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Madison POV:

"MADISON!" I heard Duke yell

I got scared and shot straight up. I rubbed my eyes and put my glasses on. I got out the bed and I looked down and saw a little bump forming.

I went to the bathroom and did bathroom things.

I walked to his office. I opened the door and his arms were crossed.

"Yes." I said sitting down

"Why didn't you tell me." He said

"Tell you what?" I asked

"Tell me what Charlie said." he said

"That he liked wolves?" I asked

"Don't play stupid with me." he said well yelling

"I don't know what you are talking about Duke." I said in a calm voice

"The only reason you got to pet that tiger was because the zookeeper thought you and Charlie were together and Remi was both of yours." he said yelling

"1 don't yell at me. 2 it was not a big deal. 3. Charlie and I are friend." I said

"We'll I don't like him." he said

"Duke you don't like anyone that's a boy i hang out with." I said

"Because I'm alpha I get jealous easily." he yelled

"It is more than jealousy Duke. To be honest, I'm getting really tried of it." I said pinching the bridge if my nose.

I got up and started to walk out of his office.

"What are you going to do leave?" he asked

I just looked at him with sad eyes. He had a angry look in his eyes. I turned back and walked down the hall.


I ran to his room, I grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed as many clothes as I could. I grabbed all the thing from my bathroom, and shoes.

"MADI, STOP!" He yelled

"Duke stop I need time away from you." I said

I felt a sharp pain to my cheek. My hand flew up to my cheek.

I looked at Duke and he was looking at his hand. It was like he didn't mean to. But he did it, he hit me.

Tears stung my eyes. I grabbed my bag. I thought he would come after me.

I got into my car, my parents drive down here. input my stuff in the backseat. I got into the front and drove off.

10 hours later

I'm finally here. I'm finally am were I belong. I'm home.

In looked in the mirror to see if I still had a bruise. thank goodness I didn't. I guess it healed when I was driving down

I got my stuff out of the back. I knocked in the door and Samson opened it.

"Madison?" he asked

"Hi Samson." I said hugging him

"Come in." he said

"Thanks for inviting me into my own house."I said smiling

"MOM DAD, WE HAVE A GUEST!" he yelled

I just laughed at him. I missed my family. My mom and dad ran down the stairs and so did my brothers.

They just all started at me.

"Hey guys." I said waving.





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