Chp31: Go back to your house

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"Hey why didn't you come to pick me?" she poked randhir's cheek to get his attention but he was in ignore sanyukta mode
"what's wrong with you? m talking to you" she frowned on his lack of response
"Minion are you deaf?" she huffed
he stoodup & sat on another chair away from her
"are you avoiding me purposely?
but why?" she too stoodup & sat next to him
still no response!!!

"Randhir?" no response
she looked at barun & nakul who were sitting at the opposite side of the dinning table
"I don't know anything
he is acting weird since last night" nakul shrugged
"ya may be he got his periods" barun chuckled
"m asking you last time what's wrong tell me" she frowned

"leave me alone" came his reply
her jaw dropped open!!
here she is trying to know what's wrong with him & he is saying leave him alone
attitude eh?
to hell with your attitude
"fine" she looked away

Silence prevailed for two mins....
she tried hard to avoid him but then they say na curiosity kills the cat
she badly wanted to know the reason for his sudden change of attitude
so sanyukta being sanyukta poked him again "Plzz tell me what I did wrong?
why are you avoiding me?"

"Don't you understand leave me alone?" he raised his voice lil bit but that didn't affect her
"Rude sexy stranger if you really think m scared of you then you are wrong!!!!!
I won't leave you until you tell me what's wrong" she crossed her arms in annoyance

"Don't test my patience sanyukta" he sighed
"look who is talking?
that should be my dialogue" she rolled her eyes
"leave" he ordered
"no I won't"
"fine then m leaving" he stoodup
"wait" she caught his wrist

"see amul butter is really costly now a days so you better stop your drama coz m not going to butter you anymore" she glared him
"I didn't told you to butter me so juz get lost" he jerked her hand away

"here m trying to be nice with you & you are showing me attitude?
too bad minion too bad" she blocked his way
"Why you came back?" he mocked
"huh?" she got confused
"you didn't get it? none of us came to pick you that means we didn't want you come back?"
"no need to be so rude" she made a puppy face
"go back sanyukta
go back to your nikhil
go back to your house" he roared
she took two steps back
"okay enough now you are overreacting"
"m not!!!
you juz leave" he chipped in cold voice & pointed towards the door

she tried to ignore his words..
may be he is juz angry? that's why he is talking like this
but then he was being too rude that made her feel like crying now
"you want me to leave ssly?" she gulped
"m not answerable to you"

what she did?
at least he should explain that but no he juz wants her to leave
if he wants that only then cool
self respect comes first
she gulped "okay"

& they both turned der back in opposite directions


Thnku ^_^

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