Chp21: You are lucky

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And three of them ran towards the exit...

we can't leave her alone" randhir huffed when they finally reached near exit
"I think that ghost ate her" barun gulped
"ya let's go orelse she will eat us also" nakul was about to exit from der but randhir pulled her back "we can't leave sanyukta alone here to die!!!
we need to find her"

"searching for your friend??" that girl appeared again scaring the hell out of them
"aaaaaahhh...she is back" barun screamed hiding behind randhir
nakul also did the same
on which that girl started laughing

"who ever you are
tell me where is sanyuktaaa..." randhir tried to act cool

"You mean this girl?" girl asked while pointing towards sanyukta who standing at a distance with two other girls

"hey wait that girls are normal
& sanyukta you also look fine!!!
she didn't eat you?" nakul frowned

"ohh ya...!! that means?" barun glared that ghost girl

"that means you guys got tricked hahaaa...." girl started laughing

"wtf" barun got angry & pulled her arm harshly "are you stupid? you almost gave us heart attack"
"ouch leave me
that was juz a prank dude" girl pushed him back while pulling away that dirty mask of patches from her face

barun kept glaring at her but soon his glare softened
when he finally saw her pretty face...
he blinked his eyes in disbelief
wow she is so pretty
he grinned

"Hi my name is Sanaya Irani
me & my friends came here for fun
we wanted to scare someone to make this funny video as our assignment
& this place was perfect
& luckily we found sanyukta & she helped us guys were hilarious
our video will rock for sure" sanaya chuckled

"yeah whatever" barun kept staring at her in awwie

" Mr.minion
you are not afraid of anyone?" sanyukta laughed
"that was all a prank?" randhir frowned
"yes ofcourse
hahaa I won" she pulled her invisible collars up
"how you did that?" nakul asked
"Ohh that was simple
when I walked near the corner I saw sanaya & her frnz
I screamed according to our plan & quickly went to them
& rest you know" she grinned
"you are so evil...!!!" barun glared her
"hey you should be happy I completed our challenge" she glared him back
"you could have informed us"
"we didn't had so much time
plus you guys made her video more hilarious" she chuckled while doing hi5 with sanaya
"ya thanku so much" sanaya also chuckled
what award I should give you for this?" randhir pulled her arm
"umm...I will think about it & tell" she winked at him
"Do you have any idea I was worried when I heard your scream?" he mocked
"yeah & when you saw ghost you ran away without even thinking of me
fattu!!!" she snapped
"I...we...umm" he fumbled
"you got scared?" she teased
I mean yeah lil..
argh...I hate you" he got embarrassed
"Hahaaa....Now i'll repeat your dialogue are so cute
your expressions were priceless hehee.." she pulled his cheeks
"whatever" he pushed her hands away

"let's go home
I think we had enough drama for today" nakul went out
everyone followed him one by one

"thanks sanyukta" sanaya gave her a hug
"no need of thanks you also helped me
so it's equal" sanyukta hugged her back
"you stay in manali only right?
we will plan a meet again
I would love to know you & your cartoon frnz more"
"yeah sure bbye"
sanaya & her gang left from der after exchanging der nos!
sanyukta don't have a cell phone so barun happily exchanged his no

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