Henry Turner (Pt. 3) - POTC: Dead Men Tell No Tales

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A/N: If you haven't read the first two parts here's what's going on: Y/N is illiterate, like many women in her town. She was found by Elizabeth taking care of herself and her brother alone. She opted for her son to give her tutoring lessons, which they have been doing for a while. Also, this one shot part has a section owned by Karan Mummigatti. I searched for a random romance story to use as a book for Y/N to read, so that part is owned by her.

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"So what've we got left, Mr. Turner?" I asked, searching for a book we hadn't yet read.

"Not sure... I think we've read the whole library by now," he joked.

"There has to be something," I say, running my finger along the many spines of books. Suddenly, I came across a red cover with golden outlines. I raised my eyebrows, pulling out the book.

"A Kiss is but a Kiss by Karan Mummigatti," I read the title aloud. I made a face. Yuck.

"I'm guessing romance isn't your thing," Henry laughed.

"All that gushy gross stuff...Why else do you think it's the only book left?"

He chuckled. "It can't be that bad, can it?"

"Oh yes it can."

"Okay, look. We've got to read something new. One chapter and we're done. That good enough for you?"

I sighed. "Fine," I huffed.

I trudged to the couch and plopped down next to Henry.

"One chapter and we're done," I say, pointing at him sternly. "If my brother sees me reading this I'll never live it down."

"I promise, it's a deal," he said, putting his hands up in defense.

I opened the book on my lap and turned to the first chapter.

"Paul looked over at the redhead by the window again. She was staring outside at the fire and white smoke that was being downed- no wait... Henry what's this word?"

I turned my head to find him much closer than I expected; it seemed he had been quietly reading along like that the entire time.

He leans in closer to see the word. "Dowsed. As in being drenched in something," he explained, pointing to the word.

My eyes shift back to him and meet his intense brown ones before I quickly dart them away. I nod and continue, very well aware of his face hovering beside mine. "Dowsed by the jets of water. She looked over at Paul and he immediately averted his gaze.

"Don't worry," the man said. "She can't see us, look all you want."

Paul reed- sorry, readily returned his gaze to the woman. She was stunning - green eyes, small button nose, sun freckled cheeks, lips gently parted in the middle. "How could I not trade?" He said without taking his eyes off her.

The man turned in the direction of Paul's gaze and looked at the woman. "She is a stone- ah, no... does that say stern? No, it looks more like stun..." I say, confusing myself. "Stun? She is a stunner?" I ask, glancing at Henry. To my surprise his attention is already trained on me.

He nods. "She is a stunner," he answers absently.

"Sorry?" I say confusedly. I wait for him to to either explain or to prompt me to read on, but instead he holds my gaze for a moment. When he doesn't turn his attention back to the book, a rush of blood floods to my cheeks.

"Something tells me you're not talking about the book character, are you?"

He takes a brief pause to search my face before cracking a playful smile. "I guess it's up to you to read between the lines and find out."

"I'm not exactly the best reader, you know," I reply, not quite sure how to respond. He smiles wider and leans closer, as if I had told him exactly what I wanted to hear.

"Then allow me to teach you," he says quietly, just before closing the gap between us, capturing my lips in his and taking me by surprise. I feel my stomach tie itself into a knot and my heart turn flips inside my chest; my cheeks grow warm and my insides melt, all at once. He kisses me gently, almost as if I'm made of glass. I instinctively close my eyes and rest a hand against his chest, carefully kissing him back. And, after a moment, I begin to relax, just as he slowly and gently pulls away.

"Interesting lesson, Mr. Turner," I say quietly, a shy yet cheerful smile spreading across my lips as we search each other's eyes.  "Seems like you got your point across."

He simply returns an equally cheerful grin, slightly crinkling the sides of his eyes, a sign he always showed when he was genuinely happy. He lightheartedly brushes his nose against mine before placing a final  kiss on my lips, this time more confident and loving than the last.

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