Chp12: Flashback

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After randhir closed the door
sanyukta kept staring at it blankly for few mins...
she was trying to absorb what juz happened?
few mins they were happy & all of sudden everything changed
juz coz of that stupid knife!!
& he blamed her for that great!!!
but if she didn't brought that knife then how it came der?
someone must have done it purposely
but who?
she tried to remember all the things from morning
from cafe to home..
nothing suspicious thing happened
except that stupid guy who pushed her
did that guy?
she furrowed her brows
yes he is the one
but why he did that?
to hurt randhir?
she wondered

getting hold of her thoughts
she went near to the door & tried to call him "Randhir plzz open the door & listen to me"
no response
"plzz" she pleaded
but he didn't bothered to reply

he won't talk to her right now!!
she needs to give him some time
she sighed & turned around only to see instagram standing der glaring her hard
like he will jump on her now & eat her raw
"Hiii...doggy" she smiled nervously
insta stepped lil closer
"I...I d-dont havee anythingg trust mee go awaayy..." she stammered in fear
why can't this dog leave her alone?
she is already having bad time & now him!!!

Insta barked on her...
scaring her like hell..!!
"Mummyy" she frowned moving back but her back touched the door
what to do now??
"Rude sexy stranger..
plZ help me from your insta pinsta" she panicked
getting no response she bang the door hard "Randhir"
by the way she was banging the door that dog thought she is mad & trying to get into the house
so he started barking more loudly!!!
sanyukta gulped hard & first took two small steps towards her left & next moment she ran away in full speed like Usain bolt..

insta followed her
as his doubt got more stronger that she is a theif coz of running away
"Aaaaaa..." she screamed while running away

After running for 10mins she finally stopped
& turned around
thankgod that psycho dog was not running behind her anymore!!!
she sighed in relief & leaned on the near by tree for support
she was feeling thirsty now
so she looked around
& widened her orbs in shock
where is she??
all the sides were covered with trees only
oh no! she lost her way!!!
"Aaaaa..gawd why are you being so cruel??
why me? aaaaaa...." she started crying like a small kid
"where to go??
I have no idea about this place!!
f*ck I don't have phone nor money!!!
aaaaaa..." she wailed

"Morning randhir took me out
I know main city is 20mins far from here!!!
but in which direction?
at least I can go to that cafe & ask help?
as she can't remember his house direction also!!
what the hell she will do now?
not getting any way she started walking blankly in one direction
let's see what more amazing surprises god has planned for her...

While on the other side...
randhir was busy drinking alcohol
he wanted to forget what juz happened
he wanted to forget what happened 10yrs back
he wanted to forget everything!!!
& he thought alcohol is the best solution for this!!
"I w-want to runnn away..yyy
I wwant to hideee" he slurred

whole living room was messed up..
he was sitting on the floor with beer bottle in his hand
"Sanyukta how can you do thisss?
I-I thought you were nicee nnot likee otherss.." he chuckled sadly
as alcohol was taking over him!!

"M not good
m not perfect!!!
but m not that bad that I will kill someone
it was a mistake" he started crying as flashbacks from his past played in front of his eyes


One boy was busy playing watching tv...
when suddenly his dad came & switched off the tv
"Dad nooo" he frowned
"go & study
whole day you either play video games or roam with your idiot frnz!!!
when will you take your studies ssly??
look at elder bro he always comes first in class & look at you
don't you feel like you should also work hard & be like your brother?" his dad scolded him

why do they have to compare his bro with him?
his bro must be perfect
but it's not necessary that he also needs to be perfect!!!
he got angry

"No I don't feel I should be like him!!!
I juz luv the way I am"
"Randhir" his father glared him


"Randhir don't irritate me!
if you can't help me then juz leave
i'll ask your bro to help me
he is really sweet not like you!!" one girl chipped in irritation


"Randhir she is your gf you can't treat her like that" his bro scolded him
"I don't need advice from you!!!
stay away from our matter" he frowned
"M juz trying to help you guys"
"No need Mr.perfect I can handle my own probs"
"Randhir you can't talk to your bro like that" his mom glared him
"yeah you also take his side
you know what I juz hate you ppl"


"I juz hate everyone" he screamed while clutching his head
& suddenly he fell unconscious
coz of alcohol effect
forgetting the fact that he left sanyukta out alone!!!


Thnku ^_^

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