Chp45: Stupid

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NOTE: I juz want to ask is this story going on proper track?
orelse m writing sumthg bakwas & you guys are still reading it!!😂
ssly m on 45th chap now!!
45 lyk ssly? I don't believe I wrote 45parts & m still no where close to the end!!!
what to do?😌


"Are you serious?" nikhil gasped
"yeah why are you so shocked?" she asked him in confusion
"I know you are mad but you don't need to prove it"
"excuse me?"
"yaa have you lost your mind somewhere?
ssly you want to meet his ex & bring her back?"
"yeah so what? I want to help him"
"you can help in some other way"
"but if I have no idea what the real probs is then how will I help him?
& I think vidushi can help me in that"
"you ssly don't realize you are going to bring his ex back ex!!!!"
"tell me clearly orelse stop repeating that word exxxxx!!!
it's annoying"
"that only m trying to tell you!!!
you are getting annoyed juz by the word
imagine when she will actually come what will you do?"

she stared at him for a minute
what is he talking about?
here she is trying to help randhir & this guy stressing on the word exxx!!!

"you still didn't get it right?"
she shook her head in a no
go for it"
"nikhil tell me what is it?"
if she comes back & they get back together
you won't feel bad?"
"no why would I feel bad?" she asked innocently
"oh god!" he frowned in frustration
"do you need water?" she asked in concern
he looked at her in disbelief
"you know what? all the best
but m not going to help you in this" nikhil shook his head & left

"I don't need your help I can manage!!!" she yelled from back & turned towards barun sanaya & nakul
"don't expect anything from me" nakul left
"I hate that girl!!! sorry madonna" barun too left
"I don't know what to do? but I think this idea is stupid
bringing his ex back naa noo.." sanaya shrugged

I don't need anyone's help
go to hell" she got angry & dashed inside randhir's room & bang the door hard
randhir who was sleeping woke up "where were you?
& plzz I love my door
don't bang like that" he yawned

he cares about that stupid door??
that made her more angry!!!!

I hate you
I hate everyone" she screamed
he gave her are you crazy look?
you don't need to shout
m not deaf!!!"
" are not getting it!!!
I want to help
but then all think m stupid
& my idea is more stupid
but I don't find it stupid
then why they find it stupid??
infact I think they all are stupid!!!!
stupid..stupid..stupidddddd!!!" she pulled her hair in frustration & sat next to him

"you said stupid 8times!!" he chuckled
she glared him in return...
"okay sorry
what's the problem?"
she opened her mouth to answer but closed it quickly
she can't tell him!!!
"nothing" she looked away

"are you pmsing??" he asked out of blue
"shut up!"
"then what is it?"
"I am mad" she rolled her eyes
"ohhh...tell something new" he chuckled
she pushed him with her both hands "m not in a mood to joke"
"well you don't need to joke
your face is enough" he teased

but she took it in a wrong way & got angry
"bye" she stood up to leave but he was quick enough to pull her back
"hey I was juz kidding"

she didn't look at him

no reply!!!

"m talking to you" he poked her cheek

still no reply!!!

"Hey" he made her look at him forcefully
"wtf?" he widened his orbs in shock as he noticed she was crying

"Why are you crying?
see...I didn't mean it
oh god!
stop crying plzz" he panicked as he had no idea what happened to her suddenly

"all are bad
you are also bad" she pushed his hand away from her face

"sanyukta m sorry"
"no it's okay
it's juz that m angry on them
& then you added fuel by saying those mean words
never mind!!!" she hiccupped

he smiled on her reply...
"why are you smiling now?"
"you are cute"
"ya ya..make fun of me"
"hey m serious"
"okay let's take you to hospital" she chuckled
"ssly? few secs back you were crying & now you are cracking lame joke!!!
"you look cute too
specially when you smile
I love that genuine smile of yours
rest of the time
you either have poker face or that stupid smirk"
he stared at her for two secs...
"m sure you are pmsing!!!"

"shutup!" she slapped his arm & then took one pillow & placed it on his lap
& then she rested her head on his lap
he caressed her forehead..
"all these lil things are so simple for you
I wished I could be like you"
"Like behaving like a child
one minute sad then other minute back to normal as if nothing happened!!
doing whatever you want
not to think twice before opening your mouth
bargaining for a kiss
& now sleeping like this in my lap" he smiled
"Naa don't be like me
you are good the way you are
atleast you don't have to pretend anything"
"you know what? you are bad
you never share anything about you but you want to know everything about me
"hahaa...m esmart" she laughed
"now tell what's the problem?"
"I want to help but all others think my idea is stupid" she pouted
"don't do that I feel like kissing you" he smirked
"uhhlala...who have stopped you?" she winked
"shameless" he laughed
"as if you are not?" she pulled his collar down making him lean on her
"you don't wanna do this?" she teased him
"screw it" he leaned further & kissed her hard

"& she says she will bring his ex back to help him!!!" barun shook his head from doorway as door was was not locked
"you know let her bring her
infact we should help her
they need some reality check" nakul smirked


Thnku ^_^

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