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Madison POV:

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar, and a water. I went up the stairs and went to my room.

"Hey." I heard someone say

"Bloody Fudge crackers." I yelped

"Duke, you big Idiot, you scared me." I said walking up to him and hit him on the shoulder.

"Sorry." he said chuckling

I walked into the closet and grabbed all my duffel bags, I had 5 huge duffel bags, one pink, 3 teal, and 1 with my name on it in black and pink. I grabbed my Nike duffel bags, and threw them on the floor. In all I had about 20 duffel bags.

I started grabbing all my bras and panties in one drawer into one bag, then my nike shorts, and t-shirts into one bag, and my shoes in about 5 bag, the rest were clothes from my closet, and my snapbacks.

"Why are you packing?" he asked

"Because, I'm decide that I shall respect my mate, and do as he wishes so I will move in with you." I told him.

"I'm happy." he said

"Yea, me too." I said smiling

"So what exactly happened yesterday?" he asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

I to him the story, just like I told my dad. But Duke growled, and growled as I told the story.

"Wait you don't love me?" he asked

"Babe, I didn't say that, I said, I like you, I don't love you yet because we just meet but, maybe I will love you one day." I told him

"Come here." he said holding his arms out.

I walked over and placed my hand on his arm. He pulled me into a hug. I made a yelp, because he scared the crap out of me.

He pulled me on the bed, so I was laying on his chest. I just looked at him, I put my hand in his sunglasses.

"Can I take them off?" I asked referring to the sunglasses, he nodded his head.

I took them off, his eyes were open. he had the most beautiful brown eyes ever.

"You have beautiful eye." I said kissing his cheek.

"Thanks" he said blushing

"I got an alpha to blush." I said hugging him

"Soon to be alpha." he corrected

"O my bad Dylan O'Brien" I said laughing

"I'm glad your my mate." he said pecking me on the lips.

"Me too, when do we leave." I asked

"Tomorrow at 9." he said

12:20 AM

"We should sleep, now." I told him getting up and changing into my black spanx.

I just stood there in front of Duke in my sports bra.

"What do you need?" he asked

"Shirt , pleases. " I said, he took of his shirt and gave it to me.

I slipped it on and jumped on the bed.

"Night." he said kissing my head






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