, taking off her dress making sure to hang it up, walking out, in nothing but her underwear, but still covering her self up, still being self conscious about her body around the man she just Married and had shown everything to him before.

Mon-el was already on the bed waiting for her, in just his jocks, he was defiantly confused why she was covering her self up, he got up walking over to her looking at her in the eye's cupping her cheeks. "You know you are beautiful and you don't need to cover your self up." He stated as he moved his hands down to her arms, she nodded looking down. "What wrong?" He asked concerned pulling her hands away looking at her.

"I know I'm Supergirl and Don't gain weight but having twins has made me self-conscious about my body and skin," Kara stated with worry on her face, as she revealed some stretch marks on her body, she looked down wanting to cover up her body

"You are beautiful ok, I love you, now, I married you because you have. The sexiest body in all galaxies and well because I love everything about you," he said giving her. A kiss on the lips, "your comet-like eye" kissing her on the neck, and continued to kiss her "and I especially love the stretch marks we made" He said pulling his wife to bed with him, laying her down and starting to kiss her, she giggled, smiling at him and everything seemed to go away, she knew he loved her, she just needed to stop thinking about her body, because he loves it, and that's all that matters. They continued to have a fun night and trying not to break the bed or create a rumble in the building.

I hope you enjoyed ! next chapter will be up on Tuesday after Supergirl ! don't forget to read my new book Mel and Chris's  Big decision...  

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