Stephen Strange - Doctor Strange #2

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Probably the longest single oneshot I've ever freaking done. And probably the best one. No joke. It's super mature and adult-like. It's really passionate. (It's not a smut, btw). But the dialogue is super in depth and I feel like it really fit Stephen Strange's personality and how he would handle really intense emotions. There were so many different scenes I had to delete in this oneshot to really get out what I wanted to convey... there were about five huge deleted scenes that I had to get rid of that I was sad about, but hey, sometimes you have to erase some stuff to get to a good story. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy. I was really inspired to write this one, I hope it's not too long, haha!

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"And here we are, right on the corner of Bleecker Street, where we have witnessed yet another victory for our world's newest superhero collaborator, Doctor Strange. The hero himself is nowhere to be seen, but as you can see, the streets have suffered an array of attacks and collateral damage. At this time, none have been found dead, however, first responders believe that at least 63 have been moderately or severely injured. More information will come, but for now-"

You stopped listening and whipped out your phone to text him.

"Where are you? The news is blowing up!"

"Sanctum. Come around the back, portal will open for you."

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"Stephen?" You called into the silent sanctum as the portal closed behind you.

"Up the stairs!" You heard him call back, his voice ringing through the halls. You jogged your way up the steps, the light from the massive window greeting you as you neared the top. You can just see the recovering chaos down on the streets below: broken buildings, crashed cars, flickering flames.

"Ouch, easy! Watch it!" you heard him muttering sharply. As you climbed the last step your eyes fell on his figure, standing to the side of the window, just enough light spilling on his outline to see him. Immediately you blushed.

His cloak was levitating just behind him, trying to tend to the wounds on his bare back, while he himself was shakily and hopelessly attempting to clean one of the many cuts on his chest.

Despite the intense burn on your cheeks, you shook your head. "Honestly, you two," you speak up, stepping up to them and attracting the cloak's attention.

He gives you a quick glance, but immediately shifts his focus back to his chest, still fumbling with his hands. "Five minutes, that's a new record. You're getting pretty fast."

You cross your arms, a little annoyed. "Would've been here sooner if you'd told me you were going to be fighting aliens."

"Why, so you could worry?"

You scoff, frustrated. "So I could help you, for God's sake!"

His attention snaps back up to you and he freezes as your voice echoes through the sanctum. There's a tense silence as you glance at his hands from where you're standing; you can see they're still trembling, hovering over his wounds as he looks at you with his eyes a little wider. Despite your frustration, your heart sinks. With the state of his hands, you know he's been hurting himself more than helping himself.

By now your're more sympathetic than anything. You shake your head and step directly in front of him, gently removing his hands from his chest and taking them into your own. You study them for a moment, slowly tracing the scars from his past and examining the fresh ones. It makes your eyes sting.

You shake your head a little and look up at him, meeting his gaze that's already focused on you.

"Just let me help you," you say to him just above a whisper, your gaze shifting from one beautiful blue eye to the other.

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