Chapter Twenty Six

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"Loki. I must speak with you at once." Thor said sombrely

"What is it now, brother?" Loki demanded quietly due to the sleeping demigod beside him.

"Not here." Thor said, glancing pointedly at Percy. Loki sighed, detaching himself from the warm bed.

"Yes?" Loki asked impatiently.

"Loki, I'm sorry. Asgard has demanded you go back."


Asgard wanted him back. Why? Why now?

They had decided the punishment he was receiving on earth no longer fit the crime. Or perhaps someone created something else to frame him. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good.

And Percy.

How could he just up and leave Percy behind? But if he didn't go willingly, there would be a fight. A fight that Percy would most definitely step into and get injured.

That wasn't happening.

Loki ran a slim hand through his hair releasing a stressful sigh. Could he do it? Could he leave without telling Percy anything? The relationship they had wasn't exactly a good one either. A god and a demigod of two different pantheons? Percy would die far sooner than he.

Loki had no choice.


Let's call this crap load of updates the "Pride Month Updates". Happy Pride month everybody!

Also, what are the bets you're all singing "Mama Mia. Here we go again" in your heads right now?

This is reeealllly super shooooort, but hey. I've updated 10+ times so I think I'm good.



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