Chapter 9- The Scream

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Zoey POV

The past couple of weeks have been nice, Troy and I are getting closer and closer every day. Whenever I wasn't working or hanging out with Angie then I was with Troy. Ethan hadn't said two words to be since our heated meeting in his room, which made me happy but sad at the same time. Ethan and I have this connection that I can't explain, but Troy makes me happy and doesn't kiss me and leave me, but there is something about Ethan's touch that makes me want more, crave more, its addictive.
I hadn't seen Ethan around school for the past couple of weeks, I haven't seen him at all. It is almost like he dropped of the face of the earth, not that I was looking for him or even wanted to see him but we did have an English project to complete. No matter how many times I tell myself I wasn't attracted to Ethan that l deep down know it wasn't true, for some reason I always looked for him, around every corner, in every room and any car that pulled up in the car park. The wondering and waiting was driving me crazy, I could believe my interest in him all he was was a man whore. 
"Earth to Zoey.. are you in there?" Angie called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Hmm.. what?" I said stupidly.
"Were you even listening to me?" Angie asked me. She was staring at me at me funny slightly amused by the dazed expression on my face. 
"Sorry, I just zoned out there for a minute. I have been  a bit distracted lately."  I answered, rubbing my eyes and smiling at her.  
"You weren't distracted by a since handsome guy who has been hanging around you lately." Angie asked with a smirk on her face. Instantly my thoughts jumped back to Ethan, my nerves rose afraid that Angie knew my true feelings towards Ethan. 

"No." Answered to quickly and it just made Angie laugh. 

"It's okay to like him Zoey, just don't get to attached because he isn't here for long." Angie said with a sad smile. I let out a small breath covered in a smile mirroring hers, she was talking about Troy. I instantly felt guilty about my thoughts towards Ethan with the reminder of Troy. We hadn't made it official or anything but it was obvious he had feelings for me and I had some growing for him but it was nothing compared to what I felt for Ethan and that made me feel guilty. 

School passed so slow that by last period I was staring at the clock, watching it slowly tick away until the bell rang for the end of the day.  When the magical sound of the bell finally did ring, everyone fled from the classroom and down the halls, gossiping and laughing about their weekends and what they have planned from next weekend, even though it's only Monday.  I slowly made my way to my car when I was surprised who I found waiting for me at the car park. 

"Well, hello beautiful." Troy said with a smile his flirting tone not lost on me. He lent against his sleek black car one foot resting against the car and his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Hey you, what are you doing here?" I asked with a smile as I closed the distance between us.

"What? Is it legal now to visit beautiful people after school." Troy asked.

"No, but shouldn't you be out doing more important things." I asked laughing at little at his compliment.  

"Well what is more important then bring a beautiful girl a beautiful flower." Troy said standing up and reaching into to his car and pulling out a beautiful red rose. 

"Troy, it is beautiful." I said in aw. 

"Not as beautiful as you." He said. All these comments were making me blush. 

"Well, not that I don't love the flower, what are you doing here?" I asked looking up from by beautiful rose. 

"I came to invite you to dinner." Troy said I  was surprised at his sudden request. 

"Like a date?" I asked with a smile. 

"Not like a date. A date." Troy corrected. 

"And you couldn't wait until I got back to the Inn to ask me?" I said with a little laugh. 

"No, you see the place I want to take you is a drive from here, so I was going to see if you wanted to leave now." 

"What about my car? I can't leave it here." I stated looking around the soon to be empty car park worried for my cars safety.

"Stop trying to plan everything and just get in the car." Troy said with a smile opening the door of his car indicting for me to get in.

A long drive later and I was sitting in this beautiful restaurant in the next town over. The restaurant was large with candles and waiters, the roof was opened with glass so you cold see the night sky and on the table there was a single flower and two candles.
"This place is beautiful Troy." I said smiling at him.
"Not as beautiful as you." Troy said with a wink. I blushed at his consistent comments and complaints.  "So tell me about yourself Zoey Jackson." Troy smirked his gorgeous eyes meeting mine. 
"What do you want to know?" I said looking at my hands and trying not to let his gaze effect me. 
"Everything, tell me what makes up the beautiful girl in front of me." He said, taking a slip of his water.
"Well, I am a only child, I recently moved here, senior at Greendale High and I love animals." I answered. Trying hard not to enter into the pass too much.
"Interesting.. but I knew most of that already, besides the loving animals part. Tell me something different."
"Nothing much to tell, what about you Troy? You tell me something about you?"
"Okay, I am 18 years old, staying in a Inn with this beautiful girl, I have a younger sister and two amazing parents, I am here looking for something important that maybe one day I will tell you about. I am single and in line to take over my family business, I love animals too, the wolf is my favorite animal, I hate twilight and everything that it stands for, plus I love sport."
"That is quite a lot of information." I said with a laugh.

The rest of the night went over smoothly, we laughed and ate and just talked and talk, I learnt so much about him while trying to avoid being the subject of conversations. At the end of the night Troy walked me to my door and kissed me lightly on the cheek before walking away with his hands in his pockets. I had a huge smile on my face as I walked into my room and got ready for bed. I climbed into my bed and turned off the light still smiling to myself.
My eyes fluttered shut and just before I was about to go to sleep I felt like someone was in the room with me, I sat up and something moved.

All I did was scream. 


Sorry about the cliff hanger. Comment and tell me who you think is in Zoey's room :)


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