Chapter Thirteen

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He hadn't expected this. Mr. Stark had sent him out to get coffee. Despite actually having his own coffee machine, Stark was adamant about the coffee having to come from Starbucks.

Percy had been there, done that and was on his way back when the sky opened up and it started bucketing down. Of course this didn't affect him, the droplets rolling down and off his body without wetting a single part of him.

The problem was the coffee. Because nobody wants cold coffee in a soggy coffee cup.

Not only that, but given that Percy left without an umbrella, it would be highly suspicious should Percy return perfectly dry.

With a sigh, he allowed his clothes to become drenched, sticking to his body, droplets streaming from his hair down his face. He didn't mind the water, it was his greatest companion. He made sure that the coffee stayed acceptably dry.

"God kid, what happened to you?" Gods. Percy autocorrected in his mind.

"It's pouring outside. Or did you fail to notice that?" Percy stated blankly, handing over the coffee.

"Yes! It's still dry! You're a miracle worker kid!" Tony cheered at he took a sip. "You'll need a change of clothes and probably a shower. Go upstairs to one of the spare rooms. Uh..." Tony paused to look around at the few people in the room. "You, hey-hey you! Can you show this kid to one of the spare rooms?"

"Sir, I'm just the janitor." The man said weakly.

"Perfect. You'll know the way."


Food. He needed food. Feeling refreshed after a shower and dressed in New clean clothes, he had time to realise just how hungry he was. Though Percy was suspicious about how accurately the clothes he'd been given fit.

"Kitchen, kitchen, kitchen. Where's the kitchen..." Percy mumbled under his breath as he got lost in the maze of a tower. "Oh! Hey Jarvis, where's the nearest kitchen?"

"Take two lefts and then a right. Straight ahead where the hallway opens up."

"Thanks!" Percy managed to follow the instructions correctly.

There were a few people milling around inside, but Percy ignored them and made a beeline for the refrigerator.

"Hey, you're that kid from the meeting, Tony's assistant." Percy paused and looked up, confronted by the redhead. Natasha was it?

"Yes." Percy agreed before continuing his hunt for food, ignoring her.

"I saw your results." She placed a hand on the refrigerator door. Come on lady! I just want food! "For the test. You didn't pass."

"Nothing new to me there." He said, pulling out a couple slices of cheese. Maybe I can find some crackers?

"And shouldn't you be working?"

"Me. Stark sent me up after a coffee run. He'll make it really obvious if he needs me." Percy recalled from his chats with Loki that Natasha was one of the Avengers, a scary assassin at that.

"Ah, Percy! Found your way to the kitchen I see."

"Speak of the devil." Percy muttered.

"Isn't he supposed to be here to work? Not raid your pantry?" Natasha asked, sitting down on a stool.

"His clothes are in the dryer. His shift is over for now, but he's adamant about getting his old clothes back." Tony supplied, pulling a bottle of beer out of a mini fridge. Percy raised an eyebrow at this. "Don't judge me."

He shrugged.

A sudden flash occurred outside, accompanied by a deep angry rumble.

"Gyah!" Percy yelped and fell backwards. His face went bright red as everybody stared at him. "Not a fan... of lightning..." he mumbled, feeling his heart race.

"Do you want me to call your stepfather to come pick you up before it gets worse?" Tony asked.

"Ah no... he has no car. I'll have to walk home." Frankly, the idea terrified him. Percy wouldn't put it past Zeus to strike him dead while he was walking home under the pretence of 'oh I didn't see you there'. They did have a car, but Gabe wouldn't use it to pick up his sorry ass.

"Nonsense! You can just stay here for the night!" Tony exclaimed. "You can stay in that room you were in before." There was a calculating emotion in Tony's eyes as he watched the teenagers hesitant reaction. He wanted to know what had the kid so scared of going home.

This won't end well.

And indeed it didn't.


Hello, hello again! I can happily declare that MY WRITERS BLOCK IS GONE.

Random question: Does anybody here read webtoons?



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