Chapter Twenty One

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Percy had tried to struggle, he really had, but Nobody was stronger than she looked. Or maybe that was the drug. A cloth coated in something was pressed to his mouth and nose, giving him no choice but to succumb to darkness once again.

When he awoke his senses were much clearer and the drug effects were easier to shake off.

~~~~ WARNING: Potentially triggering/unpleasant scenes ahead. Skip to the next warning signs if you wish to skip, otherwise read on. ~~~~

However, the leather straps that bound him to the table were not as easy to escape. Panic rose in his body, constructing his lungs painfully. He tugged forcefully on the bonds but he succeeded in doing nothing but harm himself.

"Now, now Pretty. Don't harm yourself." Percy had been called many things in his eighteen years of life, but 'Pretty' wasn't one of them. "We all just want to have a little fun, and my ideas of fun are a little different. I'm going to have some fun with you now, okay?"

Words failed Percy, so he shook his head ferociously.

"I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice in the matter. What do you think these are for?" The man came into view as he tapped the leather bindings.

It was that Master guy.

"What the hell is this!?" Master roared, outraged as he tore off something around Percy's neck. He gagged as it dug into his skin before snapping off. "A choker." Master stated distastefully, chucking it to the side. "She should know by now that I hate the neck being obstructed!"

This man is insane.

It was only then that Percy realised what he was wearing. A frilly dress made up of blues and greens with the odd swirl of black. Wha-

Percy freaked out when Master buried his head in Percy's neck, placing chaste kisses there. He tried to squirm away, but the bonds made it very difficult to do so.

"If you won't willingly accept my touch, I'll make you crave it instead." Maser sneered as he rummaged around under the table. When he popped back up he had a needle in hand. Percy's eyes widened, trying to curl into himself.

He didn't want to know what that would do.

"Just stay still now." Master forced Percy's head to the side, baring his neck. "Good boy, just like that. Your stepfather got a pretty penny out of you. Pity he's in prison now. Oh well, it will be there for him when he gets out." Master informed you as he eased the needle into his neck.

The reaction was immediate. Suddenly the room felt hotter by several degrees and Percy's skin felt on fire. He panted for air as he began to sweat.

"You feel like your being boiled now don't you? How do you like my touch now?" Cold hands slid gently down the side of Percy's bare arms. He couldn't help but cry out from shock as the cold hit his sweaty skin. He loathed it as much as he craved it. It was obvious Master had dipped his hands in an ice bucket. This was the only remedy he had for the heat.

A few seconds of being untouched was almost unbearable. "What- what do you d-do to me?" Percy panted.

"Just a simple drug." Master responded. Percy's vision wasn't working properly, but he could tell Master had something in his mouth now.

Percy gasped as an ice cube made direct contact with his skin as Master bit his shoulder. He hated his body's reaction.

Percy clenched his teeth, determined not to react as the man trailed further, leaving a trail of icy water that almost seemed to evaporate upon contact.

Master was down to Percy's feet when loud banging could be heard. Master stopped, becoming alert.


Suddenly light flooded the dully lit room as the door was kicked in.

"Hello bitches. I heard you have something that belongs to me."


Is it bad that my inspiration for a male trussed up as a doll/in 'feminine' clothing came from Black Butler?

I'm seriously wishing Wattpad did a 'top comment' thing like Webtoon, or at least a place where you can like a comment, because gods. These are both great and terrifying at the same time 😂



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