Chapter 36| Dinner

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Nadia smiled widely at her. Sana doesn't respond as she hugged her. Daanish stood behind Nadia.

'Arey, you spoiled the surprise. Nadia.' He said cutely. Nadia broke the hug and looked at him.

'Come on. Sana is surprised. Just look at her.' Nadia pointed at Sana. Sana looked away feeling embarrassed. She looked visibly shocked but hopefully, she didn't look visibly annoyed.

'Come in.' Nadia gestured with her arm and stepped inside.

Sana looked at her and felt complex. Nadia looked stunning in plunging V-neck wine red wrap dress, also it had high slit starting from her mid-thigh. Her well-toned leg exposed. Sana eyed the leg enviously and looked up. Her long dark tresses curled at the edge and neatly placed on her back.

Who the heck wears this for dinner at home? – Sana thought bitterly. She looked down at her polka dotted dress and felt childish. This woman, Nadia always manages to give her complex and irritate her.

She moved her gaze from her and looked at Daanish. He was dressed simpler than his fiancé. Nevertheless, he looked dashing in Olive green Tee, the full sleeves were pulled up till his elbow. He had matched his shirt with black trousers. His glasses and the stubbles complimenting each other. Sana loved Daanish's fashion sense.

'Daanish sweetheart, make Sana comfortable. I will plate dinner.' Nadia said. Sana wanted to refuse as it is too early for dinner but dropped her idea when Daanish nodded. She smiled at him and Sana. Sana was happy as she walked into the kitchen. She turned to look at Daanish and he smiled at her.

'Um... I heard you were playing Piano.' Sana said. Daanish nodded.

'Yes. Nadia was insisting so I played for her.' He said.


Outwardly Sana said, - 'Will you play for me? I have never seen you play?' She said in a sweet voice. Instantly, Daanish nodded.

'Of course. Come.' Daanish gestured towards the piano. Sana smiled as she followed him.

He sat on the small stool in front of the piano and looked at Sana. She stood beside the piano and faced him.

'What tune do you want to hear?' He asked placing his palms on the keyboard.

'Anything.' Sana was clueless about music and piano and so this was the best reply she could give. Daanish nodded looking down at the keyboard. He began playing a soft tune, a tune Sana hadn't heard him play. While playing he looked at her and she smiled. He smiled back and looked down again. Sana admired his fingers that worked effortlessly over the keyboard. He got lost playing the tune. At first, Sana watched his fingers but soon got very involved in the musical tune.


'Dinner is ready.' Nadia's voice startled both Sana and Daanish. They were so lost in the music that they didn't realize that Nadia was arranging dinner and now she was done. She stood by the table and smiled widely at them. Daanish got up and looked at Sana, he gestured towards the table.


Sana nodded and looked at Nadia, - 'Let me wash my hands first.' Sana said. She was about to go but Daanish interrupted her. She was surprised when he suggested he will show her the washroom. Sana knew the place, she has seen it. Yet, she doesn't protest. She followed him. He stopped outside the washroom and looked at her. Sana was about to enter the bathroom when he interrupted her.

'Listen, Sana. Nadia has prepared most of the food, so please don't criticize it. Please.' Daanish's voice almost pleaded her. Sana blinked at him, he was so worried about upsetting Nadia. Then, she thought perhaps an upset Nadia wasn't a pleasant sight and moreover he will have to coax her. She shrugged and nodded. Daanish let out a sigh of relieve.

Sana gaped and blinked at the many dishes on the table. She was even more surprised, rather shocked when Nadia placed a bowl of salad and said she will be eating only this. Daanish didn't say anything. Apparently, he never tells her anything.

What will happen to all this? – Sana thought while scratching her chin, then her eyes widened as she realized, - Shit! Don't tell me I have to eat all this – She groaned – What does she think I am? Godzilla? – She eyed Nadia from the corner of her eyes.

Daanish pulled a chair for Sana and she got distracted. She flashed him an awkward half smile as she took her seat. He pulled a chair for Nadia as well. Sana blinked away fidgeting with cutlery when she kissed his cheek.

'Oops.' Nadia giggled pointing at his cheek. Daanish smiled wiping the lipstick mark from his cheek. Making a sour expression and tight-lipped Sana cringed as she watched them.


After Daanish and Nadia had taken their places, they began dinner.

Sana looked at all the mouthwatering dishes with hungry eyes. She couldn't decide which one should she start with. Then, she looked at Nadia and decided to eat little. She doesn't want to look like a hungry pig starving since ages.

Daanish gestured towards the food and said, - 'Come on, dig in.' He smiled. Sana nodded. She extended her hand and grabbed a Tandoori Roti. She took a spoonful of mutton gravy and a piece of mutton. She looked at Daanish. He had taken Tandoori Roti and Paneer.

Oh, Yeah. He is veg. - Sana reminded herself. She looked down at her plate and felt guilty of taking the mutton.

But if I don't take it, it will go waste. – Sana assured herself and she felt better.

As soon as Sana feed herself the first morsel, Nadia asked. 'How is the food?'

Sana looked up at Nadia, she looked back expectantly. It was as though she had been eagerly waiting for Sana to take the first bite. She hadn't even swallowed the food yet.

With her mouth full Sana looked at Daanish, who gestured with his eyes reminding her about their conversation outside the washroom. Sana looked back at Nadia, she was still looking at her with same expressions.

Sana gulped the food and nodded, - 'Yeah, it is good -- I mean it's awesome.' She answered while wiping the corner of her mouth with a tissue paper. Nadia smiled shifting in her seat and looked at Daanish. He too relaxed in his chair. Sana looked at him and suppressed a grin. Then, she looked down at the plate.

Anyway, the food is very delicious – She thought to herself. 


This is bad Daanish *facepalm* You can't be yourself around your fiance and you are too scared to upset her. This isn't a good sign, my friend *serious expressions. 

Sana and her mind-talks are cute. And She as a whole is so cute *laughs* Right, guys? So, my lovelies? How was the Chapter? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles* *flying kisses*

 And She as a whole is so cute *laughs* Right, guys? So, my lovelies? How was the Chapter? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles* *flying kisses*

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