Chapter Twenty

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Percy's vision was blurred and bruised as he came to half of his senses. He couldn't wake up completely. Something was stopping him. He felt groggy and a fog had taken up his mind. Percy was unable to register his surroundings or what had happened. His head lolled lazily to the side. The air around him felt heavy.

Whatever he had been drugged up with had to be bloody strong because nothing was changing despite the water he could feel trickling down his legs.

Down his legs?

He forced his eye sight down. Sat at his feet was a woman dressed in a maids outfit. She looked like a doll and was running a blade down his legs.

Why was she shaving his legs?

He like his legs the way they were thank you very much.

"Who- whoare you?" Percy mumbled clumsily, his mouth refusing to follow what he wanted it to do.

"I'm nobody, darling." She cooed softly, not halting in her task.

"I know somebody called Nobody." He slurred, recalling a pretty blonde whose name he could not recall.

"You can call me that if you would like." She smiled.

"Hey, why are you shaving me?" He was becoming talkative. Very gradually the drug was wearing off. "That sounded less weird in my head." He giggled.

"I'm preparing you for the Master darling." Nobody said.

"Master?" He frowned. That couldn't be right. He was still at the tower. With Loki. Wasn't he? His heart fluttered at the thought of the tall handsome Norse god. "Where's Loki?" He asked.

"Forget about Loki darling." Her calling him 'darling' was beginning to rub him the wrong way.

"No. This isn't right. Stop it." He pushed her hands away.

"Be careful!" She scolded, "The Master won't be pleased if you cut yourself!"

"To Tartarus with your 'Master'! Where's Loki?" He demanded again, his emotions running all out of whack from the drug. He wanted Loki.

Percy stood up, tripping over his feet in an attempt to escape. The gas. He recalled.

"Please stop! You mustn't go that way!" Nobody pleaded.

Percy barged through the first door he saw, tumbling to the floor in a mass of limbs. His breath came out in heavy pants, body feeling overworked.

"Who is this?" A deep husky voice asked, kneeling before him.

"Help." Percy croaked. It didn't occur to him that this person wasn't on his side.

A hand under his chin gently forced Percy to meet the man's gaze.

"What pretty eyes you have." The man mumbled to himself.

"Master! I'm sorry, he got away from me. The drug wore off quicker than we expected." Nobody apologised profusely.

So this is 'Master'?

"Hmm..." Master hummed in thought. "I shall forgive you this once. Get him dressed and bring him to me immediately. I will punish him. You should know my tastes by now." He said finally.

For Nobody, everything was cleared up, but Percy only got more confused as the man continued. One word struck him clear as day.



A fog autocorrected to 'Adolf' and I have a couple of readers plotting my murder O.O



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