Newt Scamander - Fantastic Beasts

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"My niffler... erm...." the man looked down at the creature, who was sitting upright on the desk and holding its own stomach. Its face was an abnormal shade of green for an animal of its kind. The man looked back up. "He could just use a little check-up. Maybe a few remedies I could try, if you have them."

I gave him a strange look. "Is that so? And you said your name was...?"

"Scamander. Newt Scamander."

For the first time since the man showed up at the office, I took in his appearance. Messy, swept oak brown hair, a few freckles dusted across his nose and cheeks, and hazel eyes with a look in them that any troublemaker would have. He had an appearance about him that seemed a bit untamed, but very intelligent and calculating. He wasn't anyone I'd ever met before, that's for sure. 

"You do realize that we only support approved magical creatures here, correct?"

"Yes but..." I noticed his eyes dart to the side, using quick thinking skills he undoubtedly used very frequently. He looked up again. "You said we."

"I beg your pardon?"

"We. What about you? Would you help my niffler?"

"Sir, I-"

"A simple remedy or tip? Anything... please."

He was desperate. He was just trying to care for his pet. Isn't that the kind of problem a magical creatures veterinary center supposed to address? I sighed.

"The next patient was due an hour ago but never showed... I suppose I have time."

His eyes brightened. I glance at the creature that was now eyeing my watch with its black little eyes.

"But a niffler? It's not like they're approved by the Magical Veterinary Caretaking Units. Let alone do they ever come across them because they're so rare... But... I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a look." I glanced at the creature. "May I?"

The man nodded. I scooped up the niffler in my two hands, who was a bit surprised at the approach, but quickly warmed up to the idea of being so close to my wristwatch.

"The niffler: attracted to metals, treasure, and all things with luster. Incredibly skilled at squeezing into tight spaces and picking locks..."

The man nodded, as if in disbelief. "How did you-"

I smiled. "Top of my class. I've read all I can about every creature I can... However, that isn't much on the subject of these guys," I gestured to the animal. "No one knows much about them. Not many people have even laid eyes on one... I'm not too sure that even I can help you."

Newt didn't respond. He just continued to watch nervously. I examined the blob of fur in my hands closer as it made an attempt to grab for my watch. Then, something caught my eye. It was a small line on the animal's skin where its fur was unable to grow. It was barely noticeable, as it was concealed behind one of its front legs. It seemed to be a small cut that had healed over, just barely bigger than a paper cut. The skin was tinted a slight blue, which was a dead giveaway.

"I don't supposed he's been exposed to any sort of billywig sting powder?"

Newt thought for a second. "Yes, in my briefcase, I'm afraid."

I nodded. "Quite alright. I see it a lot with other certain creatures. Some of them have a slight allergy to the substance. It's not fatal, fortunately. But exposure to it, especially while a cut heals on the animal, can produce slightly worse effects, such as sickness. That's what's happened here." I showed Newt the barely noticeable mark on his pet.

"Is there some sort of antidote?"

I shook my head. "All you have to do is let the allergy reaction run its course. He'll have symptoms similar to a human's flu but it shouldn't last long. Just keep that billywig powder away and he'll be fine." I smiled reassuringly and passed the niffler back to its owner. It turned around in my hand and made a last attempt at reaching my watch, but hung its head in failure as it was passed to Newt's hands. I laughed and looked at him.

"If you ever need any more help, you can always come back. Just as for Y/N."

He grinned. "Really?" I nodded. He patted his jacket pocket and pulled out a wallet. "How much do I owe you?"

"For a check up that quick?" I laughed. He nodded seriously. I smiled and raised an eyebrow. "I'd say, oh, I don't know... lunch, maybe?"

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