Chp19: Haunted house

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At night...

"Let's do something interesting thing
m getting bored" barun said
"yeah man let's have some fun" nakul too joined him
"You guys do whatever you want
m out of this" randhir shook his head
"come on yar be a sport" barun smacked randhir's head
"let's call madonna also" nakul grinned
only I can call her madonna
she is my madonna!!" barun frowned
"yours?" randhir raised his brow
do you have any problem?" barun too raised his brow
both had a glaring session for two mins
until sanyukta interrupted them
"you guys are playing STD?"
both of them quickly looked away & nakul started laughing on them..

"No we are not playing STD
but we can play if you want madonna" barun said cheekily

sandhir stared at each other...
as if asking questions silently to each other about der last convo..
Sanyukta was the first one to look away..
she made a decision that as far as she is staying with randhir she will have fun without thinking of ifs & buts
if he has kidnapped her one thing is sure his intentions are not bad so he won't hurt her!!
& if he is helping dadu then well & good
so instead of begging for the answers it's good to go with the flow..

"Howz your headache?" randhir asked
"better" she pushed him & barun aside while making place for her to sit
"you can sit on the opposite couch also" randhir rolled his eyes
"no thanks m good here" she grinned & turned to baru & nakul who were sitting to her right on the same couch...

let's do something exciting"
"like what?"
"Let's play truth & dare only"
"Naa that's boring
something else"
"I have an idea" barun smirked
"Der is one haunted house few miles away from here
so why don't we go der & have fun?" barun asked
"What fun you will have in haunted house?" randhir made a face
"It will be fun
we will discover that place is really haunted or not?"
"ya man cool idea" nakul grinned
"I'm in" sanyukta also agreed happily
m not going der
infact why you guys are going der?
if you want to see ghosts you can see your faces in mirror" randhir chuckled
trio glared him on his pathetic joke

"Haha...that was not funny! minion" sanyukta faked a laugh
"yeah bad joke" barun frowned
"we are going & that's final
it's 11pm now
we will reach der by 12
perfect timing" nakul stoodup in excitement
"I juz don't understand what's so exciting in this?
m not interested at all" randhir shook his head in disbelief
"Aare stop your drama minakumari
juz accept the fact that you are making excuses coz you are afraid of ghosts" sanyukta chuckled
"M not afraid of anyone" randhir frowned
"yeah we can see that" barun smirked
"M not"
"then prove it
come with us" barun challenged him
"Okay m coming with you guys & i'll prove it that m not afraid of anyone" randhir also stoodup "let's go"

"Good job barun" sanyukta laughed & did a handshake with barun
they juz tricked him to come with them
& he didn't even realized it!!!

"my pleasure madonna" barun smirked & kissed her knuckles
"eww" she frowned & pulled her hand back "that was not necessary"
"yeah that was not necessary" randhir glared him & pulled sanyukta away from him
"Now I need to say that was not necessary!!!
m not going to eat her
chill dude" barun smirked

stay away from her"
"okay papa" barun pecked his cheek "gross!!!
stay away from me too" randhir pushed him
& trio laughed on his act

"Me & sanyukta will go on my bike
& you guys come with your bike" randhir ordered as soon as they came out of his house

"umm...wait I forgot something
i'll be right back" sanyukta went inside running & came after 10mins with a bag

"Why you need a bag?" randhir asked
snacks & all" she shrugged

we are going to haunted house not for picnic"
"we should always be ready
now come let's go" she ignored his curious gaze

& they left for the haunted house...

After 1hour they finally reached der destination...

the place was all dark & creepy
covered with lots of old trees & dust
plus only street light was available...
the house looked like the place you see in a horror movie where lots of ppl go in but don’t come out...!!!

"I think we should go back" nakul gulped
already scared?
who wanted to come here?
now we won't go back until we discover it's ssly haunted or not?" randhir smirked

sanyukta was busy observing the house...
this place was more scary than she had imagined
what if it's really haunted??
she gulped

"Booo...." randhir screamed from back scaring the hell out of her
"Aaaaaaaa...mummy" she screamed in fear
"Hahaaa....that was awesome" he laughed
"that was not funny okay" shr glared him
"I can see your plan is backfiring on you only" he smirked while walking towards the house

"Stupid" she frowned
"you can hold my hand if you want" he teased
"yeah in your dreams" she frowned more
he chuckled & went further leaving the trio behind

"Madonna I think he is right our plan is backfiring on us only" barun gulped while looking around in fear
"Oh come on we can't let that idiot win!!!
I have all the necessary things in this bag
we will scare him" she smirked
"how?" nakul asked
she opened her bag & showed all the stuff which she carried
the bag contained one white chunni
one ketchup bottle
one candle
& pair of ghungroo

you took our plan ssly" barun chuckled
that minion has overconfidence that he is not afraid of anything
so I want to break his ego badly!!!
& prove him wrong
come let's have some fun" she grinned while following randhir's way

"Dude what if real ghost comes?" nakul asked barun
"then I will be the first one to run away from here" barun gulped & followed sanyukta
"& I'll be the second" nakul followed him


Thnku ^_^

Do ghosts really exist?

will sanyukta able to scare randhir?
or der plan will backfire on them only!! 😂

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