Chapter Three

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"What 'ave I told you about stuttering!?" Percy tried desperately to keep the plate from rattling.

In these situations it was better to hold his tongue and keep quiet, so he did.

"Answer me boy!"

"Not to... do it." He swallowed the thick wave of fear caught in his throat.

"Then why did you!?" Gabe's beady eyes glared at him from the gloom.

"I-I don't know." Percy cringed again. Styx!

"GET OUT!" Gabe roared. Percy hesitated for only a moment before he placed down the tray and scrambled out, closing the door behind him. He heard smashing against the wooden surface and concluded that Gabe had also belatedly thrown a beer bottle at his head.

He was well aware that he had gotten off easy. In fact, far too easy. But he wasn't going to dwell on that. Percy checked his watch again and cursed. He had ten minutes to be ready and at work.


Same old, same old. Percy slumped in his seat and leaned his head back. It wasn't an overly comfortable position, but Percy knew all about uncomfortable. The cramping in his neck and back seemed minuscule in comparison to his past.

As a matter of fact, the class he was in was History, and the teacher was droning on about Greek Myths he knew better than anyone. Percy could probably pick on ten mistakes she'd made in eight minutes.

"Perseus!" The teacher yelled at him. His head snapped up.


"Since you seem to be paying such close attention, give me the name of the man who is fated to push a boulder up a hill everyday in hell."

"Alright. Well first of all, it's in the Fields of Punishment, not Hell. Wrong mythology there. The man's name is Sisyphus and he was the king of Ephyra." It was overshare, Percy was aware of this, but the teacher got his point. With a huff she turned back to the board and continued the lesson.

The kid behind him kicked his chair. Conveniently enough, it was none other than Thomas. The bully had swapped seats with the poor kid next to him just make his remark.

"Oi, Dickson. Didn't know you were such a Greek freak. And don't think I've forgotten about the other day."

"Shut up, Thomas. Unlike you at least I can tell what should come out of my arse and not my mouth." Thomas, needless to say, did not take that insult very well. To get back at him, Thomas raised his hand and complained to the teacher that Percy was giving him the wrong information on the gods.

"What is he saying to you?" Hands in her hips and well aware of Thomas' usual antics, she awaited the response.

"He's giving me the wrong Twelve Gods."

"Twelve Olympians." Percy muttered.

"Mr. Jackson, could you give us these Twelve Olympians?"

"Why of course," he said as sarcastically as possible. "There's Zeus, his wife Hera, his older brother Poseidon, Ares and his lover Aphrodite and her actual husband, Hephaestus. Dionysus, Artemis and her twin brother Apollo, Athena, Hermes and Demeter."

"Correct. It would appear that Mr. Jackson's information is reliable."

"B-but!" Thomas refused to be put down. "What about that death dude?"

"Death dude? Who, Hades?" Percy turned to face Thomas. "He's not considered an Olympian and dwells in the Underworld overseeing Elysium, the Fields of Punishment and the Asphodel Meadows. He is allowed on Olympus during special occasions." Thomas shut up pretty quick after that when there was no correction of error from the teacher, choosing to shut his trap instead of making a bigger fool of himself.

Wise choice.

"If we've all finished challenging Mr. Jackson's knowledge, I will now explain the assignments." Percy chose not to bring up the fact that she herself had been challenging him before.

"Uhm, Perseus..." a voice trailed off awkwardly. Percy blinked. He hadn't even noticed himself slipping into a nap. He'd had little sleep the night before with both work and Gabe's poker game. "I'm Peter, your partner for this assignment."

"Percy." He shook Peter's hand.

"So for this project, did you want to meet up at my house some time after school today or...?"

"I can't today. I'm working after school until late tonight. I'm covering shifts."

"Oh, well then tomorrow?"

"I'll have to check."

"Okay then." Awkward silence carried on for another minute when the bell rang. "Well, I have a club to get to, so I'll just take my leave. Bye!" Percy watched Peter go before pulling himself up with a sigh as he dragged his feet to the canteen.

Same old, same old.


Still getting back into the swing of things after holidays, but here's your chapter. I really should be studying for tomorrow's test...

THANK YOU SO MUCH girly1811 FOR THE CURRENT COVER! This chapter is dedicated to you. 😊 New cover up top.

Should I do a Q&A?



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