Captain Hector Barbossa - Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

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My eyes cracked open at the sound of crying in the silence of the night. I quietly let out a groan, slowly pushing myself up from the bed. I made a move to sit up and swing my legs over the side, but a pair of arms gently tugged me back down by my waist.

"I believe it'd be my turn tonight," he says, waiting for me to lie back down before pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

"Be my guest," I murmur, pulling the covers to my chin and digging my head back into the pillow. I feel his side of the bed raise as he stands before walking down the hallway.

In the nearby room I hear a few long moments of soft murmurs before the crying quiets. I let out a relieved sigh and close my eyes, trying my best to return to my peaceful sleep. However, I continue to hear Hector's muffled voice. I try my best to ignore it and slip back into subconsciousness, but, as always, curiosity wins the best of me.

As I approach the door to the next room, I can't help but eavesdrop. I lean against the open doorway and smile, listening to my husband speak softly to our daughter.

"See that? That's the North Star. It's the brightest one out of the rest, just like you."

I hear our baby let out a small giggle, making my smile widen.

"I know you'll grow up to be an amazing young woman... Smart, intelligent, ambitious... Just like your mother..." There was is a pause of silence before he continued to speak. "Carina... I have to leave soon. I know I won't be around like I should, but I know you'll do great things. You're the greatest treasure I've ever laid eyes on... If it were up to me I would have stopped looking for anything else the day you were born."

Instantly, my grin disappears. I sigh and decide to finally enter the room, crossing my arms. His head slightly lowers as my footsteps echo against the wooden floor. I stop at his side on the outside balcony and place a hand on his shoulder, gazing at the stars. I can feel his eyes trained on me, but I disregard it and continue to look up into the sky.

After a few moments of silence, I hear him turn around and walk a few paces to place Carina in her crib. Just as he returns to my side, I speak up. "When?"


Finally, I turn to him. I lean my elbow against the railing and meet his eyes.
"When do you have to leave?"

He sighs. "Much, much too soon, I'm afraid... Right now there's still too many out for my blood."

I sadly search his eyes for second. I wanted to be disappointed, angry even, but I knew, even if only deep down, he couldn't stay. Instead of replying, I simply wrapped an arm around his waist, gazing into the sky once more.

"The North Star...," I start. "They say following it will always lead you home..." I glance up at Hector, meeting his brilliant blue eyes. "But when will you actually decide to follow it?"

He sighs. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. This time he's the one who turns to look to the sky.

"Well, dear, that's exactly the thing, isn't it? A pirate's North Star always leads to the sea. A father's North Star always leads to his family's safety. Right now, those two happen to be in the same place."

I sigh and roll my eyes, resting my head against his shoulder. "Why do you have to be so damn good with words?"

His shoulders shake as he chuckles. I feel him kiss the top of my head before enveloping me with his arms into a tight embrace.

"Don't worry," he says. "I'll be back soon. I promise to both you and Carina."

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