Chapter Seventeen

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It was time. They had to figure out what to do with Percy, since his stepfather was now in jail, his mother dead and his father was a lost cause. Percy winced when he heard that one. He was positive that didn't boost any positive feelings.

He could go back to Camp Half-Blood but he felt that now that would be weird. Not only that, but he couldn't bring that place up in front of the Avengers, nor would they just allow him to just disappear.

"We could always take custody of him. You turn eighteen soon right?" Tony said, sitting at the head of the table.

"Yeah." Percy replied. He was sat next to Loki, one person in this room whom he truly felt safe with. They had yet to speak about last night and the way they had been rudely awoken this morning. Loki's brother, Thor, had joined them. The god's bold presence made Percy feel slightly skittish. He was happy to be on the opposite side of the table.

"So it's settled then. You can just stay here until you turn eighteen. Problem solved. No objections?" If anybody did, he certainly didn't give them time to voice them. "Great. Now who wants pizza?"

Clint raised his hand, "I do."


Percy's moods became brighter the longer he stayed at the Avengers tower. Finally freed of fear, he began living more like a teenager. He couldn't believe he was finally free of the monster that once dominated his life.

Tony insisted that Percy no longer to work for him while he stayed, but Percy was adamant about continuing with his job. He was only grateful Tony wasn't charging him rent. He didn't want to imagine how expensive that would be.

There was one particular person he had grown close to.

No longer was he kept in a cell. After plenty of arguing,  reasoning, and maybe a couple of broken items, Loki was allowed to stay out of the cell. Much to everyone's reluctance. But Percy promised to keep him on a leash and they took him seriously.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Loki asked. Percy jolted.

"Nothing much." Loki sat down next to him.

"Mhmm." He hummed, joining Percy in a comfortable silence. That was, until Tony and Clint appeared in the window making kissy faces. At that moment everything felt awkward.

Percy went red and his hands tensed in his lap, avoiding eye contact. Loki scratched the back of his neck.

Did he feel that way about Loki?


As an anime fan, should I be worried that my phone keeps trying to autocorrect 'Loki' to 'Loli'?

Also, as influenced by LuxuryBreeze , I've published a collection of writing that I wrote in the past. It's called 'Pieces of the Past'. Check it out?



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