Chapter 31- Revealed

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Zoey's POV

The past couple of days have been nice, to have Henry back with me was so good but I was nervous that by him being here put the pack and us in more danger. My kidnapper, Adam, might have not come after him yet but he will. I needed to protect him that is why I separated us, in the hopes that they would come after me instead of him. He was so little when it all happened, I doubt he would even remember anything. Though I didn't account t for him coming to find me, I gave detailed instruction to the family I left him with that he was not to come looking for me. After my talk with Henry about everything that has happened he has become even more protective of me then I thought possible, with Henry and Ethan both hovering all over me made me nervous. It was like I was breakable when I haven't been more powerful then I am now. 

I still can't believe I am half werewolf, half witch; the thought that I could shift into a giant dog when I want was both exciting but also scared me, as well as my powers growing with each day, I could feel them become more powerful. I was worried how long it would be until I couldn't control them anymore. With this new side of me relieved I have felt this pull, something dark inside me woke up and it worries me that I wont be able to suppress it, like I had become evil with everything that had been done to me. I still hadn't told Henry that I was a werewolf; I didn't know how to tell him, I didn't take it well the first time I found out and I doubt he would be any different. When I told him the story of what had happened I had left at anything that was to do with giant wolves and crazy witch powers which made the story harder to tell and I knew he would be upset I lied but I just needed to find the right time to tell him.

"The full moon is coming up." Ethan stated. I was lying on the bed in our room flicking through a magazine.

"So?" I said. Not paying much attention to him. "Its not like we shift on the full moon."

"Not anymore but the first shift of all wolves always happened on the first full moon after their 15th birthday. Seeing as though you have just woken that side of you, this will be your first shift." He explained. I rolled over to face him and looked a bit confused and a little worried. 

"So you are saying that I will shift on this full moon even if I don't want too."

"Yes. It will also me quite painful." He said slowly. "Well at least that it what it is like for most werewolves." 

"But I'm not like most werewolves. I am only half wolf, maybe I won't change at all." 

"Maybe." Ethan said slowly. I could tell he didn't think so but nervousness that I felt was only suppressed with denial. I felt the nervousness of the upcoming events suddenly hit me like a train, I was going to turn against my will and it was going to hurt, unless I could find a way to pull on my powers to stop it from happening. 

"Is there anyway I can just stop it? I must be able to just not change. Right?" I asked. I got up from the bed and started to pace the room. I didn't want to change against my will. 

"It will only hurt while you change, once it is over you wont feel anything. Then every time you change from that time on it will never hurt again."  Ethan explained. When I passed him again he lightly grabbed my shoulder, I winced lightly from the pain that was still there from the cuts on my back. I saw the pain that flash through Ethan's eyes as he realised he had hurt me. He released be straight away and return the the hands off approach he has been taking lately in hopes of saving me anymore pain. I hated that he didn't want to touch me, he would look at me with such guilty eyes and it made my skin crawl that he saw me as such a victim. 

"Its okay. Just a bit sore still." I said trying to comfort him.

"So how long do I have?" I asked. 

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