Chp1: Believe me

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Imagine walking alone down an endless pathway..
with only pain and emotional suffering as you continue the search for happiness and comfort that you hope to find somewhere...
but then you look around & found it's all dark
no one to help you
no one to share your pain
no one to make you happy!!!
how would you feel if something like this happens with you?
what will you do?

you can't even imagine that right?
no one wants to live like this
but what about those who are forced to live like this?

Randhir Singh Shekhawat was one of them
his life was full of dark
no hope nothing
he was living his life for the sake of living no excitement nothing!!
well what do you expect from a person who is back from prison of 10yrs?

He has lost all the hopes of living
he wants to start a new life but then who supports a criminal?
no one is ready to give him any job coz of his criminal record!!!
even if he wants to start a new life he is not getting a chance to do so!!!

today he again got rejected from another job..
he came to Mumbai from Shimla in search of job
he thought no one will come to know about his past deed's here but then he was wrong!!
it's time to shift to another city
he sighed

on his way..
he saw one big house which was decorated beautifully with lights
loud music was playing
people were dancing & enjoying
may be someone's wedding is der
he concluded

he got jealous of all the people who were laughing & enjoying
why can't he have normal life like them?
he remembered his good old days when he & his friends used to go out & had fun
how his mom used to wait for him daily juz to check if he had his food
the way she used to pamper him
how his dad used to scold him for his silly mistakes but still loved him alot
how much he & his bro used to have fun together
he used to live his life carelessly
his own rules & everything
memories brought tears in his eyes..
but he quickly wiped it away so that people wouldn’t think that he is a loser!!

he had an outburst of anger...
he started screaming at God asking him what he had done to deserve this harsh life?

"It wasn’t my fault
I didn't kill him!!!
plzz believe me!!!
plzzz..." he cried as loneliness made him sad

"Child why are you crying?
what happened are you okay?
you seem tired & lost
want any help?" an old man asked him

he smiled sadly
after 10yrs someone showed care towards him
he got an alien feeling
he felt like laughing
as if that old man cracked a joke
"Nothing m fine" he replied rudely

"it's my grand daughter's wedding
come atleast have some food & enjoy
you may feel good after that" old man invited him sweetly

"No thanks" he denied
"your wish but still if you feel like joining then you're most welcome" old man smiled & went inside...

Randhir stared at that old man's retreating figure blankly

while on the other side
some different story was going on...
that big house
that beautiful decoration
people dancing & enjoying
all these preparations was juz a headache for two people
& that two people were none other than the bride & groom!!!
both were thinking about different ways to stop this wedding as they didn't want to get married!!!

"Sanyukta be careful" her bestfriend or her groom you can say warned her
"Idiot you hold the ladder properly
if I fall down I swear i'll kill you" she warned him back
"who told you do crazy stunts like this?
& that too in 10kgs wedding lehanga??" her bestfriend frowned
"Ohh hello it our wedding so its obvious I need to wear this" she rolled her eyes & slowly climbed down her window from back side of her house

"pheww..." she sighed in relief as she got down
"are you sure you want to do this?" her bestfriend asked
"Nikhil plzz stop asking the same question again & again!!!
yes m 100% sure m running away as we don't have any other option!!
do you want to marry me?
no right?
so juz chill & help me" she chipped while adjusting her wedding dress
"running away is not the solution
I think we should try one more time to convince our parents" nikhil advised
"Nikhil baba no more lectures plzz
I tried my best but mom & dad are not listening
so we don't have any option"
"but why you need to run away alone?
why can't I run away?
or why don't we run away together?" nikhil frowned
"Hahaa coz in films bride always runs away
not the groom
duffer!!!" she slapped his head

"oww..stupid girl come out of your filmy world
its all coz of your stupid films
that our parents thought that childhood frnz can be best lovers & they are perfect for each other!!!
nonsense" nikhil rolled his eyes
"ohh hello not a word against films okay" she warned him

before they could continue der banter they heard some foot steps coming towards them....

both of them widened der orbs in fear...
what if they get caught by der parents?
plzz no
they don't want to get married


Thnku ^_^

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