Chp7: Aditi

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Next day...
randhir was sleeping peacefully in his bed when all of sudden he heard someone calling for help
he tried to ignore the sound & searched for sanyukta next to him but she was missing
where she went?
did she ran away?
he panicked & jolted out from his sleep

he started looking for her
but she was no der!!!
"Help help..." he heard the same voice again
someone was calling for help
is that sanyukta?
he widened his orbs & quickly followed the voice outside

"Sanyukta where are you?" he asked
"Sexy rude stranger help help" came sanyukta's voice
what happened to her?
what help?
he panicked & searched for her

"Randhir..come fast orelse he will eat me" she screamed
who will eat her?
he got confused
& when he reached to the backside of his house der she was sitting on the branch of a tree
& she was perfectly fine
"what are you doing up der?
& why were you screaming for help?" he frowned

"Can't you see?
help me from him" she frowned while pointing at the dog who was sitting under the tree on which she was sitting
"Don't tell me you were screaming coz of him" he glared
"ofcourse m scared of dogs so plzz take him away"
"actually he should be scared of you" he rolled his eyes
"excuse me?"
"Insta come here leave that joker alone" randhir said to that doggy
"insta? you mean Instagram?" she chuckled
"yeah I had two dogs before twitter & facebook
everyone used to say I should name der baby instagram
unfortunately they didn't had any babies so I named this street dog insta
he stays here only
he is nice dog he won't do anything" randhir chipped while playing with the dog

"No I don't like dogs
plzz take your insta pinsta away from here"
m thinking I should keep him in my house so that I can use him against you as I know you are scared of dogs" he smirked
"don't even think of doing that" she glared him

"Now will you explain why you got up so early & came out?"
"why? I can't get up early?"
"No I was searching for you in bed but you were missing"
you wanted to do morning cuddling with me?" she teased
"shut up" he glared

"okay now help me to get down"
"you look good der monkey"
"shutup & help me"
"How you climbed up?"
"well that's a secret"
"oh really? then get down with the help of your secret only"
"Randhirrrrrrrr....don't irritate me"
"fine" he sighed & went to help her

"see keep your right leg here & jump I will catch you" he instructed
"ohh hello m not krish I won't do that I love my bones"
"you don't have any other option!!!"
"promise you will catch me?"
"okay I swear If I get hurt then i'll k...." she stopped immediately when she was about to say 'kill'
"you will?"
"nothing I trust you" she smiled
he was taken aback by her words
why she trusts him?
she has no idea about who he is what he does
then why?
"oyyee rude sexy stranger ready?" she called him
"yaa jump"
"okay 1 2 3" & she closed her eyes & jumped which resulted her to fall on him
he lost his balance & they both landed on ground
"oh f*ck" he groaned in pain
"hehee that was a cliche scene heroine falling on hero I loved it
let's do again" she chuckled
"are you mad?
no ways
my back is hurting
get up" he frowned
"tch tch...what's the use of these muscles then?
shame on you" she sighed in dramatic way
"yeah I will fall on you & then let's see your reaction!!!
in real life it's not like what they show
hero is a normal human
he gets hurts when heroine falls on him
okay" he snapped
" accept the fact that m heroine & you are the hero" she teased
"shut up"
"You love these two words alot right?
shut up & follow me" she rolled her eyes while sitting on his stomach
"now what are you doing?" he asked
"yeah & what are you doing? is also your favorite dialogue" she chuckled
he rolled his eyes
no use of talking to her!!!

"Aacha tell me
is your skin sensitive for tickling?" she asked
"coz I wanna try" she gave a naughty grin & started tickling him all of sudden
he widened his orbs in surprise
this girl is ssly mad!!!
as he was not wearing a tshirt he felt more ticklish
sanyu- yukta" he tried to control his laugh
"come on come on sadu laugh loudly
always in angry young man look" she laughed while tickling him

"oh no plzz stop" he was trying hard not to laugh but slowly & slowly he was losing his control
"hahaa look at you
you became all red
but still not laughing?
such a stubborn baby" she shook her head in disbelief

he tried to strangle her
& was successful in doing so
"Aare no
wait eee" she frowned as he pinned her to ground

"enough of your stupidity
let's go back" he chipped while glaring her
but soon that glaring into a eye lock....

"cheesy scene part2" she winked while breaking the eye lock
she can't sit quiet for two secs also
he shook his head

"Ohhh wow having fun?" came someone's voice
both sandhir looked up to see who it was?

der was a pretty girl standing der...
Randhir immediately stoodup
sanyukta pulled his hand for support & got up
"Ohh hii" she chipped in excitement
she was happy to see someone else other than this boring rude sexy stranger

that girl smirked
"what happened to your choice randhir?
since when you started dating jokers?"
sanyukta's jaw dropped on her rude remark
"hey here m trying to be friendly with you
& you are insulting me not fair"
"b*tch plzz!
m not interested in your friendship"
sanyukta's jaw dropped lil more
"so mean dayan dean" she frowned

"Aditi behave" randhir warned
"look who is telling me to behave? hahaa" aditi laughed sarcastically
"what you want?" randhir asked
"you know this dayan dean?" sanyukta interrupted
I was juz passing by
saw you enjoying with your new target
so thought of asking how are you?" aditi mocked him
"none of your business
juz leave" he looked away
"why are you back here randhir??
we all are happy here
we don't want to see your face
so you better leave from here"
"you know it was not my fault aditi
don't start that topic"
"ohh yeah it was not your fault that's why you were in jail for 10yrs"
"you won't understand"
"you are a murderer randhir
bloody murderer"
"shut up" he got angry

sanyukta who was observing them got confused?
what are they talking about?
"will someone explain me the twist of the story?" she interrupted again

"sanyukta go inside" randhir ordered
"No I won't
you are getting angry
then you will get psycho attack
all thanks to her
m not leaving you with her" she glared aditi

"seems like lil joker doesn't know your back story" aditi smirked
"stop calling me joker"
"aww lil joker is getting angry?"
"ohh hello
kabhi kabhi aditi
it's not your jane tu ya jane na story
it's my story m the lead so juz buzz off" sanyukta got angry

"sanyukta go inside" randhir repeated
"No tell her to leave
we were having fun
she disturbed us"
"sanyukta" he glared
"why are you ordering me only
tell her also"
"go inside"
"I said leave" he screamed loudly scaring her

she didn't utter a word after that & ran away from der

"Poor girl" aditi shook her head
"Leave" he ordered her also
"M not interested to stay here
it's better you leave from her as soon as possible
many ppl over here won't be happy to see you back
specially your parents" aditi said before she left

tear rolled down his cheek after listening to her words


Thnku ^_^

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