Chp40: Hey joker

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Okay ppl get heart attack
n I get mood attacks😂
m back with the new chapter

"So guys are you ready for the surprise??" barun asked in excitement
"why are you getting so excited?? as if sunny leone is going to come & dance?" sanyukta mocked him
"well not sunny but someone else is going to dance" barun smirked
"what? who?"
"tada tada...." both barun & nakul sang while welcoming aditi...

Sanyukta widened her orbs in disbelief
while randhir gave blank look
what is she doing here?

"you girls had your fun
now it's time for us
ie. 'boys' to have der share" nakul winked

"Hello guys!
hey joker" aditi smirked

sanyukta clenched her jaw
how dare she call her joker again?

"aditi?" randhir got confused
as far as he knows aditi hates him
then what is she doing here?

"Hey randhir
you must be wondering how I came here?
well it's all professional
m here to do my job" aditi cleared his doubt

"you are a bar dancer??" sanyukta blurted out

all others controlled der laugh

m a professional dancer" aditi got offended by her comment

"so let's begin?" barun asked

"yeah sure
arrange chairs over here
& other unwanted ppl can sit wherever they want" aditi ordered

"don't tell me you are going to strip?" sanyukta snapped at her & smirked
"Na m going to give them lap dance" this time aditi smirked

"what?" her jaw dropped in shock

"you heard me right joker"
"no you are not going to do anything like that" sanyukta glared her
"why so?"
"coz m saying"
"are you queen victoria to order me?"
"naa she is madonna" barun interrupted
"shutup!" both the girls snapped at him at same time

"Minion you are not going to allow her to do that lap tap dance okay?" she narrowed her eyes at him while pointing her forefinger at him
"What you call him?
hahahaaa....are you still five?" aditi laughed making her angry
this girl clearly knows how to get on her nerves

"Yeah do you have any problem?" sanyukta snapped at her
"you are weird no doubt"
"thanks" she gave a plastic smile

"okay let's begin" barun announced
"no you are my slaves you have to follow me!!!" she was getting furious

"sanyukta it's okay let them do
after all its her job" randhir said
"you want to do that?"
he shrugged in response
"fine do whatever you want" she got more angry

but why is she getting angry???
oh yes!
she hates aditi
that's it
she concluded & was about to leave from der

"where are you going?" randhir asked
"why do you care? enjoy your lap dance" she snapped & left

Nakul & barun smirked as der plan was working...
sanaya glared them & followed sanyukta
"where are you going?" barun asked her
"well m also straight" she snapped & left
will have double fun without you guys" barun yelled from back & they started laughing on der situation

"What they think of themselves?
we need to do something" sanaya closed the door hard while entering inside her room

"what can we do?
let them have der FUN" sanyukta replied sarcastically

"come on you can't let that btch win!!!
I have one dhasu idea" sanaya smirked
"we will spike her drink with Jamalgota or we can put itching powder on her so that she runs away"
Sanyukta chuckled on her ideas "we are not doing anything like that"
"please it will be fun" sanaya pleaded
"we are not in any tv soap where ppl keep all these things at home"
"oh my god!" sanaya gasped in shock
"look who is talking?
the one who believes in all this sh*t" sanaya chuckled
I have another super idea"
"what's that?"
"see all these things are temporary remedies
I have permanent solution
i'll hit her head with vase from back like they show in movies & then you will help me to hide her body" she grinned
"you're insane" sanaya frowned
"solid plan
we should try it"
"ssly? she is rd's best friend we can't do that duh...!!!
& those two extra smart ppl will not let us do that"
"ya right
then I think will go with your option" she sighed
"okay let's go I have jamal gotala in kitchen" sanaya pulled her out

& when they moved out
they saw aditi was giving them lap dance seductively
which made both of them jealous!!!

when aditi saw them she purposely did more to tease them!!

she leaned on randhir's shoulder & caressed his face as if she is going to kiss him

"is she really his best friend?" sanaya scoffed
"no doubt she WAS his EX BESTFRIEND" sanyukta rolled her eyes
aditi moved to barun & did the same
"Now I think your idea is best
we should go for that" sanaya frowned


Thnku ^_^

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