Chp56: Bharat milap

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Frankly speaking I thought no one was going to read new chapter xD
thanks for proving me wrong❤

"You won't invite me in?" harsh asked randhir who was standing at the door with shocked expression

what is he doing here?
did he lost his way?
or he is here to remind him about his deeds?
parth's face flashed in front of his eyes & he flinched back

"Relax I'm not here to lecture you about your mistakes" harsh chipped calmly

"W-what are you doing here?" he stammered
"one crazy girl juz made me realise how mean we shekhawats are! so m here to rectify that" harsh smiled while thinking about sanyukta

"sanyukta? where is she?" he widened his orbs & pushed past him calling her

"sanyukta...sanyukta" he looked here & there

"No she's not here but we need to talk son" harsh told him while entering his house

"Oh hello uncle" vids smiled
"uh? what are you doing here?" harsh asked in confusion
son are you doing two timing?
no doubt sanyukta left you" harsh gasped in horror

"what? noooooo!" randhir shook his head vigorously


"she juz came for holidays? if that makes sense"

"you were weird since childhood no doubt but now you have became more weirder
sanyukta & you are ssly made for each other!!!!" harsh rolled his eyes

"are you here to tell me that?
& what you mean by sanyukta left?" randhir asked getting serious now

"No m here to mend things between us
I think its enough of cold war" harsh sighed sadly

Is he dreaming?
someone plz pinch me? he thought
oh yeah if sanyukta could be here then she would have pinched him
but where is she?
& what magic she did on his father?
the man you didn't give a f*ck about him since past few years how come he wanted to mend things all of sudden????

"I know whatever happened years back was not your fault randhir
I lost my one son & It was too much to take in!
plus my other son was responsible for that made me more sick about that so I juz had to take it somewhere & your actions gave me a reason to abandon you
you were always insecure of parth no matter how much we tried to make you understand that we loved you guys equally but may be somewhere we lacked in being good parents
I'm sorry" harsh tried to control his tears

Where as randhir himself tried not to break down infront of him!
how can he juz say that? he needed someone to blame so he abandoned him?
over here it spent years in guilt thinking that it was all his fault that he killed parth!
parth left them coz of him!

"Hahaa...I juz Don't know what to say?'s so funny hahaa" he started laughing like a mad man

Vids & harsh gave him sympathetic look
"M really sorry son
M sorry for leaving you alone
m sorry for keeping you away from your mom your house everything
you need to understand it wasn't easy for us
your face reminded me of parth everytime" harsh finally broke into tears

What is he supposed to do?
he can't see his father like this but then he hurt him badly!!!
then he was at equal fault too right?
knowingly or unknowingly parth died coz of his mistake
he has no right to judge his father
everything is so messed up
sanyukta where are you? he pulled his hair in frustation

"Sanyukta told me that I should make things right with you so shekhawats can live happily ever after
are you in for that?" harsh asked with a hope
"she said that?" he asked in baby voice
that girl is really nice
she is a keeper for sure"
randhir smiled at his words
yeah that girl might be crazy af but keeper for sure
"I'm sorry too dad" he hugged harsh letting his tears out
all the pent up emotions he had burried since past years letting them out aswell
not every time you get a chance to rectify your mistakes!
use it well when the time comes coz destiny never waits for anyone!

"It's okay I knew it was a mistake you didn't kill parth & now we need to make a new start as parth will be so happy to see us like this together
plus I can't wait to surprise renuka
poor women went through  so much!
she misses you alot randhir" harsh broke the hug wiping his own tears away
"Yeah I miss mom too" randhir smiled

"Erh.. if you guys are done with bharat milap then we need to find sanyukta remember?" vids interrupted their kabhi khushi kabhi gam family drama

"Hahaa sure I like that girl" harsh chuckled
"but why she left?" randhir asked again in confusion

"are you serious randhir?
my god your son is dumb!" vids shouted in frustration
"sssh..I agree on that" harsh shook his head

vids & harsh gave him are you serious look?
"that girl loves you randhir can't you see that? she wanted to make you happy! she convinced me to come here..she did everything for you but what you did? you juz disappointed her
that's really bad" harsh scolded him
"yeah how can you be so dumb?
she clearly doesn't likes when someone makes fun of her crazy personality atleast not you!
she must have got hurt coz of your today's act" vids too scolded him

"ohh means he did hurt her before aswell?" harsh asked
"now what you mean by before?" randhir asked in bewilderment

"before coming in we heard you arguing that she will eventually come back as she loves to create drama! she is a drama queen etc" harsh huffed in annoyance

"what the f*ck? plz say she didn't heard all of this?" randhir gulped as realisation finally strikes him
oh god he has messed up alot this time!!
will she forgive him?
wait before that where is she?
what if she leaves him & went back to her home?

ohh no no!

this can't be happening!!!

he skipped his beat thinking about all the possibilities


Thnku ^_^

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