Chp15: Minion

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Sandhir were back from the cafe...
all the way randhir was silent
sanyukta first thought he needs some space then he will back to normal but now his silence was irritating her!!!
why this guy has so much ego?
can't he juz share his problem with her?
she frowned went to him

he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed
she sat next to him & poked him "we need to talk"
"Sanyukta go away m not in a mood to talk"
"No..m not going away
you need to share you problem with me i'll try to help you
god promise I won't judge you
plzz.." she requested
"what you want to know?"
"Trust me you won't like to hear my story"
"juz try"
"I don't want you to hate me like others do"
"I said I won't judge you"
If I say that m ready to tell you my darkest secret
will you also do the same & tell me your darkest secret?" he asked

I mean I don't have any dark secret" she said quickly
"everyone has
I bet you also have"
she wondered if she has any dark secret?
but even if she has is she ready to tell him??
does she trust him enough?
will he understand her?
ppl are tend to judge others
she knows that his secret is something related to murder
& murder is not a small thing!!!
if he confesses that he has killed someone special in his life
how will she handle that?
will she able to look at him?
will she able to behave normal with him?
Imagine if someone comes & tells you that Hi m a murderer & killed someone special in my life!!
what will be your first reaction??? *think*
ofcourse you will run away thinking he is a bloody murderer & he can kill me too
isn't it obvious??
plus it's not that easy for the person to confess such big thing to someone he juz met two three days back!!
juz like the way he said 'I don't want you to hate me like others do'
he needs time
& she is mature enough to understand that

"let's juz forget this topic
I don't want to know what you did? why ppl hate you? blah blah
I don't think you're ready to confess
& m ready to hear
why not we juz go with the flow?
its hardly two days since we met why don't we enjoy our rude sexy stranger & cry baby story?" she winked at him

his jaw dropped in shock
he didn't expect her to be so mature & understanding
"you can close your mouth
I know all these things don't suit me but you don't know me properly yet!!
I love to surprise ppl
I know m awesome" she smirked

he rolled his eyes "yeah whatever"
"so now since we are back the first thing we need to do is to get me one phone
only I know how scared I was yesterday
I thought i'll die single
f*ck I don't want to die single" she frowned
"are you serious?
you were not worried that you will die but
you were worried coz you will die single?"
who wants to die single?
it's obvious we all need to enjoy 'ahem ahem' things before we die" she chuckled
"perv" he frowned
"ya ya looks who is talking?
the one who wanted to make Jism3 with me yesterday" she glared him
"oh plzz! my taste is not that bad"
"haww so mean
you know I should actually call you minion"
he choose to ignore her
"What happened ?
no smart come back" she smirked
"I believe in that quote empty vessels make more noise so I prefer to keep quiet" now it was his turn to smirk
she fumed in anger "you know what? don't talk to me"
"ohh i'll be happy doing that" he replied sarcastically
"arghhh...big mean meany minion" she huffed & left

he chuckled while looking at her retreating figure
"you are so innocent sanyukta
you didn't even realise that I juz changed the topic of giving you a phone!!
sorry but I can't do that" he smirked & went to sleep as he head was still hurting

on the other side sanyukta was sitting outside on the porch & busy cursing him
when one small boy came & interrupted her "Is randhir bhai at home?"
"no" she replied bluntly as she was angry
"umm..okay will you plzz give this parcel to him?" he forwarded one parcel wrapped in white packet
& that's when she finally looked up at him
"sorry for being rude" she apologized to that small boy
"it's okay didi
juz give this to him" small boy grinned
"okay chotu
I hope you don't mind If I call you that?"
"yes you can call me that"
"great" she grinned back at him & took that parcel from him
"okay bbye didi" chotu waved & was about to run away when she stopped him
you are so small yet you reached here properly without getting lost in this jungle
if you don't mind can you help with knowing this jungle" she asked with puppy face
yesterday she almost got a heart attack when she realised she lost her way she didn't want to take that risk again
"Hehee...sure anytime you can call me
wait" chotu chuckled & removed one pen from his pocket & wrote his no on her hand
you have a phone?
& look at me no phone nothing
poor me" she frowned
"Hahaa randhir bhai is really nice you can ask him to buy you one" chotu laughed & left
& that's when she realised how randhir easily avoided that phone topic!!!
"over smart minion" she got more angry & was about to throw that parcel away in anger but stopped
what's der inside this parcel?
she got curious & tiptoed back to house to check if he was sleeping or not
much to her relief he was sleeping so she decided to open the parcel
"umm..okay i'll juz check & put it back as it was" she hesitated to open that first but then shrugged
what's a big deal? & opened it
the moment she opened it her eyes widened in shock


Thnku ^_^

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