Chp28: Idiot

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"So would you like to explain or are we going to sit like this only?" Nikhil asked breaking the silence...

She turned towards him & gulped
She could tell him randhir's truth? or let this bf gf drama go on?
If nikhil's comes to know that randhir kidnapped her then he will go mad & directly take some action against him
Overprotective best friend!!!!

"Umm...sorry you found out about us like this
Yes me & randhir are dating from past three years
I wanted to tell you but then I was scared that you might tell my parents & then you know how they would have reacted" she lied
"You said I didn't trust you
but you also do the same" nikhil felt bad that she thinks so low of him
"It's not like that I mean" she fumbled not knowing what to say?
"Why would I go & tell your parents? M not a kid sanyukta!!!
We are bffs rights then I hv full right to know about the special person in your life
Afterall all these years I was with you every time not him!!!" Nikhil looked away
"M sorry" she apologized
"I don't know what to do or say?
you disappointed me" he stoodup & left

Sanyukta felt bad for hurting him
He is the only one who supported her in everything not even her parents did that!!!
She said she wanted to run away
he helped her in that too!!!
Never asked anything in return
& here she is been selfish why?
Juz to save randhir
Why she is hurting her bff juz for one guy that she met few weeks back?
She got confused

"Why are you crying?" Came randhir's voice from behind
She touched her cheeks & realized she was crying
"Nothing" she replied
"May be I can help?" He sat next to her
She looked at him & smiled "M fine"
"speak up" he rolled his eyes
"I didn't tell nikhil about your truth & now m feeling guilty for hurting him"
"Then go & tell him the truth" he shrugged
"Yeah so that he puts you in jail & takes me back home" she replied sarcastically
On listening to the word jail he stiffened which didn't went unnoticed by her
"Relax" she placed her hand on his shoulder
"it's juz nikhil is an important person in my life
I feel bad for him nothing else"
"How important?" He asked
"What?" She asked in confused
"How important?" He asked again
"Like I can sacrifice my chicken frankie for him" she chuckled
"Idiot" he too chuckled
But deep down he felt lil uncomfortable coz he knows she loves chicken frankie alot
If she is ready to sacrifice that for nikhil then he must be important for her
"Will you do that for me?" He asked in hope
"Naa..." She twisted her lips
his face fell instantly
"But I can sacrifice my oreo shake for you" she teased him
Another favorite thing of hers
"Big idiot" he chuckled

"Lets go & see what are my other idiots doing?" She pulled him up with her & went inside sanaya's house

When they entered the house all were busy in fighting over something!!!
"what's going on guys?" sanyukta tried to interrupt them but all in vain
"stop it" randhir shouted in irritation
& it worked all of them paused immediately
"what the hell is going on?" he asked
Sanaya hide behind barun in fear while barun & nakul gave him a silly smile
"This new guy nikki nikhil whatever name he has is saying will watch horror movie
but sanaya & we want to watch romantic movie" nakul explained
"ssly? you guys were fighting about this?" he frowned on der lame excuse
"yes" barun shrugged
"you guys vote what you want to watch?" nikhil interrupted them
"m going with horror" sanyukta grinned
he got confused he doesn't like romantic movies but watching horror movie is like giving nikhil a chance to win
no ways!
he frown "why not action?"
"No" all others frown this time
"Sanyukta loves horror so will watch horror that's final" nikhil announced
"why juz coz I call her madonna that doesn't mean she is real madonna so that I'll agree with her choice" barun scoffed
sanyukta chuckled on his reply "so bad barun I thought you loved me"
"I do"
"really?" sanaya asked
"really??" nakul also asked juz to tease him
"I mean...arhh..not that way" he frowned
"Sanyukta is filmy she likes srk so let's watch some srk movie" randhir suggested
"Yeah she is srkian but she prefers to watch them only when she is in mood to watch them otherwise she prefers horror" nikhil smirked
randhir didn't like it
it looked like he wanted to show that he knows sanyukta more good than him

"Baby srk movie right?" he asked
she looked at him then at nikhil
she can't hurt nikhil anymore nor she wants to hurt randhir
what to do?

" about we watch something else?"
"like?" sanaya asked

"porn??" barun asked out of blue
randhir choked on his words

"not an bad idea" nakul grinned

"shut up!
I was going to say let's watch despicable" she glared both

"what's that?" both asked in confusion

"minion movie
her favorite" nikhil answered

randhir rolled his eyes " why you need to watch that movie?
m your minion right you get to see me daily"
sanyukta giggled on his reply " I want to watch cute minions not mean one's "
he glared her in response

"okay I have that movie come get settled on your places" sanaya announced
& everyone took der places on the available sofa's in front of the tv
except sanyukta who was confused where to sit?

"come here" randhir & nikhil patted at the same place between them
& then they realize they were sitting on the same couch & frowned

oh god! this is really going to be hard for her
she shook her head & sat in between them

"I missed you
I missed this" nikhil smiled while holding her hand
"I missed you too" she smiled back
"& m missing popcorn i'll get it" randhir frowned & went to get popcorn

"it's my house
how will he find popcorn?" sanaya asked barun
"ignore that jealous freak" barun shrugged while trying to get cosy with sanaya

"Why m even here?
you guys busy in your PDA
that two idiots busy in der 'who's knows Sanyukta well?' game
what m supposed to do?" nakul frowned
"I pity you man" barun smirked
"f*ck off" nakul pushed him away

& by then randhir came back with empty hands
"popcorn?" Sanyukta asked
"I juz forgot it's not my house"
"Hahaa....happy realization" barun laughed
randhir glared him hard

"sshh...I'll get it wait" sanaya left
"so if you are happy with him here then why didn't you contact at your house?
I mean how long you are going to hide from them" nikhil asked
"don't know" she shrugged
"he really keeps you happy? or he kinda forced you in this relationship?" nikhil glared randhir
"why would I do that?" randhir got angry
"You behave like some long lost criminal" nikhil mocked him
randhir gulped & looked away
"Nikki it's nothing like that okay?
we are happy together" she took randhir's hand in her hand & winked at him
"cool" nikhil shrugged

"why is your friend so nosy?" randhir whispered
"he juz overprotective of me nothing else"
"yeah I can see that" he replied sarcastically & pulled her lil close to him
"but less than you" she smirked
"what? m not like that" he denied
"no?" she smirked again
"okay" she pulled herself away from him & leaned on nikhil's shoulder "this feels right now" she purposely teased him
& bingo!!!
it worked

randhir was glaring at them like he will burn them alive
burn nikhil alive precisely!!!!


Thnku ^_^

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