TWINS !!!!

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Kara tried to do some work at CatCo, but. Couldn't find any motivation to do so, she told snapper Lena and James that she was going to go out to find something. That. She couldn't write about, but her body went straight to the DEO. As she flew into the DEO, Alex immediately thought something was wrong, she came running to her, just. As she was about to stumble down the stairs. "Whats wrong?" Alex asked

"Nothing just really bored at CatCo, plus I'm finding it really hard to concatenate," Kara told them. "Is there anything I can do?" Kara asked

"Kara, we don't want anything to happen to you," J'hon said like it was an order

"Can I at least train?" She questioned

"No," Alex said

"Oh please, I will work on my cape tricks notion else, maybe a few punch blocks" Kara begged.

"No," Alex said again, Kara sighed. Mon-el flew into the DEO, "Mon-el they won't let me train" Kara wined to Mon-el

"Good, you shouldn't be, I don't want you or our child hurt" Mon-el explained, saying the last part quietly.

"How about we have a look at you little one?" Alex asked Kara and Mon-el both look at. Each other and nodded

The three walked into a closed off med-bay so no one would know what is happening, the6 would tell the rest of the DEO agents when they are ready, however, they wanted this moment to be special, for them seeing their child for the first time. The second scan they would invite Lexie since this will be her brother or sister.

"Ok so we are going to do it like a regular ultrasound, squeeze gel on and wave the wand around your stomach." Alex told her sister. Kara nodded and laid down on the bed, as Mon-el held her hand, Alex got everything ready. She squeezed the gel on her stomach. Alex then placed the wand and waved it around having a good look at the screen, taking a double take to make sure that everything was correct.

"Ok would you like to see?" Alex asked, Kara and Mon-el both nodded, Alex turned the screen to the two, so this may not be a surprise to you Kara since it's in your DNA, looks like you two are having twins, now we don't know the gender yet, but when we do would like to know?" Alex asked the two.

"We will see, but we want Lexie to come in next week and see them, and the will consider it," Kara said looking at Mon-el who was staring at the screen. "Mon-el, you Ok," Kara asked

"Um yeah" Mon-el replied getting up.

"Thx Alex, we might head home," Kara said getting up, wiping the gel off her stomach, walking out with Mon-el by her side.

They both arrived home Mon-el still in shock, he went to sit on the couch while Kara went and got a bottle of water for him, giving it to him, as she sat next to him.

"Are you ok?" She asked him again, he looked at her with glistened eyes. "Kara, we are going to have to bye a new house, we don't have enough room for two more children," He said

"Are you not happy that we are having twins?" Kara asked confused but little sad.

"Of course I am happy Kara, I am over the moon, I'm worried about space" He told her Kara looked at him Bringing his face up to her's "We will make space, we brought this home, so it is our's we can put an extension on, the twins can stay in our room for the first couple of months and then when and if the extension is done by then they can go in their own room" Kara said giving her fiancée a kiss.

"What about our wedding, and Lexie, how are we going to afford this?" He questioned getting up.

"Mon-el you are acting like me, just calm down we will work it out, I want to tell Lexie before we announce to everyone else. We have the house to yourself, should we make the most of it?" Kara questioned Mon-el looked at her, giving her a smile and a kiss, which Kara loved, she wanted to dive right into him, but he Pulled away. "Nice try, you need to go back to work, and I am going to find a new job, so we can actually expand on this place, that's if we can, I will see what I can do," Mon-el told his fiancé. Kara pouted "fine, but you do know that I will have cravings" Kara spoke winking as she got up to leave CatCo.


It was lunchtime at school, and Lexie was sitting alone, that was until scarlet came up to her. "Hey come sit with us, we don't put Supergirl down," Scarlet said, Lexie, smiled getting up following Scarlet to her table. She put her head down and continued eating.

"I'm Sky," A girl said, Lexie looked up, "Hey" she responded

"Scarlet said that you have just moved here," Sky asked

"Yeah" Lexie replied

"What school did go to?" Sky asked

"Um... I, didn't go to school, I came from an Orphanage, and they weren't that helpful" Lexie responded with her head down, with sadness

"Then, how are you so good at maths?" Scarlet asked Lexie gulped, but knew what her parents told her that this would happen, so she prepared herself for some of the questions, last night when she was 'grounded'. "Um my last foster parents worked with numbers so I guess I got that from them from an early age," Lexie explained hoping that they would think it was true.

"What do you like to do in your orphanage, as a hobby?" A girl name Katie asked

"Um I love cooking, and the good think about my adoptive parents, only my dad can cook, so when he's working I cook for me and mum," Lexie said with a smile.

"Nice" Katie said.

"Her parents, look really nice, maybe we could come over after school one day?" Scarlet asked, Lexie chocked on her food. "Um yeah, I would have to check with them first?" Lexie responded

"Are you going to try out for cheerleading?" Katie asked

"Maybe, probably not, I'm not that type of person to do that sort of stuff," Lexie said.

"Ok, because we kinda made an agreement, not to try out for cheerleading," Sky said, and Lexie nodded. "Um so what do you like to do in your free time?" Lexie asked.

The girls all talked for the rest of lunch and walked back to their lockers before lunch ended.

Scarlet walked with Lexie to their next class, as Lexie walked with her head down. "Hey, are you ok?" Scarlet asked with concern "Um yeah, sorry I guess from being in an orphanage most of my life, I didn't get much interaction, with children my age" Lexie said. "Well I'd be happy to work with you on that, my younger brother is autistic, and doesn't do well in social situations, so I know a few techniques?" Scarlet said to Lexie. She looked up at her, "you really want to be my friend?" Lexie asked Scarlet nodded, Lexie smiled, and they walked into the next class together, Lexie feeling a little more confident.


Kara Looked down at her phone, seeing that it was time to go pick her daughter up, she packed everything up and walked out CatCo.

Kara pulled up to the school to see Lexie talking with a few girls, she pulled in and texted her daughter telling her that she was her. Lexie walked towards the car, with the group of girls, Kara smiled that she made some friends on her second day.

"Hey, Lex, who are these girls" Kara asked her daughter.

"Um this is scarlet, Sky and Katie" Lexie said pointing to each one of them

"Hi girls," Kara said, they all waved back at her,

"Um is it ok if they come over sometime?" Lexi asked

"Of course, that is fine," Kara said, to all of them.

Awesome, we will organize a day tomorrow" Sky said they all waved to each other as Kara and Lexie drove off. 

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for reading. i hope your enjoying., please leave a coment on what you thought or what you want to see .... Also please vote ! Thanks 

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