It's Official

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Chapter 4

Morning broke, Mon-el laid next to Kara watching her sleep, he smiled that everything was coming together in his life and for the past year and a half, he new what he wanted and he was the man that he always wanted to be, he found a women that loved him for him and new exactly what it felt like to be a refuge.

Kara opened her eyes to see her now fiancé laying next to her, she moved in towards him as he moved his arm around her pulling her closer.

"Can we stay her for a while" Kara asked

"Umm you don't want to go to the DEO?" Mon-el asked

"Umm yeah but I just want to stay in here a little while longer" Kara asked

"Um ok" Mon-el replied

"This isn't a dream is it?" She asked again.

"No" Mon-el replied kissing her on the forehead.

"Good" Kara replied and snuggled into his chest as they stayed there for a few more minutes, that is until Kara's phone rang. For the first time in a while she groaned not want to get out of bed. Kara moved out of Mon-el's grip and got her phone seeing that it was J'hon.

"Where are you?" He asked annoyed

"Sorry, me and Mon-el will be there in 20 minutes" Kara said getting out of bed hanging up her phone.

"Hey where are you going?" Mon-el asked

"J'hon's annoyed and we need to get to the DEO" Kara told Mon-el as she quickly changed. Mon-el did the same.

When they finally arrived at the DEO talk Kara immediately handed the ring to Mon-el.

"Why?" He asked quietly

"Just for now, I don't want to announce it just yet, or until I have told Alex and Eliza, Wyn and James, please" Kara asked "Ok" he replied giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Where have to to being?" J'hon asked

"Sorry were late it was me I wanted to stay in bed" Mon-el lied to cover for Kara.

"Whats wrong?' Kara asked as they walked toward the centre of the DEO

"We may of figured out who this poison Ivy girl is" J'hon replied. "It looks like it was KATMAS" J'hon explained "But why would they do it at a school?" Kara asked

'Well thats what we are going to figure out" "if you see anything let us know" J'hon asked wyn who was try hack into KATMAS and see if they are working on anything new, in the mean time Kara, Mon-el can I have a word with you to?" J'hon asked and walked into a closed off room, waiting for Kara and Mon-el both to come in before closing the door.

"Last night when you were looking after the young girl' Jhon started

"We are really sorry, her mother was in a bad spot and her babysitter cancelled at the last minute" Kara started.

"I understand, but as heroes that protect our city you have to be available" Jhon started.

"We know but we also want our own lives, we want to be Supergirl and Mon-el, but we also want to be Kara and Mike" Kara told Jhon.

"Mike?" Jhon asked

"Name that I gave him so that no one figured out that he was Mon-el" Kara explained J'hon nodded J'hon continued "As a friend and father figure I want you and Mon-el to have a life but as your boss when it comes to work you need to be ready for anything?" J'hon told the two. They both nodded. Jhon walked out of the room, both Kara and Mon-el let out a breath.

"I thought it was going to be so much worse" Mon-el asked Kara

"Yeah, I don't know how he's going to take it when we tell him were engaged" Kara told Mon-el as she turned to him rubbing his shoulders

"Um, did you want to go out and tell everyone?" Mon-el asked giving his fiance

"Um for dinner, I don't want to announce it to the DEO just yet" Kara told Mon-el. He new that she was probably right.

"Hey do you think we are going to have to announce it to everyone that Mon-el and Supegirl are getting married.?" Mon-el asked Kara

"I think because we are getting married as Kara and Mike people won't realise" Kara explained to Mon-el

"What about when we chose to have our own children?" Mon-el asked as he hugged her.

"Umm you thinking about that already?" Kara asked

"Umm well that and the fact that people are going to start asking questions" Mon-el asked her

"Well when it come to it, we will deal with it, its just get through telling our friends that we are engaged" Kara told him giving him a kiss.

Through out the day Kara worked, wearing her engagement ring hiding it sometimes and when people notices they would congratulate her. As she was texting her friends to meet them at the 'secret bar' were all the aliens go, Eve told her that Cat grant needed to see her in her office right away. Kara walked there seeing that Cat was sitting in couch with two cups of tea.

"Kara, come sit sit" Cat said pronouncing her name right for probable the 5th time.

"A little birdie told me that you and your boyfriend are engaged?" Cat asked Kara

"Sh" Kara said shutting the glass doors. And then Replied "Yes" Kara replied with a smile on her face.

"Now is this the boyfriend that left you?" Cat asked

"Um we figured things out and when he got back we still truly loved each other, we also just brought a house together" Kara replied

"I hear its near a school?" Cat asked

"Um yeah" Kara replied

"Your not?" Cat asked

"Not, not yet anyways" Kara replied

"So thats in the cards?" Cat asked Kara blushed "Yeah we both want to start a family" Kara started, blushing a little

"Well, I'm so happy for you" Cat replied giving Kara a hug.

"Thank you" Kara replied smiling.

Later that night Kara and Mon-el's were out side the bar as their friends were waiting for them inside.

"You ready?" Kara asked Mon-el

"Yeah, are you sure you want to tell J'hon?" Mon-el asked

"Yeah, it might be best I mean he can't get angry with everyone else there" Kara replied

"Ok" Mon-el replied back putting his arm around her giving her a kiss on the temple.

They walked in hand in hand of to their friends. "Hey guys" Kara said as they both sat down with their friends.

"So what did you want us here for?" Wyn asked Kara looked at Mon-el, he nodded. She took her hand out from under the table and showed it to the ring to her friends and sister. Her friends were definitely surprised.

"Wow, um congratulations" James said surprised, and happy with a little bit of a shock. Wyn on the other hand was happy for his best friends. Alex and Maggie on the other were happy that they were now not the only ones in their friendship group that were on their way to be a married couple. 

Thx for reading, would love to hear what you, think so far. 

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