Author's Note

966 109 31

Hello beautiful people...

Okay before you guys start throwing eggs, tomatoes or chappals for not updating anything since long
I would like to share something with you guys

you guys must be wondering why all of sudden I've started updating less???

yeah one reason is I am busy with my job & all blah blah....
but no that's juz an excuse coz I am way too lazy!!!!

& the main reason is that....... *pause*

promise you guys won't give me sympathy coz I juz hate sympathy!!!!

I lost my father!

yeah it's been few months

that's the main reason I don't feel like writing now a days

only my close frnz know about this!

readers from here who might be following on instagram must be lil shocked coz all my posts over there are happy happy well thats
the way I live
I don't like to show my problems to the world & keep crying abt that!!!!

it's sad that ppl still judge me lyk
"she is crazy"
"this girl is so happy always"
"Always laughing & enjoying"
"she has no problems"

you have no idea what's going in my life infact you don't know what's going in anyone's life so please don't judge people!!!!

Not everyone knows abt my dad but I wanted to share with you guys as I know you guys wait for my updates
few of them always remind me to update & that's really sweet of you guys💜

I'll try my best to update asap!!!!

infact I have new plot ready for roomies 4 but before that I'll finish this book

so yeah let's hope for the best✌

Thnku ^_^

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