Chapter 27| Sana Helps

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Sana tugged on the hem of her pink tank top and adjusted the elastic of her grey yoga pants while she stepped out of the elevator. Her short hair tied in a high ponytail. She adjusted the yoga mat properly under her arm and entered the room.

There were two men and five women in this session. Including Sana, there are six now. Ajith always makes sure the number of women were more than men. Sana often wonders that if its coincidence that women are more interested in yoga then men or Ajith was just being Tharki. Everyone was seated on their mats. Sana looked around and noted Ajith hasn't come yet. She found a spot, the usual one, and placed her mat neatly. She sat folding her legs and tugging them under her butt. She pushed aside her side bangs and looked ahead.

'Good morning, Sana.' An elderly greeted from beside her. Sana turned her head and smiled warmly at the woman.

'Good morning Mrs. Wilson.'

The women exchanged smiles.

'Good morning, everyone.' Ajith clapped his palms loudly and everyone was startled. His loud baritone echoed throughout the room. He walked towards the front and stood facing the room.

'Good morning.' Everyone said in unison. Sana always felt like a school kid while saying it aloud in a monotone.

He rubbed his palms together and urged people that they will begin today's sessions.


'Not like this, Sana.' Ajith said touching her upper-arm. Sana shifted little as he brushed his fingers against her skin. He moved his hand smoothly.

'Little here.' He held her hip and she shivered. Ajith's breath brushed against her earlobe. Sana wanted to shift but didn't as it will give him one more reason to inappropriately touch her. She held her breath feeling his gaze on her.

'Sir, can you help me here.' A manly voice interrupted them, and Sana breathed a sigh of relieve. Sana watched how Ajith guided the man from a distance.

Tharki- Sana twisted her lips.

'I am so frustrated. Looking for a tenant.' Wilson spoke to Ajith. Sana's ears stood up hearing the word tenant

'Hmm.' Ajith said, he sounded uninterested. Sana knew why, because Mrs. Wilson wasn't a young girl.

After the yoga session, Sana turned her head and looked at Mrs. Wilson. She stood up. Sana stood up too.

'I will help you, Mrs. Wilson.' She said politely. Wilson looked visibly surprised but doesn't say anything to her. Sana bent down and quickly folded the mat. She then folded her mat. She passed the mat to Mrs. Wilson.

'Thank you, sweetheart.' She said, and Sana nodded with a smile.

Mrs. Wilson turned and was about to leave when Sana called her, and she stopped in her tracks.

'There is something I wanted to talk to you.' Sana began. Nervously, she touched the back of her neck. Mrs. Wilson blinked at her and she continued, - 'I heard you were talking about some tenant.'

'You have someone in mind.' Mrs. Wilson sounded eager. Sana nodded happily.



Sana hurriedly climbed the stairs and nearly tripped. She huffed running through the pavement towards the nearby café. She stopped in front of one of the tables outside the cafe and quickly sat. She sighed placing her palm on her chest. As she placed her keepall bag on the table a waiter came to her.

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